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Thread: Disgusting!!

  1. #1

    Default Disgusting!!

    I recently had to go to the Dept. of Safety in Edmond due to my drivers license expiring. As soon as I walked in the door the stench in the room almost overwhelmed me. The room as filled with about 40 people sitting in chairs while having a distant stare as though they were all hypnotized. The carpet there was worse than dirty - it was filthy. The overall experience from: the despondent people to the filthy room was shocking for me. I left thinking, 'this is was the most depressing place I've been in a very long time!"

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    Nope... I renew mine before it expires.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    I don't remember the carpet, but everything else is spot on. They've also got/or had one of the rudest state workers there (actual DPS officer, I think) I've ever encountered anywhere. She was the meanest, nastiest person I've encountered since I moved to Oklahoma. I was there shortly after I moved to OK, getting my OK license. She was rude from the moment I walked up to the counter. Then when she saw my Texas drivers license, she whipped herself into a hyper frenzy of nastiest that I'd not ever encounter before or since in OK. She was still there a year or so later when I took my youngest in to get his drivers license. Disgraceful.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    If you looked closely at the wall behind this "public servant" you might have seen several framed award certificates for "Driver's License Bureau Stereotype Maintenance" with her name on them.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    Isn't there like some kind of number to call??? I mean, I bet a lot of people have called that number to tell the department heads how sweet she is. Complaining here is going to do nothing...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    Sans the carpet, reminds me of the hole DPS driving examiners used to be stuck in on E Lindsey in Norman. I hear the current location on N Berry is better, but I don't recall ever going into that facility except back when it was a c-store.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    You should post pics on here. You'd be surprised how many public issues have got resolved from posting on this site. They might clean up the building, but doubt they'd do anything about the worker. Most state workers are allowed to be horrible workers after they get their one year of "tenure".

  8. #8

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    I happen to work at DPS. I will make sure the right people see this information.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Disgusting!!

    I know the DPS/DMV can be an easy target but I wanted to relay a good experience that demonstrates how far the agency has come here in California.

    First of all, you almost never have to go into the place as they've done a great job with their web applications. But just this week, I lost my wallet and getting a replacement license is one of the few thing that requires an in-person visit.

    I used their on-line system to figure out the process and make an appointment. It provided me with an early morning time the next day.

    I walked in, checked in at the front desk and had my number called almost immediately. Five minutes later everything was taken care of. I bet I didn't spend 10 minutes in the place. Plus, the people I encountered were pleasant and helpful.

    One of the things that helped was their fingerprint database. I didn't have any sort of photo ID to prove I was who I claimed to be, but a quick scan of my thumbprint pulled up my information and I was soon on my way.

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