This looks like the right website; not sure why the other one was shown on the rendering:
Keri White is the owner.
This looks like the right website; not sure why the other one was shown on the rendering:
Keri White is the owner.
Some of the gallery photos are of residences in Deep Deuce aren't they?
Anyone know how the food is at the Urban Wine Works in the Plaza District
Not a lot of reviews yet on but they are very positive:
Maybe that is why work stalled
Looks like a great addition.
My only concern (based off the logo above) is that it will be a duplicate of Saints. On the other hand, my wife spoke to a local business owner in the Plaza at length the other day. His understanding is that it will be more of a cafe/sandwich shop.
I like Saints. It's a cool place, but it tends to give off a "hipsters only" vibe. What the Plaza really needs a bistro/cafe with broad appeal. A type of place where I can sit on the patio and drink coffee at 7am on a Saturday morning while reading my ipad. A type of place where I can walk in a grab a delicious sandwhich to go at lunch. A type of place where I can catch a local band playing on weekend evenings and drink a beverage of my choice. A place to meet people and talk. A neighborhood hub and crossroads for folks of all persuasions. Most importantly, a place where where my two little girls feel as welcome as I do.
I dont think Saints has a "hipsters only Vibe", I've been there a couple time recently and, being a non-hipster, was definitely in the minority but I was made to feel right at home. That being said, if your afraid of hipsters (which is understandable) then Plaza is probably just the wrong neighborhood.
I think you might have misunderstood a couples of points I stated in my previous post.
I think Saints is a great asset to the neighborhood and a cool place but it is clearly geared towards a certain cultural subset.
Also, hipsters are far more amusing than scary. People watching in the Plaza is the best.
At any rate, the main point of my post is not to disparage Saints (like I said, cool place), but to speculate/dream about what this new restaurant could be.
Maybe the Plaza District doesn't need to be a "family friendly" place like everywhere else in OKC. Maybe it's niche is to be a place for people to go where there are not going to be a bunch of kids around. Maybe it's going for the hip/hipster vibe. Just throwing that out there...
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
I agree.. I am not a Family hater by any means. but not every destination in the world has to be family friendly. I like the way the plaza district is progressing.. I am not a hipster but enjoy the atmosphere of the district and am happy to see new businesses open. The mule does sound a lot like Saints, however I think the area can support a similar business but hope they do carve out thier own niche.
This photo is from their website... It seems they are working hard to specifically cultivate the hipster vibe; the photo is even titled "cool kids":
Yet another Plaza project; this a renovation/expansion of an existing restaurant:
Pete, that is probably a tongue-in-cheek inside joke to a certain extent. The photo shows the director of the Main Street Program along with a couple of the retailers. It may be a little bit hipster down there, but they are all good peeps.
Before we start down a long road here, I think we can agree that the district can continue to cultivate it's eclectic / artsy image while also being a friendly and welcoming place.
They are clearly doing a lot of things right because they have some great momentum going.
Lol. Those folks are hardly "hipsters".
Hipsters aren't bad people, it's just a particularly annoying fad (to me). I guess I'm just getting to be an old man.
On a roll. This will be a very successful project, I think. Not only can it draw from the Guatemalans in that area, but it also contributes to what could potentially be a quality restaurant mix fairly soon--the maturation of the Plaza District.
And I think Plaza should stick with its hipster roots.
You shall be our Anthony Bourdain! No, hipsters have to live, eat, work somewhere too. The problem with hipsters is by definition they squash the "hipness". It is really an oxymoronic term imhop. But then again, I'm a dirty land-locked surfer skating to transit meetings.
Really should be boxed in a crate and shipped to SF or Portland to help keep OKC a fam friendly zone.
Looks like they are getting rid of the full market that they currently have in the front and going with just a restaurant.
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