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Thread: Meta World Peace hits Harden

  1. #1

    Thunder Meta World Peace hits Harden

    The announcers said the the blow to Harden's by Meta World Peace was unintentional. While, Meta World Peace was ejected from the game, Harden could not return and he was having a big game. As you now know, The Thunder lose that game in double overtime.

    If Harden would have been able to play in the second half, I think with the big game he was having, he become the go to guy in the fourth quarter when D&W were in a shooting slump. The Result is the Thunder would have won the game.

    The point here is, I wonder if the blow was really unintentional. Maybe it was, however, let's examine it more closely. The Thunder have owned the Lakers since the end of last season. Not only that but the Lakers are in a must win situation to keep from possibly dropping down to the 5th seed for the playoffs which means they would have to go on the road in the first round. Meta World Peace is a role player and not a main scorer. He also has been the most controversial person on the team. So,he does the dirty work to ensure that the Lakers have a chance to win and make it look unintentional. He takes the heat for the team and it will be publicized for a couple of days and forgotten and the Lakers get their win.

    I wonder how the Lakers will respond to the media questions.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    It was clearly intentional...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    It was not unintentional. If it had been, he would have turned back to see who he hit and if he was doing OK. The announcers said he would have felt someone in that location prior to throwing the elbow and they noted he followed through, which you also wouldn't do with an unintentional hit. Players generally elbow when they've got the ball and they're trying to keep someone from stealing it. Their elbows are lower than Artest's was as well.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Harden was right there next to him. Maybe he didn't see who it was, but no way did he not know that someone was there. And like some of the half-time announcers pointed out, he didn't stop when he connected. He followed through. Metta World Piece-of-s***.

    As for how they will respond, just like the coach did. "I didn't see it." Even though you know darned well he watched it at half-time.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    The elbow was far from unintentional, he raised his arm well above his shoulder to swing the elbow

  6. #6

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    MWP? His name is Ron Artest and even though he "changed his name" it still doesn't change his psychological makeup....which is the fact that he is an unhinged nut job. Of course it was intentional, coming from Artest it didn't surprise me at all.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    There goes his playoffs. Should be remainder of the season for Over the Hill Peace

  8. #8

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    MWP? His name is Ron Artest and even though he "changed his name" it still doesn't change his psychological makeup....which is the fact that he is an unhinged nut job. Of course it was intentional, coming from Artest it didn't surprise me at all.
    This x10000

    No lame name change can alter the makeup of someone involved in this.....

    Since we're now a likely second seed, we'll probably play the Lakers second round. I would love to see Mr. Artest back playing with the Lakers by then. Can you image the warm Okie welcome he'll receive at the 'peake!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    I'd like to see the rules changed so that such an incident would immediately terminate the game, or alternatively simply reset the offender's team's score to zero in addition to suspension of the offender for the next 12 months from the date of the offense. I'm sure that such draconian penalties would induce coaches and managers to be equally draconian toward offenders...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    I've been mad at players if they get hot and light up the team I'm rooting for but I still respect them as players but when Ron Ron did that I got mad and lost any bit of respect I had for him before which wasn't much. I don't know why they haven't kicked this head case out of the league yet.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Per Darnell Mayberry @ the Oklahoman, Harden confirmed with a concussion. He's probably done for the remainder of the season.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    I honestly want know why Artest can't be arrested for that. That was a low-class, b.s. move. He deserves to be suspended for the playoffs and much of next season.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    At the very least, he should be suspended for the equal time Hardin is unable to play.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    I hope he gets suspended the 1st two games or more in the 1st round of the playoffs. That was extremley intentional. Everyone who goes to Thunder game on tuesday vs the Kings, we need to give Harden a standing O.. If he plays.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    And if he has a serious condition, how come players cant sue other players for stuff like this?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    A good take on this.

    The NBA should suspend World Peace indefinitely, see how many games (if any) Harden will miss, then tack on two to that number. Especially since we just witnessed a case study in Harden's value to the Thunder.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Metta World Violence should be suspended for at least 5 games. Hopefully Harden can come back in time for the playoffs, but it doesn't look like it. I guess a silver lining to this is that the Thunder posted a 18 point lead without Harden, only to collapse in the 4th quarter. But it does show we can still compete without him. I am glad the next two games for the Thunder have no real implications, so these next two games will be good ones for Harden to miss.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Ron 'Cheap Shot Artist' should be suspended without pay for the rest of the Lakers season. Has been, and always will but nothing more than a classless thug.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    I'd like to see the rules changed so that such an incident would immediately terminate the game, or alternatively simply reset the offender's team's score to zero in addition to suspension of the offender for the next 12 months from the date of the offense. I'm sure that such draconian penalties would induce coaches and managers to be equally draconian toward offenders...
    This is some of the most brilliant "common sense"--to remedy what should be an intolerable situation--that I've ever encountered. Thank you.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Didn't Perk get a technical during the previous Lakers/Thunder game for raising his elbow after a rebound even though it didn't even make contact with Gasol?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Per Darnell Mayberry @ the Oklahoman, Harden confirmed with a concussion. He's probably done for the remainder of the season.
    Do you just say stuff for shock value or do you just not care if you have any credibility? This post is pure stupidity. A concussion does not mean you're done for the season. Don't post unless you have knowledge about something.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    There goes his playoffs. Should be remainder of the season for Over the Hill Peace
    He will not be suspended for the rest of the season. I am hoping for 5 games.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Hopefully Harden can come back in time for the playoffs, but it doesn't look like it.
    Are you guys just making stuff up?!? The worst case scenario is that Harden is done. The best case scenario is that he is ready to go this week. Are you just randomly guessing about the extent of his concussion or are you just being dramatic?

  24. Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    IM going to go with dramatic. He was allowed to fly home, which is a big deal because if it was serious he would have to stay behind. But my hunch says he doesn't play against Sac or maybe Denver, just to make sure the cobwebs are gone.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Meta World Peace hits Harden

    Quote Originally Posted by KilgoreTrout View Post
    Do you just say stuff for shock value or do you just not care if you have any credibility? This post is pure stupidity. A concussion does not mean you're done for the season. Don't post unless you have knowledge about something.
    Sheesh, chill out. When I said rest of the season, I meant the last 2 remaining games. He'll probably be back for the playoffs. Maybe I should have said regular season.

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