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Thread: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

  1. #1

    Default I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    New high school under construction on the OCS campus.

    Mercy Health Edmond is currently constructing a unique medical campus the likes of which have never been seen in Oklahoma before. This facility will have two huge pools and one of the country's most state of the art sports medicine and rehabilitation programs.

    Another shot of Mercy Health Edmond looking south.

    New wellness park and trail. City has begun the bidding and engineering process for the trail. More info about this trail and trail head project can be found at www.springcreektrail.com

    There are many more exciting things in the works out there that will be announced soon. A good source of up to the minute information about the I-35 corridor is www.tappdevelopment.com. Also like them on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tapp-D...35995093115907. Follow them on twitter @tappdevelopment.

  2. #2

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Either you fly around a lot, or you are very tall to get these pictures.

  3. #3

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheetkeecker View Post
    Either you fly around a lot, or you are very tall to get these pictures.
    Funny you mention that. I'm actually 6'9" tall but sadly that actually just makes fitting into helicopters a little more difficult.

  4. #4

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Did you see this video on the Fox Lake Development?

  5. #5

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    This area of the city will look about as different from today as downtown OKC will look in ~10 years. Exciting stuff!

  6. #6

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by OklahomaNick View Post
    Did you see this video on the Fox Lake Development?

    Thanks, Nick. That video was written and produced by my company Insight Visual Media (www.goivm.com). We go into a little more detail about the Trail system in this video. http://goivm.com/portfolio/view/the-...t-trail-system
    Last edited by Cooper_GOIVM; 01-20-2012 at 01:44 PM. Reason: new video link

  7. Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    They have a lot of great info on their website.

    So I guess Tapp finally has the Fox Lake development moving forward, after it's been stalled for as long as I can remember.

  8. #8

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    They have a lot of great info on their website.

    So I guess Tapp finally has the Fox Lake development moving forward, after it's been stalled for as long as I can remember.
    Yeah, as you can imagine -- having nearly $300 million worth of medical hospitals being built in one year in the immediate area of Fox Lake gives a shot of adrenaline to the whole corridor. Fox Lake has incredible momentum at this point and Tapp Development will be making some important announcements over the coming months that will benefit the area greatly. To be fair, Tapp purchased the land out of bankruptcy from the previous developer a little over a year ago so Fox Lake as we know it now is not the same Fox Lake as we knew it 5 years ago.
    Last edited by Cooper_GOIVM; 01-20-2012 at 03:56 PM. Reason: typo

  9. #9

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    This is going to be anchored by a Wal-Mart, what exactly is going to be special about it, other than maybe a few buildings with office on top of retail?

  10. #10

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by mcca7596 View Post
    This is going to be anchored by a Wal-Mart, what exactly is going to be special about it, other than maybe a few buildings with office on top of retail?
    Well when you look at it that way then yes, I guess the site being developed is just boring. From a stakeholder's perspective or from the perspective of those living near the area it is a big deal that SOMETHING rather than nothing is happening out there. If you have followed the Fox Lake saga over the last 5 years then you might see such momentum as a bigger deal.

  11. #11

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cooper_GOIVM View Post
    Well when you look at it that way then yes, I guess the site being developed is just boring. From a stakeholder's perspective or from the perspective of those living near the area it is a big deal that SOMETHING rather than nothing is happening out there. If you have followed the Fox Lake saga over the last 5 years then you might see such momentum as a bigger deal.
    Has there been a lot of NIMBYISM regarding developing that land or reluctance from Edmond city council?

  12. #12

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by mcca7596 View Post
    Has there been a lot of NIMBYISM regarding developing that land or reluctance from Edmond city council?
    The "nimbyism" began between Walmart and the surrounding neighborhood (Fox Lake) just as it always does when Walmart wants to build a store in suburbia. Fox Lake residents had to watch their beautiful wooded back yard get mowed down. I don't know the exact timeline but around the time Walmart built their store a developer decided to buy and develop the adjacent land. I assume he filed a plat with the city and cleared the land in anticipation that construction would soon begin. Then the economy crashed and the development process halted leaving the original developer with a $10mm (don't know exact number) bank note and not a snowball's chance in hell of getting any retail or office construction going in that economic climate.

    So he's got a big patch of slimy clay-dirt that is slowly spilling out onto the streets and into the Fox Lake neighborhood because there is no vegetation to stop the flow of water and he doesn't have any money to take care of the problem. Now Fox Lake residents are super upset and the city isn't happy either so the developer files for bankruptcy. This is when Tapp Development stepped in, purchased the property, spent tens of thousands on proper irrigation, laying sod and planting seed to halt the erosion and began the process of creating a new vision for the development future of the site. I'm not a Tapp Development employee and I know nothing about this corridor that I haven't read from the press but I have had the opportunity to get to know the president and I can tell you that there is no better person to be involved in the future of the I-35 corridor than him. This is his home town and he's pulling out all the stops to improve the quality of life for everyone in the area. At this point Tapp Development, Integris, Mercy, the City and other key stakeholders in the area are all reading from the same page for the most part and the future of the corridor is much MUCH bigger than any construction that may or may not occur on the Fox Lake site. I have also had the opportunity to visit with the COO of Mercy, David Tew and I'm very impressed with his vision for the corridor as well. He and his family moved to Edmond two years ago and have since fallen in love with Oklahoma. All in all, the new "gateway to Edmond" is in the right hands at the exact right time in history and I, for one, am excited about the future of Edmond and our great state.
    Last edited by Cooper_GOIVM; 01-20-2012 at 07:50 PM. Reason: typo

  13. #13

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Cooper_GOIVM,thanks for all the updates and it's great to see this part of Edmond growing.You are quickly becoming a great assest to OKCTalk and the info you provide is appreciated,not to mention your photos are great too!

  14. #14

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Excellent pics! I was ironically out there last minute yesterday, as I went to a taping at Lifechurch Edmonds "studio B". I noticed the hospitals and Fox Lake, and of course all the OCS construction. This area is greatly changing. I was going to post my pics, but yours are much better and give a better perspective than ground level.

  15. #15

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    It's interesting that we've seen several recent posts in this and other threads from Tapp. I guess we've been discovered. LOL

    Welcome to OKC talk.

  16. Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cooper_GOIVM View Post
    Mercy Health Edmond is currently constructing a unique medical campus the likes of which have never been seen in Oklahoma before. This facility will have two huge pools and one of the country's most state of the art sports medicine and rehabilitation programs.
    I'm sorry to see this. By the description, it sounds like one of these new "resort-like" hospital/health clubs is coming to Edmond. I remember when we started building hospitals that looked more like luxury hotels than healthcare facilities and now -- this is the latest thing. People go without decent health coverage because of $500 (plus) premiums while hospitals build resort-like facilities to cater to the wealth and privilege of Edmond. Only in America.

    Edit to include this: I found this priceless quote about the new project when it was announced last February:

    "One of the great things about Edmond is the demographics of the population,” said Lynn Britton, president & CEO for Sisters of Mercy Health System."

    Yeah, the Sisters of Mercy. Ironic, huh?

  17. #17

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    I'm sorry to see this. By the description, it sounds like one of these new "resort-like" hospital/health clubs is coming to Edmond. I remember when we started building hospitals that looked more like luxury hotels than healthcare facilities and now -- this is the latest thing. People go without decent health coverage because of $500 (plus) premiums while hospitals build resort-like facilities to cater to the wealth and privilege of Edmond. Only in America.

    Edit to include this: I found this priceless quote about the new project when it was announced last February:

    "One of the great things about Edmond is the demographics of the population,” said Lynn Britton, president & CEO for Sisters of Mercy Health System."

    Yeah, the Sisters of Mercy. Ironic, huh?
    Mike, I understand what you're saying but this is a business. If there is a market for what they're offering in that area why shouldn't they cater to that market? This project has no bearing at all on people who don't have good health care coverage. I don't want to get into Obamacare here though. That's for a different thread.

  18. Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Mike, I understand what you're saying but this is a business. If there is a market for what they're offering in that area why shouldn't they cater to that market? This project has no bearing at all on people who don't have good health care coverage. I don't want to get into Obamacare here though. That's for a different thread.
    You're right - it's a business. That's why I think the Sisters of 'Mercy' is so ironic. I had a friend come here from Europe about 5 years ago who was blown away at how we market our healthcare as if it's a clothing line or something. He saw commercials for hospitals and was just stunned. He couldn't stop talking about all the advertisements for hospitals and such. We're so accustomed to it, so most of us don't even think about it. I was merely pointing out that these resort-like hospitals add to the whole rather bizarre reality of the state of healthcare in America today.

    But, to keep this on topic, from everything I see from the pictures it looks like this is, indeed, a booming hot spot in Edmond. Good luck to them.

  19. #19

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    ... I had a friend come here from Europe about 5 years ago who was blown away at how we market our healthcare as if it's a clothing line or something. He saw commercials for hospitals and was just stunned. He couldn't stop talking about all the advertisements for hospitals and such. We're so accustomed to it, so most of us don't even think about it. ...
    At this point I do not remember which hospital it was for but one that made always made me cringed because of how terrible the music was, I later heard a physical therapist commenting on hating it due to there were four or five things the staff were doing glaringly wrong for the treatments being shown.

  20. #20

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    I had a friend come here from Europe about 5 years ago who was blown away at how we market our healthcare as if it's a clothing line or something. He saw commercials for hospitals and was just stunned. He couldn't stop talking about all the advertisements for hospitals and such. We're so accustomed to it, so most of us don't even think about it.
    I've always thought it was pretty sick, and most of the time they are just playing on your emotions.

    Honestly, what is the craziest to me though is advertising for prescription drugs, like the consumer is diagnosing themselves and being told to make sure they go with the national brand. It should all be done through one's physician, and they can get you the generic if you don't want to pay as much, because they're aware of all the manufacturers. At least with hospital commercials, it makes you aware of which ones are closer and where you'd want to go in an emergency (which is far more appropriate to regard as a patient's choice compared to asking your doc for a drug you saw advertised).

  21. #21

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    Cooper_GOIVM,thanks for all the updates and it's great to see this part of Edmond growing.You are quickly becoming a great assest to OKCTalk and the info you provide is appreciated,not to mention your photos are great too!
    Thanks dmoor82 it is good to be here

  22. #22

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by mcca7596 View Post
    I've always thought it was pretty sick, and most of the time they are just playing on your emotions.

    Honestly, what is the craziest to me though is advertising for prescription drugs, like the consumer is diagnosing themselves and being told to make sure they go with the national brand. It should all be done through one's physician, and they can get you the generic if you don't want to pay as much, because they're aware of all the manufacturers. At least with hospital commercials, it makes you aware of which ones are closer and where you'd want to go in an emergency (which is far more appropriate to regard as a patient's choice compared to asking your doc for a drug you saw advertised).
    Sorry about being off-topic, but thought people might want to know this (if they already don't) - in 2009 (and probably still today, but not completely sure about this), the only 2 industrialized countries in the world that allow direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising are New Zealand and the USA. You'd think if it was really in the best interest of the general population to allow it, more countries would do it.... Oh wait - Big Pharma, lobbyists, huge profits, capitalism gone crazy - yep, there ya go.
    Last edited by TheTravellers; 01-26-2012 at 12:30 PM. Reason: Clarification

  23. #23

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Can we leave the social and political views in the political thread and just discuss the actual development?

  24. #24

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Can we leave the social and political views in the political thread and just discuss the actual development?

  25. #25

    Default Re: I-35 Corridor in Edmond coming to life.

    It looks like Saints is about to open a hospital or another freestanding ER in Edmond.

    I looked the county assessors website and the deed stated Summit Development. There is also a picture of a billboard with medical listed as one of the possible tenants.

    Now here is this photo from Google Maps that just so happens to show Saints Blvd with a two lane road leading to a dead end road that is listed as Saints Way.

    I am starting to wonder if Edmond can support all of this. I think it will be over saturation and it will cause at least one facility to close or scale back their services. You would think they would shoot for an area that is under served. NE OKC and South OKC are very under served right now. One hospital serves the entire area meanwhile NW OKC and Central OKC has access to 2-3 hospitals depending on a persons location.

    Click image for larger version. 

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