Like usual, Spartan is off base...100%.

FYI - Penn Square is also the most profitable mall per square foot, in the entire U.S. So if you think it's going anywhere any time soon, you're nuts. On top of that, the expansion plans they have will SIGNIFICANTLY increase their square footage and add more box space. So if anything, they're are gonig to be doing even better soon. If they had the land, they'd qualify for Galleria size status. They simply can't squeeze enough parking garage in to make it happen on that land footprint and they're boxed in.

And if you dont' consider it upscale, fine, thats an opinion. I don't personaly consider it upscale if you're comparing it something like what 50 Penn USED to be. Do I care though? Not in the least bit. It's a nice mall and you can't argue against that. It's got nice stores in it and the environment is nice. What more do you need?