Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
Why would you waste the time to post that?

Do you really think I post the news I do here about CHK because I want everyone to know that I "don't like CHK or Aubrey?" Really?

I've posted time and time again why I post the news that I do in this thread. From another post:

"Warning people in Oklahoma City about Chesapeake has to be done here, and the national financial press, because no local news outlet will dare touch anything negative about this company. It's the same old story: Power. Influence. Money. Make no mistake, I do not want CHK to fail. Period. That would be catastrophic for this city. It is because of my love for our city that I bother posting here about Aubrey Kerr McClendon. All the good he's done (and he's done some) will come unraveled in a heartbeat if CHK - the public corporation - hits rough times with a merger/acquisition...or worse. This is about Aubrey's mismanagement of Chesapeake, his unethical (if not illegal) behavior, hubris and arrogance. CHK needs new leadership and Aubrey can go play with his shopping centers, basketball team, and other (sometimes) personal business. It's about the good of the company - and Oklahoma City."

This isn't about me, BoulderSooner. I'm reporting news and passing along links about CHK that's being reported everywhere else except Oklahoma City media. Why would you have a problem with that? If you read or watch other Oklahoma City media, you already know the positive news - most act as an extension of CHK's PR department. It's about POWER, MONEY, and the ability to silence critics in the hometown of Chesapeake Energy. So, I'm here --- I don't sell advertising and bow at the feet of the great Aubrey KERR McClendon.
It's not like I'm going to buy their stock.....I have a lot of friends that work for CHK though...... I hope they make it. Besides, I like Aubrey's effort with the Thunder.....he helped make it happen. This isn't worth having a burr under your saddle is it ?