I snapped a bunch of pics yesterday of the site and the new bridge, will try to post soon.
You know... I did record some dramatic video of them demolishing it a few months ago but never did anything with the footage. Had too much going on at the time.
Reviewed land acquisition status map for the new park from the MAPS 3 Board meeting on Thursday, and looks about 85% acquired! Should be 100% acquired by March/April, so hopefully we can see some site prep starting late Summer/Early Fall of 2012!
Here's the latest acquisition map:
Parcels under contract are as good as acquired, it means that the property owners are agreeing to sell, and the City is just working up final contracts to purchase parcels.
I would assume the block bounded by Harvey, 3rd, 4th, and Robinson will be easy to get since that's pretty much just a landing area for the highway exit.
All those properties are owned by Hilltop Parking who acquired them from the rescue mission in 2007.
Not sure the status of acquiring them.
looks like the park acquisition is well underway, and almost complete, except for parcels V3 and V4 in the top right corner? It seems there has been no movement from the city to acquire these parcels for the park? Maybe this is for a reason, maybe it is a future site for some type of development we don't know about yet, as it will border the new boulevard and new park....
Yes, those parcels are in the park and completely vacant except for the large off-ramp from the old I-40.
I wonder if they are waiting on the demolition of the highway for some reason.
New presentation on requirements for Central Park:
Looking through that presentation it appears they are going to go with the plan to do Central Park in two phases, the first being a basic landscaping and tying in with the new boulevard and the Skydance Bridge to be complete by late 2014, the second to do the more detailed programming and development.
I think this is a great way to approach the park and really take the time to gauge what is needed after I-40 comes down, decisions are made about the convention center and more downtown development is announced.
Credit to the committee for this approach.
Praise the lord that Walker is not getting chopped up and closed down for the new CC.
Curious to see what is done to dress up the sub-station?
So since they have already cleared some ground, its just a matter of time now until the other land is bought and demolished right?
And wasn't the covention center going where this "sub-station" is?. And the Ford site was going to be mixed use...but i love that location!
Who owns the land in which the sub-station is currently located on? Private or State?
OG+E, so...whichever category you think that fits under
Correct me if I've missed something, but what's new?? Convention center still taking up the same site. Park is still dis-jointed, I don't understand how that's an approach worth crediting any committee for. And now they're even contributing to the momentum to tear down the last remnants of our Main Street.
I don't mean to be so pessimistic, but this is awful. At what point do we even get to talk about a compromise between things that I and many others consider good and bad?
This is very analogous to our "city planning"
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