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Thread: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

  1. Default Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    Wondering if anyone here has ever had to do this and could help me with the requirements.

    The group I volunteer with that helps young women in OKC get out of prostitution and sex-trafficking has a 19 year old they are helping right now. She is in dire need of her birth certificate and a state ID (not a driver's license).

    She was born in Oklahoma. She has never had a driver's license but claims to have had a state ID years ago. I was on hold with the Division of Vital Records for 42 minutes and had to hang up.

    Seems she needs a birth certificate to get and ID and an ID to get her birth certificate. How does she go about doing this if she has neither and has no legal job with which to provide a pay stub or other identifying documents?

    I've been looking online but have not found the answer. I know this has to come up all the time, but I'm bot finding my answer.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    I know in Nebraska I filled out a form and mailed it to the State, along with the fee and several weeks later I got my BC. This was quite a while ago though.

  3. Default Re: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    You've probably looked at this and my guess is it would be hard for her to meet any of these requirements. It's a real Catch-22. Good luck, Brian, and good on 'ya for helping this girl.

  4. Default Re: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    I was able to get help from the owner of a tag agency. The girl is still on file with DPS and DPS even has a copy of her birth certificate in their records (didn't know they did that). They are going to assist her getting her ID tomorrow so she can then get a certified copy of her birth certificate and a social security card.

  5. Default Re: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I was able to get help from the owner of a tag agency. The girl is still on file with DPS and DPS even has a copy of her birth certificate in their records (didn't know they did that). They are going to assist her getting her ID tomorrow so she can then get a certified copy of her birth certificate and a social security card.
    There you go! She probably would have had a very hard time getting that all figured out on her own. You're a good guy, Brian.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    Good job!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I was able to get help from the owner of a tag agency. The girl is still on file with DPS and DPS even has a copy of her birth certificate in their records (didn't know they did that). They are going to assist her getting her ID tomorrow so she can then get a certified copy of her birth certificate and a social security card.
    Good news and good job

  8. #8

    Default Re: Getting a birth certificate/State ID

    The question has been answered but will throw in my experience. A few years back I misplaced my D.L. and went to get a replacement. This was after 9/11 and apparently stricter laws were in place. To get a replacement D.L., according to the huge poster on the wall, the ID they wanted was...wait for it...my D.L.

    Ummmm, if I had my D.L., I wouldn't be there needing a replacement, now would I?

    Other acceptable forms of ID were birth certificates, court documents etc. I didn't have any of those either so tried going to the hospital where I was born (I live across the street) and was told they don't have those records, they are al at the State. Went down to someplace along 23rd and what do they want as a primary form of ID to get your Birth Certificate? Yep, your D.L.. I explained what was going on and they said that all I needed to do was get someone who has a D.L. to vouch for me. I asked if I could just grab a stranger off the street and as lng as they had a D.L., that would be ok? They said it would! I told them that was absurd but I didn't need to do that as my dad was with me and they thought I was trying to pull a fast one or something as we have the same name (only difference is, I am the "II"). Once we got that cleared up, I paid the fee and got my Birth Certificate and was able to get my D.L. replacement. About a week after doing all of that, I found my misplaced D.L.

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