Re: I'm scared today
I've lived here my entire life and I will never get use to tornadoes. After seeing the May 3rd 99 tornado and then again in 03 leaving my work just to find out that 30 minutes later the bank across the street was leveled that was enough for me to freak out every time there is a severe thunderstorm that could produce rotation or a tornadoes.
I think once you have experienced lost of property or being hurt by a tornado first hand then you can understand all the hype better.
I was scared too yesterday. I called my 1 year olds day-care just to ask them if they were getting prepared in case of a tornado and to ask them what their procedures were if there was one. His school is in Moore and I know that Moore always seems to get hit when there are tornados.
When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!