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Thread: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

  1. #1

    Question Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    We've noticed firefighters collecting monetary donations at numerous intersections here in the SW OKC area. Haven't been 'stuck' at the light to ask what is the cause they are supporting. We 'thought' they usually did something around Labor Day--but is it something at Memorial Day, and they are just getting a head start?

    Anyone know?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    MDA. I think their fill the boot campaign is conducted more than once a year.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    I made sure to stop and give

  4. #4

    Default Re: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    Yes, it's MDA and this is the only time we should be collecting this year. Sometime back the decision was made that we collect in the Spring.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    Tis a good thing y'all do with your boots.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    Thanks to each of you who responded. Now that we know the cause, we'll be happy to donate! Great cause!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    It's nice having firefighters pacing up and down the medians instead of panhandlers.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Firefighters collecting for what cause?

    That is exactly what I thought yesterday at the Intersection From Hell (penn and memorial).
    I wonder . . . If someone accidentally hit and injured one of the guys walking up and down between the lanes of cars waiting for the light to change (say, because they were texting while "driving") would there be a "contributory negligence" factor involved in the settlement?

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