I wanted to post and see what peoples ideas were for a MAPS 4. With all the great things the program has done for the city it will only be a matter of time after the current MAPS is finished that a MAPS 4 will happen. I really think with all the progress we've made as a city and the current momentum we're only it will really be something that propels us into the future as a city on the rise.
One idea I really like is to build a large multipurpose/football stadium somewhere downtown. Maybe near the new central park on some of the land between the new I-40 crosstown and the old I-40. With a world class stadium it would put us as one of the first in line for a team that moves or if the NFL expands. I really believe an NFL team here would SHOOT us into becoming a world class city. Can you imagine! Thunder AND the NFL!? There are currently 10 NFL cities with a metro population of 2 million or less (already larger then 4 of those.) By the time a MAPS 4 would be passed we would be well over 1.5 million in our metro and with tulsa and the rest of the state thrown it we would be able to support it no problem. Plus it would bring in SO much money into our economy. Just something I would throw out there.
What other ideas does everyone have for a MAPS 4?