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Thread: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

  1. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Right now I watch KOCO, and am very frustrated everytime they do their live shots and, when discussing snow, the camera pans to the ground to show snow, or the reporter holds up a hand of snow. When they're discussing a court document, the reporter has to have a piece of paper in his or her hand that might look like a court document. Right, as it is stated above -- runninga live shot just to get relevance is stupid. What I'd like to have out of a new station if more info on the screen at once, or at least in sequence about the same story. There could be a panel showing the news piece being delivered, but I also want to know, maybe in a crawler across the bottom of the screen, why the station thought that this was news. Is there a trend here that I need to know about? In a panel on the side of the reporter or anchor, an information box saying what the opposing spin to this story would be if it were reported by a more conservative or liberal station (or both, if the station finds itself reporting in the middle of the road). I also want maps. If there's a fire in (fill in the blank) county, pinpoint the fire on a map. That's so much more informative than a running (flying?) helicopter shot showing a field on fire. Track it like a storm and show me where it's going. There's so much more that local news could be doing better. Disclaimer: I know we're better than most markets. I just want better still.
    The one that always kills me is having a reporter stand there in the middle of the night in front of the capitol building to talk about something that happened hours earlier in broad daylight. These shots done in winter time are so pointless and awkward for the anchor. Put them in the studio and let them do the report.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Stop the chattering between the newsies! Stop showing pictures of the newsies reading the news...we now see about 10 seconds of pics from the field and then 45 seconds of the newsies talking at us and telling us what was happening in the field, I absolutely detest all that "face time", lets see the action pics! I don't mind the Ogle commentary, at least it is billed as such and people have a chance to reply. I do mind the little commentary comments slipped in during the reporting time! I'll decide what I think about politics and other issues, thank you very much! I, personally, like their weather coverage but I miss Mason Dunn...he had personality and did it without a picture of himself yammering at us the whole time! And consider off scheduling of your newcast commercials, you might find more listeners and watchers would trun over to you to skip commercials on the other stations...and they might actually stay...just maybe.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I haven't watched news shows in years because of the "if it bleeds it leads" mentality. KFOR sickens me.

    That being said, I would watch if they spent the first 20 minutes doing the news "Kentucky Fried Movie" style....maybe even some Count Pointer Count...and the last ten minutes reading Joleen Chaney's facebook posts.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    The news program segments make more sense and become a tad more bearable once you accept them for what they are ... the locally produced filler for the higher dollar ad spots.

    Long live DVR ... the sane way to distill a 30 minute news, weather, sports and ad encrusted bloc of my life down to 4-6 minutes.

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