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Thread: Prostitution In OKC

  1. #301

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    If I ran into Bates in the street with a camera, I would be tempted to tell him to go mind his own business and his own sex life, because some people are ugly and so lack adequate sex appeal to get sex for free and should have the right to pay for it as a means of getting some. I'll admit, though, there ought to be a better way to conduct business for it, then out in the open in the street.

  2. #302

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    If I was paid $3,500 a day for my services . . .
    I would be gettin' all The Ho's offin the street by leading them to the nearest Food Truck.
    And buying them lunch.

    Much like a "drum major"--(or even a pied piper in order to avoid political compromise).

    Hell . . . I'd take 'em all to the Grand Opening of The ReVamped Bellini's.
    For dinner.

    Sorry for the hyperbole . . .
    To Bellini's for appetizers.

    Or even to Katz's Deli, it there was actually such a place.

    Or Bagdhad Cafe . . . =)

  3. #303
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    If I ran into Bates in the street with a camera, I would be tempted to tell him to go mind his own business and his own sex life, because some people are ugly and so lack adequate sex appeal to get sex for free and should have the right to pay for it as a means of getting some. I'll admit, though, there ought to be a better way to conduct business for it, then out in the open in the street.
    And if you did, he'd bore you to death with a pedantic soliloquy about how it's all about the victims, etc, until you jumped into traffic so you wouldn't have to hear any more of it.

    Also, before the admonishment starts, I realize it's generally bad form to personalize an issue, but in Master Bates' case, he himself does not separate himself from what he does, and spends a disproportionately large amount of time focusing on "brand recognition" of the Video Vigilante to further line his pockets, thus he, both personally and corporately, is fair game for all the scorn he reaps.

    Any other personal observations or private wishes I have for the man probably have karmic implications if expressed openly, and thus shall remain unwritten for now.

  4. #304

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Any right thinkin' person has to respect the opinion of anyone who can use the words soliloquy, pedantic and admonishment in a meaningful way in a single post.

    I salute you, Sir.

    (And not simply to avoid karmic implications if I don't . . .
    just 'cuz . . . =)

  5. #305

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Slayton View Post
    And if you did, he'd bore you to death with a pedantic soliloquy about how it's all about the victims, etc, until you jumped into traffic so you wouldn't have to hear any more of it.
    Please hand me a paper towel so I can clean the coffee off my screen.

  6. #306

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    New Article in the Oklahoman....

    No Boundaries, Salvation Army have outreach program for Oklahoma City prostitutes


    Theresa Briscoe drives S Robinson Avenue, a street known for prostitutes, gangs and drugs.

    She sees a woman walking along the street and pulls up to her, rolling down her window.

    “Hi. We just want you to know that Jesus loves you,” Briscoe says.

    It’s a line she uses to start up a conversation.

    She’s trying to break the ice and perhaps get the woman thinking about leaving the streets.

    Briscoe knows what she is talking about.

    She was once a homeless prostitute.

    Now she is street outreach coordinator for No Boundaries, a group dedicated to helping victims of human trafficking.

    The group is partnering with the Salvation Army in a program to be launched next month to offer these women counseling, shelter, job training and even hot chocolate from a canteen truck.

    Lori Basey, No Boundaries president, has worked on the problem of human trafficking in the Congo and now wants to focus on south Oklahoma City.

    “The stories we’re hearing locally are as bad as some of the stories globally,” Basey said.

    Basey said Oklahoma City’s location in the center of the United States at the intersection of Interstate 40 and Interstate 35 also puts the city at a crossroads for human trafficking.

    ‘Stilettos to Sneakers’
    Maj. Leisa Hall, Salvation Army divisional secretary for women’s ministries, said there are women who do not know there are other ways to survive.

    The Salvation Army’s work to reach victims of human trafficking and children who are prostituted on the streets dates to the 1880s on the streets of London.

    Hall is on an FBI committee that studies human trafficking.

    At a meeting in November, she met No Boundaries justice coordinator Debi Mangrum, and plans to tackle the problem in Oklahoma City.

    They hope to hit the streets with the Salvation Army in February with blankets, gloves, coats and words of love and a better way of life.

    Plans are under way to develop a “Stilettos to Sneakers,” outreach program to provide counseling, guidance and job training.

    About 70 people showed up at a recent volunteer meeting.

    The next one is scheduled for Feb. 10 at the Salvation Army, 2808 SE 44.

    The work could be dangerous, putting a volunteer or prostitute in an uncomfortable situation.

    “Anyone who goes out on the streets should have some training. We know that we could do harm when we’re trying to do good,” Hall said.

    ‘They are victims’
    Hall said up to 85 percent of prostitutes started the work before age 18, sometimes as young as 12 when they were forced to work by someone else.

    “They are victims, not criminals,” Hall said. “We have a plan in place to help someone get off the streets.”

    At the No Boundaries training center in south Oklahoma City, Briscoe and Debi Mangrum are working on the next step, to offer living quarters, support and vocational training to those who agree to leave the streets.

    On Christmas Eve, Mangrum gave backpacks filled with hair brushes, hand-warmers, skin lotion, lipstick and lip balm to working prostitutes on S Robinson Avenue.

    One woman told her it was the only Christmas gift she received.

    Briscoe plans to teach volunteers how to approach people on the streets and open a conversation that could lead to someone’s transformation. She said she began working as a prostitute at age 12 and was homeless during her teenage years. She continued prostitution until age 29.

    Now, 49, she wants to bring hope to the women.

    “We let them know that we’re here to share the love of Jesus with them,” Briscoe said.

  7. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    No Boundaries is an excellent organization whose previous efforts were in war torn 3rd world countries. This local project actually goes much further than a cup of hot chocolate and the offer of a prayer. I work closely with them (they are on the streets tonight as a matter of fact) and they are the first real effort to rehabilitate I've seen in the 15 years I've been focusing on this issue. I'm excited to see where this goes in the coming weeks, months and years.

  8. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Huffington Post picked up the article..... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/0...n_1224969.html

  9. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    News9 did a pretty good piece on No Boundaries last night... http://www.news9.com/story/16635293/...-busted-in-okc

  10. #310

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    News9 did a pretty good piece on No Boundaries last night... http://www.news9.com/story/16635293/...-busted-in-okc
    Good piece by News9, hope this group has success.

  11. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Good piece by News9, hope this group has success.
    Sad reality - 'Hope" didn't want her face shown because she was sporting fresh black eyes. She claims it was at the hands of a 'John' but the reality is she has a pimp too that she often denies, so it could have been from him. Regardless, even if some of these women do this 'by choice' - we as a society have failed to give our young women 'more choices.'

  12. #312

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Sad reality - 'Hope" didn't want her face shown because she was sporting fresh black eyes. She claims it was at the hands of a 'John' but the reality is she has a pimp too that she often denies, so it could have been from him. Regardless, even if some of these women do this 'by choice' - we as a society have failed to give our young women 'more choices.'
    True, but it's never to late to start.

  13. #313

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC


    is anybody aware that mr bates him self was arrested for staging a good show and if somebody opened my door they are getting a fist in their face

  14. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimjim View Post

    is anybody aware that mr bates him self was arrested for staging a good show and if somebody opened my door they are getting a fist in their face
    A little late to the party. Are you aware how ignorant you are? My arrest has been discussed MANY times here. And while my critics may still get a chuckle out of it, I guess you missed the part where the charges were dropped, all records/police reports expunged and I never stopped my video activism even for a week. The only person who suffered from my arrest was the DA who filed the charges (Wes Lane) - as he was voted out of office and his own focus group stated that criminally charging me was one of the leading factors why they did not vote for him.

    I guess you probably also missed the part where the accuser's own mother came forward to testify on my behalf because her daughter admitted to her she was lying and was hoping to cash in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHU-gUZaFd0

    Anything else you'd like to enlighten us with there Einstein?

  15. #315

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    biting tongue...

  16. #316

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    biting tongue...

    .oO( Doesn't that cost extra? )Oo.

  17. #317
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    .oO( Doesn't that cost extra? )Oo.
    Yeah, but not like $3400 a day extra for the "media rate". Still unclear who's getting screwed here...well, OK, it's not.

  18. #318
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    A little late to the party. Are you aware how ignorant you are? My arrest has been discussed MANY times here. And while my critics may still get a chuckle out of it, I guess you missed the part where the charges were dropped, all records/police reports expunged and I never stopped my video activism even for a week. The only person who suffered from my arrest was the DA who filed the charges (Wes Lane) - as he was voted out of office and his own focus group stated that criminally charging me was one of the leading factors why they did not vote for him.

    I guess you probably also missed the part where the accuser's own mother came forward to testify on my behalf because her daughter admitted to her she was lying and was hoping to cash in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHU-gUZaFd0

    Anything else you'd like to enlighten us with there Einstein?
    Methinks he explaineth too much (repeatedly). As in having that block of text in cut n paste form 24/7.

  19. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Slayton View Post
    Methinks he explaineth too much (repeatedly). As in having that block of text in cut n paste form 24/7.
    Heaven forbid someone in a forum replies, with actual facts no less, instead of just opinion and pot stirring. I don't bring it up unless someone else throws it out there. Please enlighten me as to how what I posted doesn't cut to the point I was making.

  20. #320

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    .oO( Doesn't that cost extra? )Oo.
    good point *lol* I was just thinking about the irony of Brian asking "Are you aware how ignorant you are?'

  21. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    good point *lol* I was just thinking about the irony of Brian asking "Are you aware how ignorant you are?'
    Yet you offer nothing more enlightening than "tongue biting" and some vague reference to my supposed ignorance.... On what topic exactly? This thread is about prostitution, exactly where is my ignorance on that topic?

  22. #322
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    ...exactly where is my ignorance on that topic?
    Your assumption that it's that important, and your assertion that you're doing it as a community service. Those are a couple from which one might start.

  23. #323
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Please enlighten me...
    No one has that much time. However, my point was that it has the appearance of a rehearsed speech...a canned response. That you feel you have to trot it out to every faceless person on every anonymous board on the internet every time it's brought up casts some doubt on not only the veracity of your account, but of your own personal feelings about it.

  24. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Slayton View Post
    Your assumption that it's that important, and your assertion that you're doing it as a community service. Those are a couple from which one might start.
    Well, you're really letting your ignorance shine if you consider public prostitution and human trafficking 'not important.' I'd love to see your evidence that the topic of street prostitution and human trafficking are not important - since I'm so ignorant.

    Second, please show me where I 'asserted' that my commercial video activism is a "community service." I don't recall if I've EVER made that assertion. I certainly promote awareness and exposure of the offenders, but I don't know I've ever described it as 'community service.' If some within the community see it as community service, I welcome that, if some don't, it really has no impact on me. But, I guess asking you to actually stick to facts is asking a little much.

  25. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Slayton View Post
    No one has that much time. However, my point was that it has the appearance of a rehearsed speech...a canned response. That you feel you have to trot it out to every faceless person on every anonymous board on the internet every time it's brought up casts some doubt on not only the veracity of your account, but of your own personal feelings about it.
    Which makes no sense whatsoever. And saying "no one has that much time" is just your way of letting me know you really don't have a point you're just exercising your bias that has no real foundation. And exactly what is 'canned' about responding with facts. Facts your can't discount.

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