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Thread: Prostitution In OKC

  1. #326

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Yet you offer nothing more enlightening than "tongue biting" and some vague reference to my supposed ignorance.... On what topic exactly? This thread is about prostitution, exactly where is my ignorance on that topic?
    Thinking I should have replaced ignorance with arrogance.

  2. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    Thinking I should have replaced ignorance with arrogance.
    And I wouldn't argue so vehemently against that choice of words. I find people that are very confident of their opinion are or at least are seen as 'arrogant.' But the two words have nothing in common. You want to go pointing the 'arrogant' finger on this board, you're going to run out of fingers.

  3. #328

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    and my point is proven

  4. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    and my point is proven
    Point? That you can label me 'arrogant' and I say I don't necessarily disagree. WOW, you've accomplished a lot there with that one.

  5. #330

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Point? That you can label me 'arrogant' and I say I don't necessarily disagree. WOW, you've accomplished a lot there with that one.
    I wish I could take the credit but I can't. You've proved my point many many times in your postings. Since you like to get the last word in post away and I won't respond.

  6. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I wish I could take the credit but I can't. You've proved my point many many times in your postings. Since you like to get the last word in post away and I won't respond.

  7. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Recent (1/27/2012) video from S. Robinson Ave. showing a young pregnant girl prostituting herself and some brief clips of volunteers with No Boundaries trying to establish trust and communication with the women they come into contact with.

  8. #333

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    10 seconds of No Boundaries and the rest just shameless self promotion.

    So Doug is known to secretly tape prostitutes and post them online? The nerve of anybody doing that

  9. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    So glad to see that's what you got from the video. Not really sure who is more predictable - you or me.

  10. #335

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Watched the video...couple questions....

    How is the audience to know that lady is pregnant? looks like some ladies I know with beer bellies (lol!)...

    And the older fellow...he could be her father or uncle, no?...

    also how do we know she is a prostitute? watching the video, it appears to be speculation and innuendo more than anything. Its not like there's a police report with charges presented as evidence to back up any claims.

    oh well i'm guessing i'm not part of the target audience for this stuff. liked the soundtrack though

  11. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    Watched the video...couple questions....

    How is the audience to know that lady is pregnant? looks like some ladies I know with beer bellies (lol!)...

    And the older fellow...he could be her father or uncle, no?...

    also how do we know she is a prostitute? watching the video, it appears to be speculation and innuendo more than anything. Its not like there's a police report with charges presented as evidence to back up any claims.

    oh well i'm guessing i'm not part of the target audience for this stuff. liked the soundtrack though

    In all honesty, one could pose the exact same questions to most any news story and many documentaries if one doesn't want to believe the information.

    You have to apply common sense - that is, does the information being provided at least appear to be credible or at least believable. I've been doing this for 15 years - not once has a person claimed my videos were not real and as presented. I've even been sued over my videos and never lost, because the information was real, and that was the only defense required. Even when I was targeted by the DA, he never once claimed the content of my videos was fake or a lie, he simply claimed I paid to get it.

    As for the woman - its actually pretty obvious she is 6-7 months pregnant. I really doubt most people would question that. But beyond that, I and the volunteers with No Boundaries have spoken to her. She doesn't hide the fact she is pregnant to anyone.

    The older guy who picked her up is Carroll Douglas Fowler. I've caught him before, we have conversed both in person and via email and I did an in depth article on him on my website exposing his activities and his posting of very graphic materials involving the young girls he picks up.

    I provide enough footage in the video to establish the claim she is a prostitute to most people's satisfaction. You will not find a girl walking up and down S. Robinson Ave. waving at cars and getting in and out of them that is not a prostitute. Furthermore, she has been caught twice in the act of sex with her customer. The hope is not to criminally charge her, but to get her to seek help so she doesn't have a jail baby and so the state doesn't take her baby away if she is willing to seek other options for herself. The problem right now is her pimp. We've yet to positively identify him but she has acknowledged his existence and she is usually on her phone constantly with him.

    The target audience is the public at large. And more specifically those that either don't see street level prostitution as a big deal or actively participate in it. Preaching to the choir is easy, that's why I take a more controversial route - it draws more of my critics out, but art least I know they are seeing the message.

  12. #337

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Is this the point where you jumped into traffic so you wouldn't have to hear any more of it. ?

  13. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    Is this the point where you jumped into traffic so you wouldn't have to hear any more of it. ?
    Yet, you return, time and time again - not to actually add anything to the topic, but to revert into some 7th grade bully mentality. Guess what Roadhawg, I get it - you're no fan of what I do. Trust me, that's no big deal to me. But the constant need of yours to followup each and every post of mine with your nonsense and juvenile behavior gets really old. I don't make it a habit to promote my activism on this site and limit it to simply responding to related threads.

    At any point will you be satisfied that we (I) get it - you find satisfaction in sitting namelessly behind your computer throwing stones but providing zero content or insights to the topic at hand?

    Obviously either the topic of prostitution or myself are of great interest to you. Regardless, why don't you stop with the middle school mentality and come to the next public meeting regarding the topic. Its 2/10 at the Salvation Army 2808 SE 44th Street from 6:30pm - 9pm. We had a huge turnout at the last meeting, so you can find comfort in knowing you can remain anonymous. We are pleased to welcome keynote speaker Alesia Adams,Territorial Coordinator For Human/Sex Trafficking, from Atlanta GA.

    Who knows, maybe you'll learn something.

  14. #339

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Watched your video, Mr. Bates. That's some serious royalty-free dramatic music.

    That aside, as much evidence as you collected on that John, it's amazing that the police have done nothing about him. Someone with that little restraint is a danger to others.

  15. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Watched your video, Mr. Bates. That's some serious royalty-free dramatic music.

    That aside, as much evidence as you collected on that John, it's amazing that the police have done nothing about him. Someone with that little restraint is a danger to others.
    The sad reality is that unless he's caught in a sting there is not much law enforcement can do. I was told if I can provide some video evidence of him picking up a girl that appears underage they could most likely get a search warrant and seize his computers etc. and hopefully find incriminating evidence therein.

    He moved out of his last apartment complex after his neighbors and landlord became aware of him. He also lost a lot of his friends/family connections on Facebook after they were made aware of his activities. Unfortunately, I think this has crossed over to a mental condition - as public humiliation only goes so far with him - and I don't know if he can stop without professional intervention.

  16. #341

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    i am curious as to what kind of home life you have that you have spent 15 years doing this all because some guy hit on your wife and last time i checked voyeurism is also a crime as is recording somebody with out their knowledge or consent is against the law in many places

  17. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimjim View Post
    i am curious as to what kind of home life you have that you have spent 15 years doing this all because some guy hit on your wife and last time i checked voyeurism is also a crime as is recording somebody with out their knowledge or consent is against the law in many places
    I'm willing to bet my 'home life' stacks up as good or even better than most, here or otherwise. No idea what your "because some guy hit on your wife" comment was in reference to. I was already doing this before I met my wife. You'd do yourself a favor if you actually knew the elements of the crime of voyeurism and you don't need an individual's permission to videotape them in any place where there is no legal expectation of privacy.

  18. #343

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    I am curoius as to what Roadhwag, Slim Jim and Uncle Slayton find so offensive in regards to what B Bates does?

    Now if he was online baiting people into sex like our OCPD Vice dept seems to like to waste their time with, I would have a problem with it. I don't care if two consenting adults want to pay for sex.

    But the public street walkers, pimps, drug use and I'm sure many other crimes that come along with it need to be minimized as much as possible. I think if anything he makes the general public aware of whats going on in OKC

    Just my 2 cents.

  19. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    I don't think I'd be going out on much of a limb if I said their 'offense' is based on a warped reality - where - if you water down what I do to the point that nothing else is relevant then I'm some guy running around south Oklahoma City videotaping people having sex. Which is actually how I introduce myself (as an ice breaker) occasionally when I'm asked to address large groups like colleges, churches, etc.

    Or, that somehow I'm no better than a pimp because I earn a living off of those videos and speaking engagements.

    Its two criticisms that I've heard over the years, but doesn't really phase me and is not very realistic. The truth of the matter is, I appreciate my critics. It keeps me reflecting on what I do, why I do it and just how off base some people are when it comes to this topic. It also makes me commercially viable - something I don't try and hide (because people will use it against me either way).

  20. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Here is a video overview of South Robinson Ave that is very current. I was asked to create this for the next No Boundaries public meeting. Gives people a good idea of what is actually going on and how it effects the area.

  21. #346

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Why S Robinson? Of all the places in OKC, what makes this THE place to be for prostitutes? I mean thankfully they got them off of Lincoln Blvd away from the Capitol but why Robinson? I lived in the area in the late 70's and it wasn't anything like that.

  22. #347

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I don't think I'd be going out on much of a limb if I said their 'offense' is based on a warped reality - where - if you water down what I do to the point that nothing else is relevant then I'm some guy running around south Oklahoma City videotaping people having sex. Which is actually how I introduce myself (as an ice breaker) occasionally when I'm asked to address large groups like colleges, churches, etc.

    Or, that somehow I'm no better than a pimp because I earn a living off of those videos and speaking engagements.

    Its two criticisms that I've heard over the years, but doesn't really phase me and is not very realistic. The truth of the matter is, I appreciate my critics. It keeps me reflecting on what I do, why I do it and just how off base some people are when it comes to this topic. It also makes me commercially viable - something I don't try and hide (because people will use it against me either way).
    LOL You go around video taping two people engaging in sex and you call my reality warped?

  23. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackmoreRulz View Post
    Why S Robinson? Of all the places in OKC, what makes this THE place to be for prostitutes? I mean thankfully they got them off of Lincoln Blvd away from the Capitol but why Robinson? I lived in the area in the late 70's and it wasn't anything like that.
    I've interviewed several longterm residence in the area - former councilwoman Francis Lowrey, a local pastor who lives in his parent's former home near SW 44 and Robinson, a mechanic that has been there for 40+ years and others.

    They all seem to agree (and this is their version) that the prostitution on S. Robinson began about 40 years ago. Robinson apparently used to be a highway (sorry, I'm not much of a historian) and was littered with small hotels. However, a much larger hotel was in the vacant field on the NW corner on SW 44 and Robinson. When the highway was no more, that is when the problems apparently began. Lots of businesses moved out and the demographic of the community began to change dramatically. The large nice hotel became a place where prostitutes frequented and the few hotels that remained also harbored many prostitutes who would stand in their doorways wearing not much at all (pretty much what was going on, on Lincoln Blvd. in the 80's).

    The hotels eventually were bulldozed and the girls hit the streets as the neighborhood continued its decline and drugs became readily available in the area.

    It would seem the mix of low income residence, minorities, a reluctance to call police, renters as opposed to home owners, and the prevalence of drugs has only created the perfect breeding ground (no pun intended) for prostitution to flourish.

    Robinson is actually one of about a dozen locations in the metro where street prostitutes can be found daily. Robinson is just the most well known and where it happens to the largest extent.

    I would actually love to make time to research the area - photos of what buildings and businesses where there, crime stats, etc. Just don't know really where to start.

  24. #349

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    There used to be a photo mural on the wall(NE corner) of an aerial view of OKC in the restaurant that was just north of the dozed motel(a rental place today I think), do you know if it is still there?

  25. #350

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by bbatesokc
    Robinson apparently used to be a highway
    yep... highway 77. at sw 44th, it went east and then followed south along shields.

    i can understand why some disagree with what bbates is doing, but what i don't understand is the blatant hostility. some of you people really need to cool off... cartainly you can disagree with others like mature adults.


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