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Thread: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    I'd rather see OKC trying to emulate Denver or Portland than Dallas. Look west not south! (same thing was said when OU was looking for a new conference home)

  2. #27

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by KilgoreTrout View Post
    I'm in Dallas and Fort Worth 1-2 weekends a month... the things I like about Dallas are the things I like about any more urban city, but you can also see some of the problems. For one, people in Dallas are pretty full of themselves. They think Uptown is some kind of mecca that is unrivaled anywhere. I had some friends who moved from Norman after OU to Uptown and they always talked about how stuck up everyone in the area was. So, while Dallas has some good things, the people leave a lot to be desired. As OKC develops more "upscale" and gentrified areas the same thigng will probably happen. The general humility and unabrasiveness of OKlahoman's is one of our best qualities. I don't want us to end up like the Dallas yuppies. Then we're just another city...
    I think you are referring to this:
    Urban Dictionary: DALLITUDE

  3. #28

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Traffic, air pollution, airport (easier to pass thru than check in), HUMIDITY, the brainwashed egos of a few texans.........lol
    Ok, let's take your first one - traffic. What do you hate about Dallas traffic? Is it the freeways, the city streets, do they drive to fast, are the roads to wide, etc...

    Why do you think Dallas has traffic?

  4. #29

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    My entire family is from Boston and I lived there for a while when I was younger and still frequent the area.Dallas may be a big city in population but in no way shape of form does OKC want to emulate Dallas,atleast I do not.Go to NYC,Boston,Philly,DC or any dense coastal city and Dallas does not FEEL big,I know it is population wise but I like the urban feel over the spread out sprawl feel.OKC should try to emulate cities that are around the metro population of 2million,and have a more dense built up environment and has more transportation options.Austin,SA,KC, Nashville,Charlotte,Indy,Salt Lake are good cities for OKC to look to!

  5. #30

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Why do you think Dallas has traffic?
    lol lol lol thats a easy question...um didnt someone mention how its the 4th largest metro in the u.s. Also if you look up the statistics, it is one of the largest metro in the u.s with people who own cars and drive everywhere, compared to the amount of people who own cars in n.y or chicago.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Dmoor82, How do you build that density while at the same time freeways are get built that make it easier to live spread out?

  7. #32

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    Why do you think Dallas has traffic?
    lol lol lol thats a easy question...um didnt someone mention how its the 4th largest metro in the u.s. Also if you look up the statistics, it is the largest metro in the u.s with people who own cars and drive everywhere, compared to the amount of people who own cars in n.y or chicago.
    London has 5x the population and many of them don't drive anywhere? Do you think the freeways might be what actually causes the sprawl that in turns leads to the bad traffic?

    Do you think in the long run the new I-40 will make traffic in OKC better or worse?

  8. #33

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    jtf^^Are you talking about the new I-40?The old crosstown will be dismantled,so no new hwy has been added.I agree that OKC sprawl is horrendous,but OKC's core is starting to see some great progress and with the streetcar lines and future expansions things will improve,slowly!I found an article by the NYT that said only three cities in America built up their core's more than their fringes or suburbs, and those cities were Boston,Providence and Oklahoma City.I will find the article and post it later.OKC has to start somewhere and right now we're off to a good start!

  9. #34

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Ok, let's take your first one - traffic. What do you hate about Dallas traffic? Is it the freeways, the city streets, do they drive to fast, are the roads to wide, etc...

    Why do you think Dallas has traffic?
    For me, it was when my sister had to plan around a 2 hour window of when to meet another relative for dinner, or supper, just due the complications of trying to be on time half way between Dallas and Ft Worth......due to the road traffic congestion.....

    I see where were going here.....

  10. #35

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    How did I know he was trying to turn this into an anti-freeway discussion... He's just as bad as torea when it comes to repeating himself over and over.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    NYT article on how America is going on a suburban sprawlfest. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/12/we...w/12burbs.html a qoute from the article"Of the 51 metropolitan areas with more than 1 million residents, only three — Boston, Providence, and Oklahoma City — saw their core cities grow faster than their suburbs. And the growth is hardly the mono-dimensional suburbia of hoary stereotype."

  12. #37

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    ^^I don't care what anyone say's,that's some good company to be in!

  13. #38

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    Let me be more specific. The population of it. Also the attitude KT mentioned.
    What is it about the population? The US has 300 million people, do you hate it? Probably not, which means the Dallas population isn't the problem, it is how you have to interact with that population that is the problem.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    What is it about the population? The US has 300 million people, do you hate it? Probably not, which means the Dallas population isn't the problem, it is how you have to interact with that population that is the problem.
    You got me. I hate traffic.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    How did I know he was trying to turn this into an anti-freeway discussion... He's just as bad as torea when it comes to repeating himself over and over.
    No, you said you hate Dallas and don't want to be like them, and then favor doing in OKC the exact same thing that made Dallas a bad place. I am just asking questions to see if you can make that connection on your own.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    You got me. I hate traffic.
    Do you like the new I-40? Will it make traffic better or worse?

  17. #42

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Do you like the new I-40? Will it make traffic better or worse?
    I do like the new I-40 and honestly it's too soon to answer that but I would probably say yes since it's 10 lanes instead of 6.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    JTF?The old Crosstown was crumbling and had a worse defficiency rating than the Minnesota bridge that collapsed,not to mention it was only designed to handle 76k/day.The NEW STRETCH of I-40 was needed badly and in the long run is better for OKC's core because it frees up land for dt OKC to expand on.If you think this freeway was such a BAd idea,look at what relocating a hwy has done for other cities especially Denver!

  19. #44

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Do you like the new I-40? Will it make traffic better or worse?
    This is a dumb question!!!!!The old I-40 did not have breakdown lanes and was crumbling and was only three lanes,it's not rocket science!

  20. #45

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    No, you said you hate Dallas and don't want to be like them, and then favor doing in OKC the exact same thing that made Dallas a bad place. I am just asking questions to see if you can make that connection on your own.
    I made the connection the second I read your first response because I know how you feel about freeways. And I don't hate Dallas, I'm not sure why you're making that assumption. There are characteristics about Dallas I don't like but I don't hate Dallas.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Isn't it wonderful when Just the Facts graces us with the Socratic method so we can reach his conclusion? Everyone just say NEW URBANISM so he'll quit...

  22. #47

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    If it's really really that easy... New Urbanism.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    If it's really really that easy... New Urbanism.
    But you have to mean it.

    Actually, I am just wondering why people say I hate X about city Y and then say we need more X in OKC. Why would anyone want more of what they hate?

  24. #49

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    But you have to mean it.

    Actually, I am just wondering why people say I hate X about city Y and then say we need more X in OKC. Why would anyone want more of what they hate?
    The answer to that can vary but I suppose the most reasonable would be jealousy.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Why do Oklahoma Citians seem to have a Dallas Crush?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    But you have to mean it.

    Actually, I am just wondering why people say I hate X about city Y and then say we need more X in OKC. Why would anyone want more of what they hate?
    You're saying people are saying that, but I'm not sure that they are. Did you notice when you asked why people didn't like Dallas most people had answers that did not fit the response you were looking for. When you approach every issues with an ideological agenda, you quit having conversations with people and start patronizing them.

    You have a lot of great points, Just the Facts, but you try to insert your agenda into every discussion and it turns people off.

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