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Thread: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

  1. #1

    Default iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Shot in the dark but thought there were a few techies out here

    Cannot get my iPhone 4s to connect to my network...It acts like it connects and accepts my password (key or whatever) but I can't get it to work for Internet...My brain hurts from trying to get an answer from the Netgear and Apple forums so thought I would give this site a shot

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Thanks Sid I just tried that and still showing 3G up top instead of the wifi icon

    Had an old buddy set up my network and he saved 4 keys on my PC...The second one has "Use this one" by it but iPhone wouldn't take it...It does take the first one and shows my network name in settings like it is connected but I can never get the stinking icon

    I don't remember him limiting the amount of connections

  3. #3

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    The icon will not always sit on wifi on the 4S even if it is using wifi. Try turning off 3G on the phone. It might be actually using it but displaying incorrectly.

    Have you limited access to certain addresses? That is a common mistake among smartphone buyers.

  4. Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Easy, Which Neatgear router do you have? (Model number). Neatgear routers can be bad about RIP settings. You might try going into the router configuration and making sure the RIP setting is set to RIP-1. Don't try both at the same time, but you might also try using a non-standard channel - try 5 or 9.

  5. #5

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    I turned off the cellular data option which limits it to wifi but when I do it says Safari cannot connect to the server when I try to browse

  6. #6

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    Easy, Which Neatgear router do you have? (Model number). Neatgear routers can be bad about RIP settings. You might try going into the router configuration and making sure the RIP setting is set to RIP-1. Don't try both at the same time, but you might also try using a non-standard channel - try 5 or 9.
    Mike it is an WPN824 v2

  7. Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Mike it is an WPN824 v2
    If you've been on the forums with Apple, I'm sure they've told you to get the latest firmware for your router. This router is about six years old now, so it's especially important to have the latest firmware.

    Let me know about my other two suggestions.

    Assuming you've done everything correctly on the iPhone side and the router works with your laptop (I'm guessing?), and if none of the suggestions above help, you might need to try a hard reset with the router. That will eliminate all your settings in the router configuration back to the default. You would then need to grab the latest firmware again. If you're not absolutely sure what you're doing at that step, I'd call your friend.

  8. #8

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    This thread reminds me why I hate certain aspects of technology so much.

  9. #9

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Sorry for not getting back...Downloaded the latest firmware, selected RIP-1, and moved to channel 5 and still no dice...Like you said it's probably reset time and I could likely do some damage if I attempt that by myself

    Appreciate the suggestions!

  10. #10

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    I have a Netgear router and i just dont reccomend them to anybody

  11. #11

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Just going to break down, get a new router and attempt the setup myself

    Any recommendations that would allow a non IT guy to set it up w/o spending days on it?

  12. #12

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    Last follow up cause I know you guys couldn't sleep until my issue was resolved

    Bought a Cisco linksys this evening...Had the router setup and both iPhone's connected within 15 minutes...Life is good again

  13. #13

    Default Re: iPhone wifi and Netgear router

    I have a Belkin and my friend isn't able to connect with his IPhone. I'm up to date on my firmware so not sure what the problem is. Might just be him lol

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