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Thread: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

  1. #51

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    The day that I buy into that aspersion is the day that I disbelieve the rumors regarding food poisoning at the Jack-in-the-Box across the street from the Winchester Drive-In. And right after I pay tree-fiddy to keep the Coodys away. (JOOK: Has the "Home Remodeling Shyster" who was caught on camera via An Official In-Your-Corner News Exposé actually ever gone out of business? Or were his pockets deep enough to correct the misperception?)

  2. #52

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I forgot one.... Get rid of that god awful hick barfly sports reporter Jessica Coody. There is no possible way she landed that job on talent. I am willing to bet she landed that job after one of the sports reporters woke up next to her one morning after a night of binge drinking.
    WOW, that's harsh. With the turnover in that area of KWTV, it might be that she is one of the few willing to work with a guy who urinates while on the air.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqAIN5zX4jA

  3. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    In all honesty, nobody knows how to make a #1 newscast...although there are a lot of consultants who will tell you that they know! It's been my experience that network programming plays a pretty big role in everything. When a network is doing well, their local affilliates also seem to do well. It's also been my experience that whatever station is ranked #1 will claim that lead-in has NOTHING to do with local ratings...but should they fall to #2, they will switch positions and claim it's totally due to lead-in programming. LOL
    You are so right. I have read interviews with News Directors and that's exactly the game they play. I guess they didn't think anyone would notice?

  4. #54

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that NBC is the #3 (or #4) network right now (and has been for awhile now), making it a poor lead-in for KFOR's newscasts, which should actually demonstrate how impressive their position is.

  5. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    A little off topic, but since Amanda Taylor will be out on maternity leave smack in the middle of February sweeps, who do you think they'll use to fill in? Lauren Nelson gets my vote, but I'd love to see Jennifer Pierce get some shows, as well as Lisa Monahan. Might as well show off all that great talent that often goes underutilized.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    They might rotate it. Might bring back from former anchors. Might do a combo. And yeah, they might tag someone to take on the role full-time on a temp basis during the maternity leave. I'd put money on the combo approach myself.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Given the fact that News9 has people dumb enough to buy Amy McRee's house from her, then sell it for a loss tells me they don't have the best judgment over at Wilshire and Kelly.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that NBC is the #3 (or #4) network right now (and has been for awhile now), making it a poor lead-in for KFOR's newscasts, which should actually demonstrate how impressive their position is.
    Doesn't matter when you have Joleen Chaney coming on air (that sounds bad, I know).

  9. #59

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I can't believe that they haven't issued a Slow Flurry Emergency Alert.
    (or maybe they already have)

  10. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I can't believe that they haven't issued a Slow Flurry Emergency Alert.
    (or maybe they already have)
    They did, somewhat. They did wall-to-wall coverage and showed a few traffic accidents also including the new I-40 eastbound. Did you miss it?

  11. #61

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that NBC is the #3 (or #4) network right now (and has been for awhile now), making it a poor lead-in for KFOR's newscasts, which should actually demonstrate how impressive their position is.
    Don't know if that number is a local one or nationally. Local ratings would be more relevant.

  12. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Going back to a previous post of mine, I've had time to think some more about it. If I could manage to hire away both Liz Dueweke and Joleen Chaney, here's what I would try. (And yes, I am shamelessly going for the male demographic. Women are a total puzzle when it comes to ratings!)

    I'd take Bobbie Miller and Liz Dueweke and that would be my morning team. I might consider using Stan Miller as a third cog if he could add to the banter and humor. The jury is still out on that.

    Realizing that I had a bevy of amazing women to use at 5, 6, and 10pm, I'd sit down and come up with all combinations of Lisa Monahan, Jennifer Pierce, Lauren Nelson, Amanda Taylor, and Joleen Chaney. I'd have so many amazing dual-female anchor teams that viewers would be tuning in every chance they got just to see who would be anchoring on a given day. Even then, I'd still probably have a third female appearing in-studio for extra firepower.

    I'd put Kelly Ogle on the Oklahoma Impact Team, because "He's a man. He's forty.", and he deserves to be a "real" journalist. This would also prepare Kelly for an eventual run for governor, which I think is his true destiny. JMHO.

    I'd allow any of the female anchors to pursue hard journalism at their discretion, knowing that I could cover for them for weeks at a time with my super-duper-high-tech-rotational anchor system. When they finally emerged with a big story, I'd play the living heck out of it in every time period. (Just like FOX 25 did when Britten Follett chased down Joyce Gilchrist in another state.)

    So there you have it. NEWS 9 is two hires away from reclaiming a ratings dynasty that they started when they hired a very young Amy McRee. I've never seen a station with the potential for so much depth at the anchor spot. And hey, if David Griffin can afford to buy Amy's house for 120k over market, I think he can lure away Joleen and Liz. Just a hunch. (See The Lost Ogle for details.) If all else fails, take the money out of Gary England's salary. He'll never miss it.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Drumsncode, we seem to be circulating around one another in this thread.

    I'd also find a way to steal that camera operator from KFOR, ya know, the laughing guy. It's like local flare, and that's good.

  14. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Drumsncode, we seem to be circulating around one another in this thread.

    I'd also find a way to steal that camera operator from KFOR, ya know, the laughing guy. It's like local flare, and that's good.
    Wow, we steal their most powerful weapon, then we add insult to injury by stealing Robert the Laughing Guy! Man, that's just cruel! ;-) ;-) Nice touch!

  15. #65

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I wish some out of state station would hire the laughing guy. He drives me crazy. It's so planned and contrived and makes the morning news sound like Hee Haw.

  16. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I grew up watching KFOR and most of my life, I was hearing, but never once did I hear any laughing. Later on, when I lost my hearing, I saw a story about the laughing guy. Oh, well, guess I'm lucky to not hear that crap. He should've been fired a long time ago for unprofessional behavior on the job. Then again, Kevin and Linda play around with their Bedlam bets every year.

    KOCO is the most fun and friendly.
    KFOR is a mixture of both.
    KWTV is completely strict and serious.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    This would cost a fortune and be a *major* change, but I'd move all news operations downtown, to the top of the new Devon building or one of the others. That way, every time any station showed a downtown skyline promo they'd be showing KWTV's news operation (and icon). It would also position them for the hard news angle that many of the previous posters have requested. The hard news begins with government, and city government (with MAPS development) is at the core of that. Courts and police are downtown. Major business is downtown. Bricktown (entertainment) is downtown. The Thunder is....downtown.

    News 9 -- Hard news, from the heart of the city.

  18. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    With Ed Murray leaving and Jennifer Pierce announcing her departure, I would hope that management at KWTV is already in talks with Joleen Chaney to come over from KFOR. It would be the most strategically powerful hire they could make. KFOR would be crushed and have to completely reload its staff.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    @oneforone...Your request may have been answered. I noticed that Jessica Coody's profile is not listed on the News9 webpage.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    @oneforone...Your request may have been answered. I noticed that Jessica Coody's profile is not listed on the News9 webpage.
    According to the Lost Ogle she was laid off in January. In retrospect, I never meant any ill will towards her. Her personality would probably make a great country radio station Disc Jockey or rodeo announcer. Her voice and her delivery of the news story had too much Okie Twang. Okie Twang sounds fine at a bon fire out the lake or in a bar somewhere in Bricktown just not at a news desk.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Clone Emily Sutton multiple times and have an all Emily Sutton news staff. It's crazy enough it just might work.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    When the Devon tower is completely finished I would LOVE for News 9 to update their image of Downtown Oklahoma City. I love everything about their newscast. KFOR NEEDS A COMPLETE MAKE OVER, That opening song and that blue background and that same yellow 4 has got to go. It takes me back to the 90's everytime

  23. #73

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I noticed that Stephanie Malone got the boot from KWTV but ended up at Chesapeake bumping elbows with Sarah Libby. Could Emily Sutton be next???

  24. #74

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    That's because most of their set is green screen.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Right now I watch KOCO, and am very frustrated everytime they do their live shots and, when discussing snow, the camera pans to the ground to show snow, or the reporter holds up a hand of snow. When they're discussing a court document, the reporter has to have a piece of paper in his or her hand that might look like a court document. Right, as it is stated above -- runninga live shot just to get relevance is stupid. What I'd like to have out of a new station if more info on the screen at once, or at least in sequence about the same story. There could be a panel showing the news piece being delivered, but I also want to know, maybe in a crawler across the bottom of the screen, why the station thought that this was news. Is there a trend here that I need to know about? In a panel on the side of the reporter or anchor, an information box saying what the opposing spin to this story would be if it were reported by a more conservative or liberal station (or both, if the station finds itself reporting in the middle of the road). I also want maps. If there's a fire in (fill in the blank) county, pinpoint the fire on a map. That's so much more informative than a running (flying?) helicopter shot showing a field on fire. Track it like a storm and show me where it's going. There's so much more that local news could be doing better. Disclaimer: I know we're better than most markets. I just want better still.

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