I've noticed over the hundred years I've been a Niner fan, teams that I hate keep expanding and teams I don't mind or like a little bit keep contracting.
Thus, playoffs come along and I'm effed up.
This year "teams I hate" expanded by one due to the whole Teblow thing. I used to be ok with Broncos and find myself rooting for them often (except I rooted against Elway), just like I used to like the Bears before the whole Ditka thing. I've always hated the Steelers, it's a no-brainer, only ten Steeler fans have ever lived in Pittsburgh, the rest are all front runners, and none of them have ever been Pirate fans.
So yesterday's Bronco/Steeler game was totally schizophrenic for me. How much better could it be? a pub with cheap beer and free BBQ that I biked to, lots of viewing room and free WiFi to boot. But as I was cheering and groaning plays, another patron asked me: Dude, just WHO are you cheering for???
I hadn't really thought about it, so I did.
I'm cheering for Pittsburgh to lose and for Teblow to throw for zero TDs, 29 yards, and 5 picks.
man. how frickin likely is that!
No wonder I'm such a grumpy old man, look WTF it takes to make me happy.