Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
He played his 'fiddle' all the way to a $750 million dollar investment in OKC....... could have taken that somewhere else...
Not to derail the thread but do you realize what you are saying with this comment? You seem to be making the case that the City is for sale to the highest bidder and that doing so is okay.

Plutocracy (from Ancient Greek ploutos, meaning "wealth", and kratos, meaning "power, rule") is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth.

1. the rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy.
2. a government or state in which the wealthy class rules.
3. a class or group ruling, or exercising power or influence, by virtue of its wealth.

Also, Devon Tower was an investment in Devon Energy. The building belongs to them and they use it to run THEIR business. I wonder how many people in OKC would feel if the urban core had the same type of voting system Central London has.