I don't know if I'd go that far. But, to characterize an entire area as increasingly unsafe based on the happenings around the bars say from midnight-3am isn't exactly fair. You go around any crowd of young people that has been drinking heavily and common sense will tell you its likely that violence can occur. I'm not in Bricktown after say 11pm because of that very reason (unless we are at an MMA event at the Coca Cola Center - love those).
The few times in recent years I've been in bars that late, it was nothing to see a fight break out where the one being attacked didn't do anything to 'deserve it.' I've been in many bars in Bricktown and I still find them 'safer' than say Graham's and whatever the name of the cowboy bar is on S. Meridian.
That said, a person is a fool to go to any popular young bar in any part of the city late at night and not be prepared for all kinds of chaos - not that it always happens, but it can at any point.