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Thread: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

  1. Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    ^^ This was good for a nice laugh right before bed.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Metro's inability to maintain a civil and logical conversation is fairly stunning. He is pretty typical of an embarrassing, intolerant Oklahoman.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    It's not a publicity stunt. It's an opportunity to stand here and stare down the idiots in the Republican Party and all the other lying nitwits who have been claiming to everyone who will listen that he has "shut down" domestic drilling. This is a total lie, which Republicans do frequently, allowing followers like yourself to carry the water for them.

    More oil and gas have been drilled under Obama than multiple previous presidents, and yet the lie continues. Read the garbage that people like Krauthammer write and listen to the whiny BS our monosyllabic imbecile of a governor puts out. It's garbage.

    And Obama is bigger than all of them: Nichols, McClendon, Fallin, and the absolute fascist tea party nuts in our State Legislature. And while Fallin is goofing off in Puerto Rico, Obama will stand in front of them on live TV and dispel the BS lies that have been said repeatedly about his energy policy.

    It's a shame the Oklahoman operates as a PR mouthpiece for our Oily City Fathers, but the only thing they're upset about is Obama is about to cut off the corporate welfare tax giveaway they've been feasting on.

    The only Republican public official we have in Oklahoma with an ounce of class is Mick Cornett.
    As always, you lead by example when it comes to tolerance of differing opinions. It's amazing how much unity between parties and belief systems Obama has built in this country in just 3 short years.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Regarding Fallin, she's out of state on state business (Obamas publicity stunt was scheduled last minute, Fallin had business scheduled in advance for OUR interests not for Obamas re-election stunts), something Obama does too frequent.
    Maybe not, metro. Where did you get your information?

    Fallin travels

    to Puerto Rico

    Gov. Mary Fallin and her family are spending the next few days on vacation in Puerto Rico, the governor's office said Friday. She and her husband, Wade Christensen, and some of their children made the trip. They will return Thursday. The governor and her family flew on commercial flights, which they paid for themselves, the governor's office said.

    Read more: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-state-cap...#ixzz1poapxtHX

  5. #30

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    As always, you lead by example when it comes to tolerance of differing opinions. It's amazing how much unity between parties and belief systems Obama has built in this country in just 3 short years.
    Give me a break. Quit acting so put upon. The Republicans said from day one their only goal for our country was a failed Obama presidency, and they've worked with him on nothing. Meanwhile, they continue to question his parentage, citizenship, religion, etc. Don't even begin to talk about tolerance or decency, because you're going along with this if you're not decrying it, and I don't hear you decrying it. And I don't regret any of my comments about our classless state leaders, because they are true.

    Eventually, Okies will wake up after Fallin passes her tax cut and we'll no longer have OETA, State Parks, Roads and Bridges, we'll welch on our Medicare payments, and our property tax payments will be sky high and wonder what happened. Of course, by then, we will have passed a menagerie of religious-based laws (we already have). Do you think our legislature represents your views? Is Sally Kern the kind of role model we want the rest of the nation to follow?

    Do you see the tripe that Mike Reynolds introduces on the floor bashing gays?

    These people are nuts. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    I think that the KOCO Weatherteam suggested to Members of State Government that it might rain and they opted to stay home and watch the events on television.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Wasn't much of Obama's stimulus spent on energy-related projects, including CNG? Every major city in this state and the US received money to choose and implement their own energy-related projects. I'm guessing most invested some in alternative fuels such as CNG vehicles, etc. This was a catalyst for millions of private funds being spent on CNG infrastructure, right?

  8. #33

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Why is it that political conversation rarely stay on topic and devolve into personal attacks and mock surprise that the other side is being so hostile? I guess this is why the politics board is kind of hidden.

  9. Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    LC.tv has nothing to do with my political stances and comments, ...Heck, it's not Jeremiah Wright or Al Sharpton.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    I'm glad Mayor Mick respects the office, and sad our state leaders do not. A presidential visit is an honor even if you don't like the person in office. Are our state leaders so scared that someone will take a film of them shaking Obama's hand. At least Coburn can be civil and completely disagree with Obama. I am totally disgusted by the behavior of our state leaders, and think Fallin should have taken a stay-cation in Oklahoma.

  11. #36

  12. #37

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    OUCH! The Journal Record slams state leaders for presidential snub.
    That was pretty good.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    LC.tv has nothing to do with my political stances and comments, nor does the church preach any politics from the pulpit (ala Nancy Pelosi's request depending on her agenda of the day). Heck, it's not Jeremiah Wright or Al Sharpton.
    You mean black?

  14. #39

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by ABryant View Post
    I'm glad Mayor Mick respects the office, and sad our state leaders do not. A presidential visit is an honor even if you don't like the person in office. Are our state leaders so scared that someone will take a film of them shaking Obama's hand. At least Coburn can be civil and completely disagree with Obama. I am totally disgusted by the behavior of our state leaders, and think Fallin should have taken a stay-cation in Oklahoma.
    From what I gathered from the first article I read about Obama's visit, Fallin was already on the flight out of the country when she heard Obama was coming. Maybe she would have changed her plans if she had received some prior notice? Who knows?

  15. #40

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward are all very smart men.

    They all understand the economics of what would help our state and nation the most.
    Yes they would benefit greatly but then so would we.
    They have a more advanced understanding of fundamental economics and energy than Obama & Chu.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward are all very smart men.

    They all understand the economics of what would help our state and nation the most.
    Yes they would benefit greatly but then so would we.
    They have a more advanced understanding of fundamental economics and energy than Obama & Chu.
    I'm willing to bet Dr. Steven Chu knows more about energy than McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward. You're right about one thing ... they would benefit greatly

  17. #42

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    I love all the outrage on both sides. All the embarrasment over this and that. Drama drama

    Good lord people. Get a grip.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    An iterview last night from the THIRD person in charge for the state (some dude from Sapulpa, don't know his name), said the state was NOT requested for or at arrival by the Presidential envoy. FWIW

  19. #44

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    How come Fallin is constantly vacationing all around the world when she asked Oklahomans to stay-cation in Oklahoma? If she was a Democrat, conservative Oklahomans would be calling her an elitist, but since she's a Republican she can do whatever she wants (just like how Bush didn't called a socialist for Medicare part D and increasing debt and spending).

  20. #45

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Anyone else worn completely slick by our whiny billionaire oil barons mad at Barack because he's had the audacity to point out the preposterous tax credits we give them to help meet the payroll I guess so Aubrey can still afford the vintage wine collection. Ok owes them $300 million- sure Mary has that under a mattress somewhere. They've already turned the old homwtown into their personal fiefdom, razing grand classic structures for their tasteless nouveau riche fantasies, slapped their name all over publically funded projects- do we really need a *&%$#@! Devon footbridge over the canal. OKC has become a souless corporate blandishment.
    Glad the mean-spirited narcissitic birdbrain wasn't in town to meet Barack. She'd no doubt have said something stupid to embarrasses us all.
    OKC did indeed receive stim funds to improve transport in the city. Progressive towns Tulsa and Norman spent all theirs on sweet new clean CNG buses-You know, Godsend for the least among us to get around town. the visionaries in OKC called those stupid Canadian River cruise boats no one is ever on "public transport" and blew it all on them. It's become a $ pit boondoggle. Don't see any of our oil barons stepping up to fund it. They toss the city a few bucks out of the tax credits the good people of Ok pay the whiney billionaires to put their name on murals and footbridges and arenas built by the people. These people are not to be admired.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Anyone else worn completely slick by our whiny billionaire oil barons mad at Barack because he's had the audacity to point out the preposterous tax credits we give them to help meet the payroll I guess so Aubrey can still afford the vintage wine collection. Ok owes them $300 million- sure Mary has that under a mattress somewhere. They've already turned the old homwtown into their personal fiefdom, razing grand classic structures for their tasteless nouveau riche fantasies, slapped their name all over publically funded projects- do we really need a *&%$#@! Devon footbridge over the canal. OKC has become a souless corporate blandishment.
    Glad the mean-spirited narcissitic birdbrain wasn't in town to meet Barack. She'd no doubt have said something stupid to embarrasses us all.
    OKC did indeed receive stim funds to improve transport in the city. Progressive towns Tulsa and Norman spent all theirs on sweet new clean CNG buses-You know, Godsend for the least among us to get around town. the visionaries in OKC called those stupid Canadian River cruise boats no one is ever on "public transport" and blew it all on them. It's become a $ pit boondoggle. Don't see any of our oil barons stepping up to fund it. They toss the city a few bucks out of the tax credits the good people of Ok pay the whiney billionaires to put their name on murals and footbridges and arenas built by the people. These people are not to be admired.
    A tax credit is not the same thing as a "bailout", so they can meet payroll. I am pretty sure the value of the big oil companies to the state is a little more than a few bucks. You make it sound like they state would be better off without them. That is ridiculous.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Metro, what is Fallin doing in Puerto Rico to advance our interests?

  23. #48

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by KilgoreTrout View Post
    How come Fallin is constantly vacationing all around the world when she asked Oklahomans to stay-cation in Oklahoma? If she was a Democrat, conservative Oklahomans would be calling her an elitist, but since she's a Republican she can do whatever she wants (just like how Bush didn't called a socialist for Medicare part D and increasing debt and spending).
    She's probably doing it for the same reason I am.......When you hit a certain age in life, you want to go see what some of the rest of the world is about, before you get to the age whereas your body won't permit you to go.

    I don't blame her one bit, if your big enough, go for it.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
    Metro, what is Fallin doing in Puerto Rico to advance our interests?
    If she's real smart, she'll be on a cruise boat.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Message to Obama from McClendon, Nichols, Hamm and Ward

    Pretty sure tax credits are monies the state pays our oil barons- so a few smarmy tv spots here getting off pretty cheap for $300 million. we're prettty flush right now so no biggie. Worn slick with the whining of our sacred job creators and the irrational hatred of our foreign born muslim socialist president.

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