The lil' hovel-tel and former eatery places that are on the south side of 44th, where S Robinson hits 44th, were, if memory serves, used briefly for a film set many moons back. Drawing a blank on the name, maybe a Matt Dillion flick? Sorry for the blank space. It's been a weird couple of days.
like i say, highway 77 followed robinson going into downtown. that is to say, that the route of highway 77 was on robinson from sw 44th to california. shields didn't cross the river until the late 70's/early 80's, so robinson was a main route. -MOriginally Posted by bbatesokc
can't help with the name of the flick, but a restaurant called groves was on the sw corner of 44th & rob for many years. -MOriginally Posted by kevinpate
Before I35 and I40 were built, the major north-south route in this area was US 77 and the east-west one was, of course, US66. US66 came into Edmond from Arcadia, turned to the south at 2nd and Broadway, thence south to Oklahoma City via Kelly and the valley now followed by I44 from Kelly to Lincoln. It went south on Lincoln to NE 23, then west to Portland, and from there back north to NW39. The curving drive on the SW corner of NW 39 and Portland, now part of a service station, was originally a highway curve on Route 66. At one time, 66 turned north on Classen from NW 23 and ran up to NW 39, then west. The Portland route was a later version. There was also a "business route" that followed 77 on Rob down to Main Street, then back to the north on Olie and Classen.
As for US77, it merged with 66 east of Edmond and followed the 66 route to NE 23. However it turned south from 23rd onto Robinson, and went through the heart of downtown, across the river, and on to SW 44, all on Robinson. At 44th it turned east to Shields, then back south and on toward Moore and Norman.
The huge motel at SW 44 and Robinson was the Alamo Plaza. As you note it was only one of many along the two highways.
When I was the Oklahoman's police reporter for a few months during 1958 and 1959, the most active area for prostitution was downtown, mainly in the cheap hotels along California between Oklahoma and Walker. Streetwalking was almost non-existent; the bellhops in the Skirvin, Huckins, Wells-Roberts, and Biltmore took care of the upperclass, and the beer joints along Grand, California, and Reno took care of the rest.
You can find a lot of the city's history in web sites and blogs operated by two of the regulars here: Steve L. and Doug Loudenback. Check the links in their signatures...
perhaps the route changed over the years, but i thought that highway 77 went south from 23rd onto broadway, then south to california, then west to robinson and then south to 44th. -MOriginally Posted by jim kyle
That's quite possible and even more likely, since Broadway was a trolley route and therefore a much wider street.
Nice work, JK. I value your posts and their great info. They bring back fond memories of OKC when I was a lad. Others times they make me think "Really. I'd wondered about that." Please keep it up.
Volunteers with No Boundaries International; Project Hope this weekend bringing compassion and prayer to the lost ladies on South Robinson Ave.
The groups 2nd monthly meeting was a success. Even more people in attendance than the first meeting. The out of state speaker was really great and people in attendance received information on areas where they can volunteer and/or donate.
These initial few months will be spent training volunteers and building more alliances (already partnered and supported by the Salvation Army). Once their presence is firmly established on the streets and relationships and trust are built, they will begin the second phase of their project. I think we will see some very good things from this organization.
Also, Dr. Phil's crew was in OKC the last couple of days getting footage. Member's of OATH (Oklahoman's Against Trafficking Humans) will be taping a show today regarding the issue of sex trafficking. It should air by the end of this month.
Big Crackdown yesterday.
Glad I decided to stay home yesterday
My goodness, if one is good looking enough to get sex for me, why even think of paying a whore for it?
Monday's arrests also marked the first time the new vehicle impoundment law was utilized since taking effect.
Six vehicles driven by the John's arrested were impounded. The owner's can't get them back for 90-days and the fees equal $2,000.
Should be a good time. That's one of the best things about the energy No Boundaries brings to the fight on South Robinson - they see the entire community as victims of street level prostitution and want to become a part of the community and remind them they are a community worth saving.
We've been planning this for awhile and hopefully with good weather a good time should be had by all.
Brian.... Why aren't you on TruTV. They have shows about pawn shops and repo services. I would think your show would be a hit. If nothing else it might show people the reality of prostitution.
As much as many people would like to believe I try to whore myself out to the media for fame more than the women do on Robinson for cash and crack, it simply is not true. I've had several tv show offers and I've been approached by the biggest names in the business. I've been flown to California to meet with the bigwigs at CAA and even been offered huge cash sums to simply license my entire library for others to distribute. Not to say I wouldn't, I'm just not overly motivated to do so. If someone came to me with the right idea I'd consider it. But they don't want 'reality' TV, they want scripted and contrived BS that is the furthest thing from reality. I'm content with licensing my footage to studios producing documentaries and doing occasional one-off's with news and infotainment productions. Dateline was in town last week and I spent several days with them for an upcoming one-hour special. A piece I did for France's largest TV network M6 just aired a special on my video activism.
My idea of a show would be a cross between 'To Catch a Predator' and COPS with some real back stories on the women and their victimization and hopefully some followups showing some getting out of prostitution.
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