Re: Lost Thread
ibda12, I have it on DVR, but I haven't watched it yet. I'll fill you in tonight if someone doesn't beat me. I watch Lost religously.
In that respect, I have been patiently putting the pieces of the puzzle together for the 'others'. And I have come to the conclusion that Locke's temporary paralysis was caused by a severe butt-kicking from the 'debt collectors'. After all, his father and girlfriend left him in the motel parking lot, with the $200,000 still up in the room, and the two collectors not far behind.
I think the 'others', are people who are not supposed to be there, do not want to be found, and are well funded. What confused be is they cleared out that facility. Where did they go? What are they doing there? Who's funding them? And we now know there is someone higher that the man with the fake beard and mustache, someone we haven;t seen yet.
Continue the Renaissance!!!