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Sale rotation just refers to the patterns and frequency with which certain slates of items are put on sale at a grocery. Most of the larger chains have a set policy that may vary slightly within regions, while smaller chains (like Crest) have a highly tailored pattern that's more tailored for the market they serve.
Most patterns include "loss leaders" that are heavily promoted and get people in the store in an effort to lead you toward more expensive, regular-priced items. The key is knowing what you want, knowing when it goes on sale at the various outlets, and planning accordingly.
Sounds like Venture's done the homework on most of the sale patterns and coupons, but finding the time to get that good at it may be more problematic for some folks than others. We've tried to adopt a two-week menu and shop accordingly, and that often leads us right back to Sam's for bulk purchases of items no local chain can match on their best day - especially canned goods in bulk, bulk chicken breasts, things of that nature. For a family of four, it helps a great deal!
We used to plan Sam's trips much more carefully when the kids were younger and my wife was a stay-at-home mom, but in latter days that's a hit-and-miss proposition. We made a big bulk trip to Sam's a few weeks ago and were reminded how much the regular stores "getcha" on common items.