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Thread: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

  1. Default Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

  2. #2

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    i can't wait to see them lose the vikings... then it will be even more columns like this cause the sports writers there won't have anything else to do

  3. #3

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Honestly - that story was about a weak as they get. It wasn't even funny. The first line did sum it up though.

    A Minnesota writer recently asked Timberwolves fans not to “act like Okies,” if they ever get the chance, in the playoffs.

  4. Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Uh. If you want a city with some gang issues.. I can think of one

    Other than that, Minneapolis is definitely one of the great American cities.. lots of beautiful glass houses up there.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    I was in Minneapolis this last December. Saw a local news story about how many gun shot these mobile listening devices placed in residential areas were picking up. I think they set gun shot record that month. Now on the plus side I got to see first hand what one of these mobile devices looked like.

    I guess it must be a slow shooting day in the twin-hoods.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Minnesota has fans?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Minnesota--specifically the Twin Cities area, especially in the vicinity of Brooklyn Park (NE Minneapolis as compared to St. Paul in the area near Swede Hollow)--is nearly as scary as Kansas City around 12th Street and Vine. But not as frightening as . . . say . . . Compton. A'ite?

    However . . .
    The statement that "Timberwolves Fans" (probably Minnesotans) Don't Act Like Okies" is difficult to refute.
    In fact, based on personal observation, I am sure that it is true.

    BTW: Most of the killings you read about in the papers up there are different versions of the effects of Cabin Fever. Some are pretty bizarre. In a colder climate sorta way . . .

  8. #8

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    The writer is giving advice not drawing a comparison...Timberwolves fans, (pause) Don't act like Okies.

    The entire thing read to me like a high school mean girl who has become jealous of someone who shouldn't be as popular as she is and do to her immaturity can only react by bringing the other person (OKC) down. I mean, really? What trash.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    I think this writer ought to worry about his team getting to the playoffs before he starts handing out advice.

  10. Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Minnesota--specifically the Twin Cities area, especially in the vicinity of Brooklyn Park (NE Minneapolis as compared to St. Paul in the area near Swede Hollow)--is nearly as scary as Kansas City around 12th Street and Vine. But not as frightening as . . . say . . . Compton. A'ite?

    However . . .
    The statement that "Timberwolves Fans" (probably Minnesotans) Don't Act Like Okies" is difficult to refute.
    In fact, based on personal observation, I am sure that it is true.

    BTW: Most of the killings you read about in the papers up there are different versions of the effects of Cabin Fever. Some are pretty bizarre. In a colder climate sorta way . . .
    Wood chipper?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Okies are not current residents of Oklahoma. Okies are people who left (migrated from) Oklahoma during the 30s Dust Bowl and Depression eras.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Saw this today in the Star Tribune. Just had to laugh. Talk about ghetto - go to the Target Center and and watch a wolves game... scary down there many times.

    There are some REALLY bad parts of Minneapolis. Worse than the worst of OKC? I don't know. But we're also twice the size of OKC.

  13. Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    At least we haven't elected a pro wrestler and a comedian for elected officials, though there are a lot we have elected that aren't any better

  14. #14

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    This guy is a goober.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Sounds like a little jealously. My cousin's husband owns a newspaper in M-StP (also one here) and they're not immune to receiving their share of kidding, including an article I wrote in 2010:


  16. #16

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Not sure if anyone caught this, but here is the response.


    To my fans in Oklahoma City
    Posted by: Jim Souhan under NBA playoffs, Wolves management Updated: May 24, 2012 - 11:50 AM

    I would like to thank all of the Thunder fans who have written to me in the last couple of days. I do regret to tell you that the email address you have been using has been diverted to another person, so I haven’t actually been able to read your emails, but I thank you for your efforts.
    If you would like to send me emails that will actually make it before my eyes, please address them to Shartman@startribune.com. Thank you.

    (Note, that is one of the other StarTribune writer's email...what a funny guy...)


  17. Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    this guy is a joke

  18. #18

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    I can't believe people are getting worked up by this guy.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I can't believe people are getting worked up by this guy.
    Although I think people are over-reacting a bit... putting a piece in the paper just for the sake of trolling is ridiculous. He's trying to be cute and funny but he isn't either.

    And this coming from someone who lives in Minneapolis!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Quote Originally Posted by bretthexum View Post
    Although I think people are over-reacting a bit... putting a piece in the paper just for the sake of trolling is ridiculous. He's trying to be cute and funny but he isn't either.

    And this coming from someone who lives in Minneapolis!
    One thing is for sure, he is uneducated. The Pony Express ended in 1861, 46 years before Oklahoma became a state, and the route never came close to present day Oklahoma. It went through Nebraska, Wyoming, and Utah on its way to San Francisco.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Quote Originally Posted by bretthexum View Post
    Although I think people are over-reacting a bit... putting a piece in the paper just for the sake of trolling is ridiculous. He's trying to be cute and funny but he isn't either.

    And this coming from someone who lives in Minneapolis!

    Jim Souhan lives in Minneapolis, but he formerly wrote for the Ft. Worth paper and the Dallas Morning News. There's a ton of Texas snark in his Okie cliches.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    I thought the first article was sort of funny, and nothing to get upset about. His response however, shows his maturity, class, and intelligence (or lack thereof).

  23. #23

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    Who are the "Timberwolves" ???

  24. #24

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    The guy's article is just bad from a factual standpoint in a lot of ways. It's not like OKC is the only team printing up playoffs T-Shirts... am I misremembering or doesn't Dallas do that too? And for the most part it wasn't Kobe that we were booing... it was "Meta World Peace." Considering how obnoxious that guy is I am happy that the worst he got here was just booing.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Minnesota Writer "Timberwolves fans, don't act like OKies"

    It's not as if the T-Wolves have had much of a chance to print playoff t-shirts.....

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