Maybe because Calvin is not a woman? Maybe because it's intentionally degrading? Or maybe just because it's not Wayne Coyne who resembles something some people are afraid of?How is this different from people walking around in t-shirts that show Calvin peeing on a Texas Longhorn?
If you're kids are young enough, they would probably be the least offended. Before a certain age, they don't know that the human body and its functions are disgusting and offensive to people. They have to be told that.If he put the sign up, would I still walk my kids down there?
Actually, I think you can run down to the Home Depot and buy some "peeing" fountains. Some are not offended so long as it is mass produced.I go to Italy a lot. I have seen many depictions of small boys / cupids peeing in a fountain. I suppose that is offensive. LOL. Who needs those depictions from stoned out musicians, right?
I'm pretty sure Wayne is totally clean and has been for some time. He really wasn't ever known as a big psychedelics user from what I hear (all third party stuff though). I met him at a party once and didn't even have a beer. Now, Steve Drozd, that was another story, but again, he's clean now.If you take as much acid as Wayne probably has, your own head is going to be pretty interesting.
I really like some of the stuff the Lips have done and their shows are a ton of fun, but the vast majority of it I am uninterested in. I'm not a huge fan of his visual art and, from what they'll show of it, this piece is just kind of blah to me. It's a woman peeing. So? Anyone could have predicted that people here would freak out about it, but really... it's a woman peeing. If anything, the only thing making it effective as art is how illuminating the reaction of some people is. She's going wee-wee and all of a sudden we have a media circus with people demanding the artist's exile from Oklahoma. To that, I have to give it up to Wayne. He took something that is not inherently offensive, something everyone does multiple times a day, something that is not amoral or religiously prescribed against, something that is absolutely necessary for life and incorporated it in a piece of art that does not attack, demean, or even criticize a single group or individual and, yet, it has offended a boat load of people who have reacted with anger and hate that leads them to personally ridicule an individual and ask for his removal from their community.... all because she's naked and going tinkle... it's actually pretty funny.
without the media feeding the fire of contraversy.. this probably would be shrugged off by most folks.
much ado about nothing.
Since Wayne has already had a run in with the city over permits...does anyone know if he was required to get and/or did get a permit for the paint job on the building? If he keeps pushing buttons, the city will probably keep pushing back.
As far as lights go, plug in string lights are considered temporary lighting. The AHJ can make you take them down after a time period. I think 90 days is the limit and I know that's been enforced at least in one commercial location, since I heard a city electrical inspector talking about doing so.
The code on Murals:
9350.46. Murals (59-8250.16).
A. Murals shall be considered a conditional use in all zoning districts, except the HP District.
B. Murals, which are to be located in a special zoning district, or proposed to be affixed to public structures, shall be approved by the appropriate board and/or commission.
C. Murals shall not be allowed in the BC District unless said mural meets the definition of Artistic Graphics.
D. Murals shall be submitted to the Arts Commission for review and comment. Those murals that require approval from a special board and/or commission shall obtain said approval following submittal of said Mural to the Arts Commission.
E. Murals that extend beyond or project above the vertical or horizontal line of any wall onto which the mural is painted or affixed shall be appropriately attached so as to not create a safety hazard to the public.
F. Murals shall not create a public safety issue, such as a distraction to drivers.
G. Applications for a mural permit shall be submitted to the Public Works Department on an approved application form accompanied by the following information:
(1) Site plan showing the lot and building dimensions, and indicating the proposed location of the mural.
(2) Scale drawing and color photo of the building showing proposed size and placement of the mural.
(3) Colored drawings of the proposed mural.
(4) Proposed maintenance schedule.
(5) An affidavit signed by the property owner giving permission to place the mural on the building.
(6) A statement by the applicant indicating said applicant waives any VARA rights.
H. Applicants for a mural permit shall not be required to be a licensed sign contractor.
I. Such application shall be accompanied by the fee established in Chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2010, as amended. Such fee shall be used to defray the expense of processing the mural application and shall be nonrefundable, regardless of the action taken on the application.
The peeing woman sign may be a little tacky, but at least it's not a Thunder banner.
Love it.
It says that even in the middle of the buckle of the Bible belt, we are still free to express ourselves through art.
Spartan - This is what I was really (poorly evidently) trying to get across. It's more of a seasonal deal. In the summer, with all the extra hours of daylight, they just look goofy. I have only seen his building during the daylight hours, so I don't know if he lights them year round.
What happened to the Nazi...???
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