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The only reason we have become a 24/7 society is because people just do not know how to use their time wisely.
People are more focused on catching the latest episode of American Idol instead of taking care necessary errands. I think we would be just fine if everything closed on Sundays. It would be stressful for many people in the beginning but once everyone adjusted, all would be okay.
I work in a job that has just changed operating hours from 11 to 6, then 11 to 7 and now 10 to 8 on Sundays. Before too long I expect our hours to be 10 to 10 everyday. To tell you the truth the only people we are catering to are those with nothing to do on a Sunday evening. They never buy anything. In fact, some have found it is a prime opportunity to steal from us.
On some nights, we have had to ask people to leave because they have no regard for closing time. I hate the fact some people are so self-centered they think the world runs on their time. People have lives outside their jobs, so that is why I never go to a business within an hour of closing time.
I think 24/7 hours have done nothing more than make us lazy and spoiled. The business world is just doing nothing more than taking advantage of the lazy people in the world.
If people were not so lazy we would not need to be a 24/7 society. With a little planning, we could all take Sunday off