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Thread: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

  1. Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    I drive right past the 7-11 at SE 44 and Sooner just to patronize the OnCue at SE 29 and Sooner.

    I do patronize the 7-11 at SE 44 and Shields quite often, but my wife won't even let me get her a fountain drink from there because she thinks the place is too dirty.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    I'd rather have OnCue and Quik-Trip than 7-Eleven. OnCue and Quik-Trip are like twins but one's a boy and the other is a girl. Sadly, if what Steve says is true then Oklahoma City can forget about ever having a Quik-Trip.
    If your talking about a gentleman's agreement between 7-11 and Quick- Trip, your correct.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerman View Post
    I wonder why OKC doesn't have a Quiktrip?
    The founder and owner of QuikTrip went to college with the owner of 7-11 in Oklahoma City and they agreed to not enter each others markets.

    Some OnCue's are nearly equivilent of some older QuikTrip stores but not the newer ones and not even similar to the new Generation III stores QT is rolling out now. OnCue is really more similar to the Kum and Go chain.

    Here's a picture of one of the new stores:

    These new stores have outdoor restaurant seating, baristas that serve coffee and made to order frozen drinks and small grocery sections with fresh foods. There's several of these in the Tulsa area and a handful in other markets. The new QuikTrip "flagship" store if you will is going up at I-44 and Peoria two blocks from the original store. There's one of these Gen 3 stores on 129th E Ave half a mile from the QT headquarters and another one downtown on Denver.


  4. #29

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    If your talking about a gentleman's agreement between 7-11 and Quick- Trip, your correct.
    Yes, that is what I was referring too.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Swake, do you have to rub it in our faces? LOL

  6. #31

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake2 View Post
    The founder and owner of QuikTrip went to college with the owner of 7-11 in Oklahoma City and they agreed to not enter each others markets.
    Man OKC got the short end of the stick on that deal.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerman View Post
    Man OKC got the short end of the stick on that deal.
    This still breaks my heart...

    I grew up in Wichita with QT's... When I left Wichita to move back to Oklahoma, there were only 2 things I missed.... Warren Theaters and QT's... got my Warren, but it doesn't look like I'll ever get my QT's.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    OVerall, 7/11 ain't bad and QT ain't bad. On Cue locations do seem to be better and cleaner than either these days.

  9. Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    I remember the days when you went to the gas station to get gas.....

    Gotta say, once the pay at the pump stuff went in, i stopped setting foot inside one. The only time i go in is for the no-charge ATM at 7-11. Randomly a fake cappuccino from OnCue. Do people seriously sit down at a gas station?

  10. Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    I still can't get over 7-11's antiquated ways. Lack of price scanners, hand inventory, cup counting and they still shut down all 7-11's at around 2pm everyday to count down the registers. Nothing inside or outside can be rung up for 4-8 minutes (if everything goes smoothly).

  11. #36

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    OVerall, 7/11 ain't bad and QT ain't bad. On Cue locations do seem to be better and cleaner than either these days.
    This! I don't seem why everyone has a love affair with QT, OnCue is the same thing and cleaner. I go to Tulsa frequently and have been in many QT's, while light years ahead of 7-11, it's no different than On Cue, who cares if a barista can serve me Starbucks at the gas station (their newer gen 3 concept as our Tulsa boy mentioned). Unfortunately this is bigger news in Tulsa with not much going on there right now.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I still can't get over 7-11's antiquated ways. Lack of price scanners, hand inventory, cup counting and they still shut down all 7-11's down at around 2pm everyday to count down the registers. Nothing inside out outside can be rung up for 4-8 minutes (if everything goes smoothly).
    And we won't even talk about their outdated look from store colors uniforms down to store design.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Does anyone have pictures of this alleged 7-11 "flagship" location?

    Also, OnCue is a top notch fuel+station definitely equal if not better than any QT I have seen. It will be interesting to see how 7-11 responds to more and more OC's.

    OnCue is slowly moving through the metro and if 7-11 doesn't up their game, they will soon wish they were selling the lotto tickets. It is comical that 7-11 chooses not to sell lotto because they feel it lowers the quality and reputation of their stores.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Ironic indeed. Sounds like the 7-11 franchise owner is resistant to change while the QT friend gets it. I'm very glad OnCue has noticed this and is strategically taking 7-11 out of the market. Even the new 7-11 are dumps.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyline View Post
    It is comical that 7-11 chooses not to sell lotto because they feel it lowers the quality and reputation of their stores.
    That isn't the only reason I've heard. Apparently, the stores that sell lottery tickets have to keep a certain amount of cash available for payouts at any time. 7-Eleven stores only keep a small amount of money in the till for safety reasons.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    7-Eleven seems to be the sensible shoes of convenience stores.
    Although, in general, I personally prefer Loves.
    (hopefully Loves isn't involved in the inconvenience of standing behind LotteryLosers while . . .)

  17. Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCyrus View Post
    That isn't the only reason I've heard. Apparently, the stores that sell lottery tickets have to keep a certain amount of cash available for payouts at any time. 7-Eleven stores only keep a small amount of money in the till for safety reasons.
    This is actually their primary reason from what employees have told me.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Del City to Host 7/11's Official Flagship Store

    Any idea when the new store will open? I'm looking forward to it!

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