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Thread: Water could wash away part of Edmond history

  1. Default Water could wash away part of Edmond history

    Water could wash away part of Edmond history

    Ali Meyer Reporting KFOR-TV

    March 30, 2012

    EDMOND, Okla. -- Before the land run of 1889, Edmond was known simply as "mile marker 103." Rail was the artery that brought life to this town. Frank Mosier and Willie Davis were laying the tracks one September day when they got into a scuffle...

    The Right of Way Graves

    Given how no one seems to care about such things, I can see this vanishing along with many other things.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Water could wash away part of Edmond history

    No one cares, and yet here you are posting about it and there they are posting a news story about it. It sounds like there are plenty who car about it on at the Edmond historical society.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Water could wash away part of Edmond history

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    No one cares, and yet here you are posting about it and there they are posting a news story about it. It sounds like there are plenty who car about it on at the Edmond historical society.
    I think you miss understood the point... UnFrSaKn was basically stating something should be done about this however, people will likely see it is no major concern.

    We already neglect ever other thing that has historical value because it does not fit in with today's beliefs and trends. Were not that far away from the idea of "Who cares about the resting places of the dead, clear the place out and build a Starbucks or a new housing development."

    Even though we may not agree with the happenings of the past we should still preserve it for the sake of keeping the lessons of the past etched on our memories forever.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Water could wash away part of Edmond history

    I will say I had never heard of it - interesting story. I agree you should preserve the past but certainly if like me, people don't know about it, it is pretty hard to generate a care factor and monetary support.

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