Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
I'm not going to get into a long detailed conversation with you about this and I'm not minimzing anything. When I said diversified I was referring more to multiple other oil and and gas related businesses that would help take up any slack. And yes, I think their buildings would fill up within a year if they went under.

As for being an abstract discussion, unless it happens it is abstract and I firmly believe it won't happen.

It would be a blow but it would be one that would in no way devastate OKC. We are hardly a one company town.
I hope you're right about this, and mostly that you're right that CHK won't be bought or go under. That said, the most estimable postulation you make is that CHK's real estate holdings would magically be taken over by other interests. I ask, who? This isn't garden-variety corporate real estate, this is a bizarre campus setting that includes a failing retail development. Have you actually tallied the amount of real estate holdings they have and what impact this would have on the commercial real estate community? It would be an unmitigated disaster.