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Thread: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

  1. #26

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Instigate electroshock therapy live on the air to all news anchors whenever an Ogle says one of these catch phrases during a "hard news" segment:

    • Now get a load of this
    • Listen to this
    • Can you believe this?

    Apply extra voltage if the catch phrase is accompanied by the goofy lean-in and partial wink smirk.

  2. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I like the idea of going the hard news route. I know they would say it would pull the "wrong" demographics and such, but it would certainly stand out. "CBS This Morning" began today what's considered a radical experiment of bringing hard news back to morning network television. It's good to see Charlie Rose back at CBS.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Simply agree to NEVER carry another David Stanley car commercial - I'd watch KWTV exclusively if they'd drop David Stanley...yes...I'm serious.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    Simply agree to NEVER carry another David Stanley car commercial - I'd watch KWTV exclusively if they'd drop David Stanley...yes...I'm serious.
    I'd prefer that they drop Chad Stevens' stuff for Fowler -- but car dealers are probably the biggest accounts that any station has so nobody is going to drop one of them...

  5. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Man, the answer to this is pretty easy. Pay whatever it takes to get Joleen Chaney out of her contract with KFOR and make her the next Jennifer Reynolds! DONE!!
    You nailed it! That would be my first move. Remembering that the goal is a ratings increase, I'd steal their most popular anchor. That alone would decimate their ratings, but I'd go one better. I'd let Joleen do more hard journalism because that's what she loves, so I'd have happy viewers on KWTV and a happy employee as well. My guess is that KFOR's 10pm ratings would completely crumble in the male demographic.

    If I had any budget left to spend, I'd hire Liz Dueweke away from FOX25 and all her viewers would come right along for the ride. I think Liz is unmatched for a morning anchor, and if you've watched FOX25 when she's not there versus when she is, you see and feel the difference in the energy of the show.

    That's the two moves I'd make if I ran the station. I would not fire anyone, but I'd consider shuffling some people around.

    I'd also outlaw those meaningless live shots taken in the dead of night. They waste time, gasoline, and resources. I'd put my reporters in the studio where they could really communicate.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    They need to hire people who could deliver the news like this . . .

    (No . . . Not the actual news . . . the delivery style. =)

    If they can't find a Chet or David, maybe a Jack Webb impersonator.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    They need to hire people who could deliver the news like this . . .

    (No . . . Not the actual news . . . the delivery style. =)

    If they can't find a Chet or David, maybe a Jack Webb impersonator.
    Do you remember back far enough to recall Channel 5's evening news when it was something like "The Albert-Hickock Report"? Very much like the Huntley-Brinkley style. Very matter-of-fact, and absolutely no chit-chat. I think that report gave way to the earliest incarnations of either Eyewitness News or the 5 Alive News Center back in the late 70's. More I think about it, more I think Eyewitness News came first, then the "Five Alive News Center" with Dave Gilbert and Jane Jayroe, and later Mary Ruth Carelton...and the first news set that really resembled the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. I think OETA used that old Five Alive set for their news program after KOCO discarded it...

    Man, am I dating myself or what....

  8. #33

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    If you are dating yourself then at least there won't be a long discussion over which "Chick Flick" to see after the restaurant decision has been debated and resolved . . . =)

    Sorry: Correct answer: Or what.

    I just wish ALL the local stations would quit trying to outdo each other on all of the over-hyped B.S. that makes the local news almost unwatchable (in my humble opinion, respectfully, Radical Moderate.)

  9. #34

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    Running a grocery empire is no qualification to lead a journalistic enterprise.
    With all due respect...experience in the days before the internet is also not a qualification to lead a journalistic enterprise. You're living in the "good old days" before cable tv, remote controls, and the internet. These days, we don't have to wait on Nielsen diaries to tell us who the #1 station is. We can track it on a minute by minute basis. And...for the record...the person who owns KWTV never ran the grocery empire. That's a completely different brother.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by Questor View Post
    Instigate electroshock therapy live on the air to all news anchors whenever an Ogle says one of these catch phrases during a "hard news" segment:

    • Now get a load of this
    • Listen to this
    • Can you believe this?

    Apply extra voltage if the catch phrase is accompanied by the goofy lean-in and partial wink smirk.
    I think you are on the right track. LOL I'd choose a panel of 3 random viewers whose names were chosen through a process similar to the "Wheel Watchers" game on Wheel of Fortune. They'd have to watch the morning show to see if their name had been drawn, then they'd have 30 minutes to call in. Those selected would comprise a panel which sat in judgement of the evening news. Each selected viewer would have a button in front of them, much like on "America's Got Talent". They would be asked to hit their button at any point in which they decided the newscast had gone over into "fluff". If two out of three judges thought the newscast had gotten off track, the anchor would be dropped throught the floor and another anchor would take his/her place. The newscast would have absolutely zero credibility, but folks would watch it every night just to see what happened. lol
    On the serious side...this degradation of local news has been coming for decades. It has very little to do with the content of our local newscasts (or our local newspaper, for that matter) and EVERYTHING to do with the immediacy of the internet and cable tv. Nobody sits around and waits for the 10pm newscast (or the morning newspaper) to find out what's going on in their world. My personal opinion is that investigative news has a much better chance of surviving within a locally produced news magazine show. Something where they only have to produce a story once a week...or once a month. But even that may be extremely optimistic.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I want to be the buzzer vendor ... lots of replacement sales!

  12. #37

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Did I say "over-hyped"?
    I meant "under-amped".

    (Anticipating the objection: "If you don't like local TV News, change the channel or turn off the set."
    Response: "Exactly. Consider it done. Like a long time ago.)

  13. #38

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    (Anticipating the objection: "If you don't like local TV News, change the channel or turn off the set."
    Response: "Exactly. Consider it done. Like a long time ago.)
    This is exactly what happened. For a long, long time, tv news was living in a bit of a protected bubble. They, and the newspapers, were the only source of information. Then...along came cable tv and the internet. Suddenly, people had a choice...and they opted to exercise that choice.

  14. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    With all due respect...experience in the days before the internet is also not a qualification to lead a journalistic enterprise. You're living in the "good old days" before cable tv, remote controls, and the internet. These days, we don't have to wait on Nielsen diaries to tell us who the #1 station is. We can track it on a minute by minute basis. And...for the record...the person who owns KWTV never ran the grocery empire. That's a completely different brother.
    I'm curious. In older times, the Nielsen Ratings were always criticized for a sample size so small that it was statistically insignificant. Has that changed? Is there now enough instrumentation out there that they actually have a reliable measure of the viewers?

    And if you have cable, can they detect the station you are watching without any special software/hardware (and without your permission)?

  15. #40

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by drumsncode View Post
    I'm curious. In older times, the Nielsen Ratings were always criticized for a sample size so small that it was statistically insignificant. Has that changed? Is there now enough instrumentation out there that they actually have a reliable measure of the viewers?

    And if you have cable, can they detect the station you are watching without any special software/hardware (and without your permission)?
    Nielsen still uses a pretty small sample size, but their methods of collecting data is better. These days, OKC is a "metered market". That means that Nielsen no longer depends upon people's memory as to what stations/programs they watched over the past week. They're able to monitor every channel change within a household...and also know which shows are recorded and watched later. So...yeah...their methods are better. But...no...they're still using such a small sample that several viewers within a region can shift things dramatically.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    As an addition to your question, drumsncode, when you see our local stations doing their newscasts from towns within Oklahoma, you can bet they're doing them in areas where there's a collection of Nielsen meters that they think they can influence.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    This is exactly what happened. For a long, long time, tv news was living in a bit of a protected bubble. They, and the newspapers, were the only source of information. Then...along came cable tv and the internet. Suddenly, people had a choice...and they opted to exercise that choice.
    Actually, the news (or at least what is broadcast as news) is mostly depressing and generally outside of my Circles of Concern and Influence. When you combine that with the goofy over-hyped, under-amped BS presentation . . . Well . . . The choice is obvious . . . Isn't it? =) [Netflix/OETA]<---subliminal plug/product placement, respectfully, Rad Moor . . . I mean Radical Moderate. =)

    Is one of The Ogle's on KWTV?
    Why don't they let him--Kelly or Alt.--have a Half-Hour Show . . . "My 30 Cents" . . . with live, in the field, checks on stuff like whether or not rain or sleet has actually appeared in the Metro without providing real-time maps of where the flooded intersections are or maybe aren't?

  18. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Actually, the news (or at least what is broadcast as news) is mostly depressing and generally outside of my Circles of Concern and Influence. When you combine that with the goofy over-hyped, under-amped BS presentation . . . Well . . . The choice is obvious . . . Isn't it? =) [Netflix/OETA]<---subliminal plug/product placement, respectfully, Rad Moor . . . I mean Radical Moderate. =)

    Is one of The Ogle's on KWTV?
    Why don't they let him--Kelly or Alt.--have a Half-Hour Show . . . "My 30 Cents" . . . with live, in the field, checks on stuff like whether or not rain or sleet has actually appeared in the Metro without providing real-time maps of where the flooded intersections are or maybe aren't?
    I actually kinda like the idea of Kelly doing "My 30 Cents", which is a terribly clever name, by the way! :-) I'd like to just hear him do the equivalent of a half-hour "My 2 Cents", with a lot more viewer comments like KFOR does it. That stuff is very interesting to hear.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Really, it should probably be: "My Buck and A Half" . . . (based on TV time).

    First topic: What To Do With "The County Line" BBQ Bldg?
    Second topic: Live Coverage of the Demonstrations at the Demolition of Stage Center.
    (maybe Triumph the Insult Comedian Dog could be booked for a guest spot)
    Third topic: "SMART Parking Meters? or not so much smart?"

  20. #45

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    Quote Originally Posted by drumsncode View Post
    .... That stuff is very interesting to hear.
    Sit in a diner or other non-trendy place.
    Drink coffee and scan a paper.
    Audibly complain about X.
    Sit back and listen.

    - no Ogle required

  21. #46

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

  22. Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    We're all going to feel funny if KWTV goes into sweeps with all shows solo-anchored by Kelly Ogle. Be careful what you wish for! I even think Kelly's first name is Walter!

  23. #48

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    More power to him.
    Make it: "My Tree-Fiddy" (adjusted for inflation) . . .
    (and risk The Wrath of Trey and that other southpark guy* =)

    *Obscure Cultural Reference Key:
    Disclaimer: i apologize, in advance, for "the scots-irish connection" at the end of this pirated version of the original

  24. #49

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    In all honesty, nobody knows how to make a #1 newscast...although there are a lot of consultants who will tell you that they know! It's been my experience that network programming plays a pretty big role in everything. When a network is doing well, their local affilliates also seem to do well. It's also been my experience that whatever station is ranked #1 will claim that lead-in has NOTHING to do with local ratings...but should they fall to #2, they will switch positions and claim it's totally due to lead-in programming. LOL

  25. #50

    Default Re: Pretend You Are In Charge of KWTV

    I forgot one.... Get rid of that god awful hick barfly sports reporter Jessica Coody. There is no possible way she landed that job on talent. I am willing to bet she landed that job after one of the sports reporters woke up next to her one morning after a night of binge drinking.

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