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Thread: Men in Black3

  1. Default Men in Black3

    We went to see Men in Black 3D tonight. We really enjoyed the movie. The story had some surprises and was a fun movie. I think you would like it. I always love the 3D movies.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Men in Black3

    never been to a 3d movie. Can't imagine trying to fit the glasses over top of my regular specs and without the regs on, I may as well knock back an obscene amount of adult beverages in short order. Me and good vision ... we haven't run in the same circles since the sixties.

  3. Default Re: Men in Black3

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    We went to see Men in Black 3D tonight. We really enjoyed the movie. The story had some surprises and was a fun movie. I think you would like it. I always love the 3D movies.
    DEFINATELY one of the big summer movies to see in a theater. Can't believe what a star Josh Brolin has become.

  4. Default Re: Men in Black3

    I wear glasses too and just put the 3D glasses over my regular glasses. After a few minutes you get pretty used to having them on and they don't feel strange. The 3D adds so much to the movie.You have to try it just once.

  5. #5
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Men in Black3

    I prefer the non-3D versions most of the time. The 3D movie is so much dimmer and it seems like most of the 3D effects are just fluff anyway and are more of a distraction. The last 3D movie I saw was Avatar.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Men in Black3

    Haven't seen this flick, but found it interesting that Sony said they'll pony up the money for the 3D glasses in theatres this time, but not to expect the same for future releases (Spider-Man 3D) -- theatres will have to pay for the glasses, which will most likely result in higher ticket prices.

    Sidenote: Wanda Group, a Chinese firm, bought AMC Entertainment this past week for $2.6B.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Men in Black3

    I can tell you from my experience, the IMAX 3-d glasses fit over my glasses quite well, and the film doesn't seem dimmer. The "Real 3D" crap glasses are not comfortable over my glasses, and the show seemed dark.

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