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Thread: Steaks!

  1. #1

    Default Steaks!

    Why do you have to drive Northside to get a high end steak? Do owners not think Southside , Moore and Norman can handle such an idea... C'mon quit making me drive so far to eat.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Steaks!

    It does stink but at least we only have to jump up to Bricktown/Automobile Alley and hit Red Prime for a high quality steak

  3. #3

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Does "high end" mean the same as "upscale"?

  4. Default Re: Steaks!

    A friend recently insisted that we meet at Mahogany and that it was far better than Red Prime or Mickey Mantle. I was unimpressed by the service (which I would liken to an Applebees) or by the steak itself (which was no different than what you would find at a much less expensive Charleston's, another HSG restaurant). Gonna have to stick w/ my feeling that the best in town is indeed found downtown at Red Prime or Mickey Mantle.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Mickey Mantle's is pretty proud of their food looking at the prices.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Steaks!

    I noticed they were selling Prime Grade Angus rib-eyes and strip steaks at the local Homeland when I was in there buying a rack of pork the other day. I think I'll go back and buy one. [Only] 18.99 a pound. With a potato, some green vegetable--maybe steamed aspargus? broccoi rabe?--some sautéed mushrooms and a little Steve Raichlen "BBQ Sauce" (2 parts. red wine, 1 part honey, 1 part balsamic vinegar--reduced to a thick consistency--some butter and some grilled cippolini onions) on the side it might approach "upscale" or "high end".

    Plus the service is excellent and I won't have to leave a 20% tip. =)

    Isn't Cusack Meats in the southern part of town?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Steaks!

    RM... what time is dinner?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Steaks!

    The Ranch steak house is the best steak I've had in OKC. Their service and wine list are both top notch and the sides they offer are sensational. If you talk to chefs in this town, they will tell you The Ranch is the best and after eating there I agree wholeheartedly.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Steaks!

    The Ranch is up in my neck of the woods. The parking lot is always nearly full. If I could bring myself to actually go to a restaurant that specializes in steak and pay those prices for something I can cook nearly as good at home, The Ranch would probably be my pick.

    (Trivia: The Ranch used to be "Good Eats Cafe"...Homestyle cookin' . . . Done well. First place I ever tasted "Tequila Lime Chicken" . . . One of the things that led to making cooking my main hobby.)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    The Ranch is up in my neck of the woods. The parking lot is always nearly full. If I could bring myself to actually go to a restaurant that specializes in steak and pay those prices for something I can cook nearly as good at home, The Ranch would probably be my pick.
    I agree.... I just can't bring myself to pay those kind of prices when I can get a good steak and cook it on the grill at home.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Ranch/Blvd/Red are all very very good .. Mickeys is just a step below

  12. #12

    Default Re: Steaks!


    (Edited to Add: The reason "high-end" steak joints don't open down around the part of town mentioned in the OP may be because the denizens of the district are notoriously frugal/bad tippers. And for a good reason. But I could be wrong. I'm still lamenting--but not very often--the disappearance of NikZ at The Top. Great Steak Diane (although Deep Fork comes close--and the Lamb Chops . . . marvelous.)

    Please do not misinterpret any of that as a plug for Kingsford/Bargain Hardwood charcoal and/or Mesquite vs. Hickory Chips. Or Weber Grills. Including The All-American "Hibatchi" for Two: The Smoky Joe (by Weber) (available at your local Big Box Home Improvement Store). All of those put too much carbon in the atmosphere. And whatnot. =)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Isn't Cusack Meats in the southern part of town?
    It's on 301 SW 12th St and it's a wholesale outlet that sells to the public. Just walk up to the door, walk in and tell them you want to purchase some meat and they will take care of you. By the way, they have a web page, google it and you will find it. It will give you an idea of what they carry, but not the actual prices that you will pay when you walk in.
    C. T.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Steaks!


    I imagine it's because of the built in clientele of the Downtown/NW side of the city. There's not the same kind of money down in Moore/Norman as there is Downtown/Nichols Hills/Gaillardia/Edmond.

    In upscale steakhouses, something like 70% of your revenue is going to come from 30% of your clientele. So you need to have: 1. A good base for upper-class, big spenders and 2. A large base for middle-class, base spenders. I don't think the Moore/Norman area meets that criteria quite yet, but I think in the next 5 years, something will pop up.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Just curious, is Cattlemen's near the top of anyone's list? My sister gave me a gift certificate and I've yet to make it down to that part of town...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    Just curious, is Cattlemen's near the top of anyone's list? My sister gave me a gift certificate and I've yet to make it down to that part of town...
    Cattlemen's is decent in a "comfort food" kind of way. The steaks are pretty good, but it's mostly a destination due to the camp factor. It is definitely not a high quality steak house. But it is a decent restaurant, and it's a pretty fun place to eat.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Steaks!

    I like Cattleman's for what it offers. But, to me, if I want a outstanding steak, I'm either going to Red Prime or The Ranch. No need to drive to Edmond or almost-Edmond to have a great steak.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Steaks!

    73159, 73160, 73170 some of the richest zip codes in the state and there all down south okc.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Steaks!

    FWIW, not sure if anybody caught the postgame interview with Westbrook on TNT, but Charles Barkley said he was coming to OKC (how about that!) and he asked Russell where he should go to get a steak. Russ told him to go to Mahogany or Mickey Mantle's.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Went to Red Prime for my birthday on Sunday. I had the 40 day aged ribeye. BEST STEAK I HAVE EVER HAD!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    FWIW, not sure if anybody caught the postgame interview with Westbrook on TNT, but Charles Barkley said he was coming to OKC (how about that!) and he asked Russell where he should go to get a steak. Russ told him to go to Mahogany or Mickey Mantle's.
    And Sir Charles showed his ignorance again when he asked if we were claiming Mickey Mantle now. LOL

  22. #22

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    FWIW, not sure if anybody caught the postgame interview with Westbrook on TNT, but Charles Barkley said he was coming to OKC (how about that!) and he asked Russell where he should go to get a steak. Russ told him to go to Mahogany or Mickey Mantle's.
    Apparently Russell hasn't been the Ranch!

  23. #23

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    Just curious, is Cattlemen's near the top of anyone's list? My sister gave me a gift certificate and I've yet to make it down to that part of town...
    If you need to be able to select from various crusts or have truffle butter or other high end options, then Cattlemen's isn't the steak for you. If you like good steak done simple and tasty, you'll enjoy it.

    If you are way more the former than the latter, get a hold of me via private message. I'll gladly work out a swap with you, your gc for several restaurant.com certificates to various places in the metro. win-win.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Apparently Russell hasn't been the Ranch!
    I have and I liked the food at both places, and prices were comparable. What formed my opinion was the stuffiness at the Ranch. I called the Ranch and asked if jeans were allowed (weeknight) and they said no. Of course the minute I walked in I saw a man in jeans enjoying his steak. Mickey Mantle's welcomed me in jeans and I just enjoyed the atmosphere much more at MM's. I've only been there about five or six times but the food has always been excellent as well as the service and they are a upscale restaurant with a little down home attitude. Just my opinion among friends.
    C. T.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Steaks!

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I have and I liked the food at both places, and prices were comparable. What formed my opinion was the stuffiness at the Ranch. I called the Ranch and asked if jeans were allowed (weeknight) and they said no. Of course the minute I walked in I saw a man in jeans enjoying his steak. Mickey Mantle's welcomed me in jeans and I just enjoyed the atmosphere much more at MM's. I've only been there about five or six times but the food has always been excellent as well as the service and they are a upscale restaurant with a little down home attitude. Just my opinion among friends.
    C. T.
    Usually in cases like these, someone spoke out of ignorance and out of protocol. None of the OKC prime steakhouses enforce dress code.

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