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Thread: 600 NW 23rd

  1. #1

    Uptown/23rd 600 NW 23rd

    |category2=Office Buildings
    |category3=Buildings with Retail Space
    |address=600 NW 23rd
    |owner=Ben Sellers
    |height=2 stories
    |sq. feet=20,305
    |acreage= .6428
    Information & Latest News

    Pizza 23
    Orange Leaf

    County Assessor Record

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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Name:	orangeleaf.jpg 
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  2. #2

    Uptown/23rd 600 NW 23rd

    Building permit to remodel the interior of this building at 600 NW 23rd, directly west of Big Truck Tacos on the SW corner of Dewey.

    Building was bought by a development company last year after it had been taken back by the bank. Really nice remodel job on the outside and now it looks like a decent sized tenant is moving in.

    23rd Street continues to evolve!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I own 600 NW 23rd, and thought I'd comment on the status. I purchased last summer, and have been taking care of significant deferred maintenance and making cosmetic upgrades since that time. The current building permit Pete mentioned is for replacement of the exisiting freight elevator to an ADA compliant passenger cab. Once this occurs some of the current office tenants will be relocated within the building. A second building permit should be filed soon for demolition of the first level interior and re-constructing to "white box", and replacing all of the existing windows and store fronts. I am currently marketing this "new", street level space for retail. It should be available late April.

    BTW: for all you potential tenants, I have a parking lot!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by RBS View Post

    BTW: for all you potential tenants, I have a parking lot!
    OOH, that's bad. Is it a paved surface lot? We don't like paved surface lots on this site.

    Sorry, just poking a little fun. :-)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Thanks for the information RBS! And thanks for investing in that building and doing a nice job in the process.

    It sure looks like you acquired that property just as the area is really gaining momentum.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Rover: Yes, paved and freshly sealed! :-) Kidding aside, parking is going to be key for the continued redevelopment of this area. The existing businesses along this strip that are highly successful have their own parking, even if it's only a small number of spaces. I envision a time in the not to distant future when resident of MP, HH, JP and Paseo are complaining about visitors parking on their residential streets to visit businesses on 23rd. This will be the true sign of the area's success!

    Pete: Yes, I bought it at the right time. With a little luck, a little cash, and a visionary banker; anything is possible!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Thanks for the info, RBS, & best of luck on your venture. Many on this board have a vested interest in the hood.

  8. #8

    Uptown/23rd 600 NW 23rd

    $120,000 building permit to put a 2,000 square foot restaurant in this very nicely remodeled building at 600 NW 23rd (SW corner of 23rd and Dewey, directly west of Big Truck Tacos).

    Looks like there may be room in the front for a few tables on the patio:

  9. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Could it be a permanent location for Waffle Champion...?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I dropped an email to the owner to see if I could find out more info.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Orange Leaf...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by tuck View Post
    Orange Leaf...


  13. #13

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    From the owner of 600 NW 23rd:

    "The building permit is for an Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt. They are a national franchise based here in OKC. The franchisees' of this location are Josh Newberry and Ben Chamberlain. Both live nearby (one in Edgmere and the other in Heritage Hills), and are very dedicated to this neighborhood. We're expecting to be open late August. This is public, so feel free to share.

    I'm not sure how much you know about the building, but I purchased it last June from a bank in Florida. I began correcting years of deferred maintenance and making cosmetic upgrades. The upstairs has been totally renovated with new carpet, paint, bathroom tile and fixtures. This type of stuff doesn't show up in permits, so most people don't know. Upstairs is currently 100% occupied with office tenants. We also replaced the original freight elevator with a new Kone passenger elevator. It's not yet in use because the fire alarm has not been signed off by the city, but hopefully it will be operational in the next week or so. We will also be replacing the stairwell and upper level windows very soon. "

    Much credit to someone with no real estate development background taking this on and doing it right.

    Also said there will be patio dining fronting 23rd, so more life coming to Uptown.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Maybe to the west of Big Truck, in the same building as the new Orange Leaf. There is more space there and it's very nice and newly remodeled.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Heard that too, Pete. Pizza 23? Something like that. Saw it on the Twitters.

    "23 pizza toppings, 23 different beers"

    Sounds like a fun concept.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Okay, found out the scoop on the pizza place, to be called Pizza 23.

    It's going into the same slick building as Orange Leaf, on the southwest corner of 23rd & Dewey (see photo below).

    It will be operated by the Jo's Famous Pizza group.

    Here are a few of their tweets:

    Pizza23 ‏@PIZZA23OKC
    How does spicy chicken wings w/ fresh made blue cheese dressing sound? Coming soon!

    22 Jul Pizza23 ‏@PIZZA23OKC
    In a couple short months you will be able to enjoy great pizza & a beer on our awesome patio!

    21 Jul Pizza23 ‏@PIZZA23OKC
    Can't wait to join the community @ 23rd & Dewey in early October. Bringing a trendy custom pizzeria with 23 toppings & 23 beers!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    sounds like a good concept

  18. #18

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Sounds great! Thanks for getting the details, Pete.

  19. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Reminds me of Baskin Robbins lol. But very cool.. this redevelopment is going to turn out fantastically.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Too bad it's not being run by the actual Jo's Pizza people. I've been to Jo's in Edmond and it was not good.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Gold Dome auction attracts one buyer
    David Box, owner of the Green's Country Club, submitted the sole bid at a public foreclosure auction today for the troubled landmark Gold Dome.

    Read more: Gold Dome auction attracts one buyer | NewsOK.com

  22. #22

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    So maybe we'll have an indoor miniature golf course?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Orange Leaf has their sign up and said they should have an soft opening in about a week:

  24. #24

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    And next door, Pizza 23 is coming along:

  25. #25

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Orange Leaf is getting close:

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