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Thread: Finger in your Food??

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Finger in your Food??

    This gives a whole new meaning to "finger food."

    BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A restaurant in Bloomington, Ind., said it's "very, very sorry" that one of its patrons found a piece of a human finger garnishing his burger.

    A spokeswoman for TGI Friday's said a kitchen manager accidentally cut his finger just before the meal was served, and no one noticed that a piece of flesh was missing until he got to the hospital.

    A wait staff member, unaware that the worker had lost a piece of his finger, served the plate to a customer who immediately saw the piece of finger.

    The manager at the restaurant was treated at Bloomington Hospital and lost only a small piece of his finger.

    Spokeswoman Amy Freshwater said the restaurant knows "the seriousness of this incident" and it's contacted the customer and that he had not retained an attorney as far as she knew.

    Police said they also heard from the diner, but an officer told him it's not a criminal offense.

  2. Default Re: Finger in your Food??

    That is disgusting. I'm not understaning how someone can cut off part of their finger and still serve food that was in the general vacinity of the accident.

  3. Default Re: Finger in your Food??

    That's called Dedication! or as I like to call it.. Stupidity! brought on my sudden blood loss apparently... yuk!!!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Default Re: Finger in your Food??

    Mmmmm.....finger sandwiches....just like at a tea party.

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