What was that large fenced-in thing that they showed at the close and why did a ninja with zombies chained to him show up? What an odd episode...
What was that large fenced-in thing that they showed at the close and why did a ninja with zombies chained to him show up? What an odd episode...
WOO HOO! That's Michonne!!!
I've purposefully never read the comics, but I'm a huge fan of the show. From what I've gleaned from friends on FB, the "hooded character" is an anti-hero named Michonne who will become a major presence in season 3. She travels with walkers on chains (her boyfriend and a different friend) who have had their arms and jaws cut off. This is to ward off other walkers. The building at the end is a prison and that's where some of season 3 will take place.
I love this show and can't wait for it to pick back up!
Don't they have to meet The Governor first? He was a real nasty character.
This is one of my wife and I's favorite shows on TV right now.
sure glad they wrapped up the final episode of "on herschel's farm"...
Did anyone see the talking dead in memoriam recap last night? 10/10. I can't find it anywhere but it needs to be seen.
I saw it. Classic.
I see advertisements for it all the time but I've never watched it. I definately need to with all the raving reviews of it.
T-Dog Diary: Prett funny
"results" lol
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