I made
*this* post in the Boeing thread, and thought it would be an interesting topic to expand on in discussion.
The basic question is what is going to be the foundation for OKC moving forward economically. It seems that currently, the only major industry that OKC bolsters is Energy. Both of our Fortune 500 companies are Energy companies. It seems like a major step for OKC to build a more solid foundation is to weave another major industry into the economic fabric of the city. I expect Natural Gas to do well for us for several more decades, and hopefully it blows up big enough to thrust OKC into a major boom. Unfortunately any major boom is going to be at risk of a major bust if the market was on a bubble to begin with (Fortunately, I think that Natural Gas is undervalued, unlike Oil in the 80s). It helps to soften a blow to a community when a bust happens or even a downturn in a specific market if that community has a strong portfolio in other markets that are performing well.
With all the Boeing jobs that are currently moving here, coupled with current aerospace infrastructure already in place (FAA, for example), it seems that is a market that has a chance to be woven into the economic fabric. It certainly will never overtake energy, but it's a good start to "diversification".
What other markets would you all like to see have a bigger presence in OKC moving forward? What types of markets would thrive in OKC, what types of markets are pipe-dreams?
Here's a list of markets that I can think of off the top of my head (Some of these are more broad, and some more specific):
Raw Materials (Steel, Concrete, Soil, Fabric, Wood etc.)
Performing Arts
Clearly most of these will not be a foundational part of our fabric for a host of reasons, but the main question is which of these, or others that you can think of, are the best plays for this city?