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At the risk of sounding like one who is concerned with the "slippery slope" effect, I would respectfully disagree that the "child's best interest" is sufficient grounds for sanctioning their brought-from-home lunch, and for a few reasons:
1. It trains the children, indirectly, to become comfortable with the idea that the government has an a priori right to approve the most personal aspects of your life, and if it sees fit, replace it.
2. It establishes the idea that the government needn't have probable cause to search your private belongings.
3. It teaches the child to succumb to a government authority "en passant" merely for its presence. That is, the inspector is from "the government", and implicitly must be obeyed.
I understand the school system is interested in the nutrition business, but that's an end-justifies-the-means argument. If a parent wishes their child to be involved in a healthy lunch education program voluntarily, where a parent expresses an affirmative desire for such participation beforehand, and then someone helps their children make various choices with all the attendant prior, informed consent, that's one thing. For the principal to send out a letter informing parents that their lunches will be inspected with no opt-out provision is another thing entirely.
I am much more in the camp of the government having no business whatsoever in the private eating habits of people, but that's another thread.