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Thread: LeBron said nice things about us!

  1. #1

    Default LeBron said nice things about us!

  2. #2

    Default Re: LeBron said nice things about us!

    That's great! I love to read stuff like that.

  3. #3
    orionsnu Guest

    Default Re: LeBron said nice things about us!

    That's good news. I just hope we don't continue to "rest on our laurels". We can't rest on all the good news. It's only good for a few seasons, then what. We must continue to prove ourselves. Bricktown is becoming old news, we need to see more press about other parts of the city. Asian District, Hispanic district, Paseo, 23rd St. Corridor, Arts District, Automobile Alley, etc.

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: LeBron said nice things about us!

    I completely agree. We need for focus on our many great historic neighborhoods next. And we definitely need to beautify our city.

  5. #5
    NOLAHornet Guest

    Default Re: LeBron said nice things about us!

    Whatever. He was just being nice to you guys. We have way more history in our French Quarter District. Way nicer than Bricktown. Bricktown doesn't even compare to the French Quarter.

  6. Default Re: LeBron said nice things about us!

    Who said it did?

    LeBron said he liked OKC, why should you care??? Are you threatened by your bigger neighbour 700 miles NW? Must be.

    NOLAHornet, I think you need to either add to the discussion about OKC, add constructive criticism why OKC should not keep the Hornets, OR

    Quit Trolling this Forum!!! :respect:

    You have trolled just about every thread in this Hornet Forum - I think your rather childish behaviour is not helping your case. Better express your OKC hatred on a NOLA forum.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

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