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Thread: Attorney Needed

  1. #1

    Arrow Attorney Needed

    I am in search of an Estate law firm/attorney that practices law in the OKC metro area. Wills, estates, trust, litigation of such, etc.

    This attorney or firm MUST be able to use and communicate via email. I have found that none of the local firms I've tried to contact via contact form on web site(s) will return an email or respond at all.

    I am not located in the OKC area, hence the reason I need a firm that knows how to communicate electronically if needed.

    Any recommendations would be highly appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    No attorneys are on this board? I'd figure at least one in private practice posts here and would know of a good Estate law firm or attorney.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    I'm afraid that I don't understand your insistence on using email. Is that an exclusive requirement, i.e., they cannot communicate with you by any other means? Ever - including the initial consultation? I'm no lawyer, but I wouldn't accept such a client who I knew only through emails and perhaps a phone call or two.

    Having said that, I have used a lawyer in another state for real estate matters (purchase, sale, title work, refinancing - the whole shebang) and we have never met, but he's done my work in that state for several years. We met through a family member who referred him to me.

    Ask a friend of yours for a recommendation, and perhaps that "one degree of separation" will do the trick. Good luck!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    I'm an attorney who communicates with several clients by email. None exclusively though. Such a request would smell like a returned scam or somesuch other nonsense.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    With respect, I'm not seeing anything that suggests email communication would be the exclusive mode of contact. Rather, the OP indicated he has contacted a few firms via their contact pages and no one had gotten back to him via electronic format 'or respond at all.'

    Perhaps I've read it wrong, but that's how I read it. Don't wish to knock anyone, and do not know who he has contacted, but sheesh, if someone sets up a website with a contact form, it seems a tad off there would not be some type of return contact effort made, even if it was only a simple, sorry, we only accept representation for in state clients.

    Good luck to the OP in any event. I know folks in the field, but I don't know you, nor your needs, nor do you know me. In those circumstances, a completely blind rec would be of no more use to you than if you simply flip open the yellow pages to that segment of the attorney listings.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    Attorneys charge by the hour and they love to hear themselves speak. I have my doubts that you will find a good attorney who will take you up on your offer unless you put them on retainer.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    Attorneys charge by the hour and they love to hear themselves speak. I have my doubts that you will find a good attorney who will take you up on your offer unless you put them on retainer.
    Based upon my 30 years of experience in using attorneys, I'd say you don't know what you're talking about. If you're going to malign a profession, do it with facts.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    I'd have no problem speaking via phone, that's not a disqualification here guys. I am NOT in the OKC area and it's not realistic for me to fly in just to meet face to face.

    I have no problem speaking over the phone with anyone, there's no scam here. The venue is OKC, not where I am at, if that makes sense. I need representation where the estate is located, which again, is OKC.

    I'm looking for legal counsel that uses technology to keep the process moving, as in emailing documents, replies, etc. I work with several attorneys here in my locale and we communicate via phone, email, whatever medium is most appropriate. I have found that most attorneys and/or firms in the OKC metro who have a web site do not even bother to check their contact form for their own web site. I find it a little troubling that they have a web presence, but do not use it when a potential client tries to reach out to them.

    I hope that makes a little more sense. As someone who grew up in OKC, I've always known the local folk folks to be helpful and honest. Again, any recommendations would be very much appreciated.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Attorney Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    With respect, I'm not seeing anything that suggests email communication would be the exclusive mode of contact. Rather, the OP indicated he has contacted a few firms via their contact pages and no one had gotten back to him via electronic format 'or respond at all.'
    You are 100% correct, Kevin. No where did I post that email contact would be exclusive. Whomever jumped to that conclusion, did just that; jumped to a conclusion based on their own inferences.

    Perhaps I've read it wrong, but that's how I read it. Don't wish to knock anyone, and do not know who he has contacted, but sheesh, if someone sets up a website with a contact form, it seems a tad off there would not be some type of return contact effort made, even if it was only a simple, sorry, we only accept representation for in state clients.
    I agree 100%, but to be honest it's the norm, not the exception. When I contacted any firm via their web site contact form, I included my email addy, phone # and address along with a description of why I was contacting them for legal assistance. Out of 10 firms I emailed, **one** replied. No kidding, I was shocked. I do see the internet is alive and well in the OKC metro, but perhaps businesses as a whole are still a little behind the times in the Land of the Red Man.

    Good luck to the OP in any event. I know folks in the field, but I don't know you, nor your needs, nor do you know me. In those circumstances, a completely blind rec would be of no more use to you than if you simply flip open the yellow pages to that segment of the attorney listings.
    That is in essence what I did, except I used google.com instead of the Yellow Pages. I figured if the firm was listed in Google (which means they have a decent web presence) then they should be able to respond to their own contact form. Sadly, that does not seem to be the case.

    Fortunately, I have since located legal counsel that has no problem using technology for communicating when appropriate. At least there's one out there!! And, that is all I need at this point in time.

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