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Thread: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

  1. Arrow 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    I'm moving the 33 footer to a lot at Skyline park in Del City on Reno this week (I hope). So, I want to start the process starting next month. Most importantly is to find the mysterious spot or two up on the roof (which I will just try to cover everywhere I can).

    Okay, I need recommendations for a great electrician. And I know that city inspector must approve a home, does this applies to mobile home, too? I need electrical system inspection and central system replaced to support the highest allowed (50 amps).

    Is there anyone here a owner of a 5th Wheel? I have no manual and no knowledge, so I need someone here to meet me and teach me things that I need to know. There are a lot of switches inside I need to know what they do. I need to know the gas system. It uses the propane. I need to know how to hook up the two propane and turn them on/off. I need to know how to hook up the water system, water tanks, hot water tank (don't know where its at), sewer, and whatever else.

    Recommendations on where to buy accessories. I need the bathroom window curtains replaced for another color. The curtains in the bedroom, I need them replaced (its a girly color now) for something blue.

    There is something about battery. I don't know and don't know where its at. When the dealership brought it to the flea market, they opened all 3 slides out without plugging it in, so it has a battery. I need to know how often to replace battery, if its used regularly or as backup, and whatever.

    And who on here has experience building a patio? I want a raised patio if someone can build one. Steps on front and back. This will be after I get a small barn put in place in the backyard, then I want a patio and fence built (completely secure so Taz the Poodle can not escape).

    How do I know there are insulation or enough insulation in the walls? Windows? Many things I want checked and done.

    Anyone here willing to help me secure my long-term home?

    I could ask the dealership to haul my home to the lot, but I don't know if there is a service charge or free. So, just in case, is there anyone on here capable of hauling it and with experience on raising/lowering the jacks underneath, check tires, and anything else to make it stable. If someone can do it, I need to know the asking price.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    You might be able to find an owners manual online and the lot manager can probable help you in a few of the area you mentioned like hooking up the gas and such. Make sure the lots have 50 Amp power before you move it into a slot. If it's a 4 seasons type then you should be fine with insulation. When you have the electrician hook up your 50 amp have him label the fuses in the fuse box if it's not already done. Unless you have a friend that's an electrician expect to pay a few hundred bucks for the conversion. I imagine regular curtains will work, they come in various sizes at Wal-Mart.

  3. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Yeah, its a full trailer/mobile home park with RVs welcomed. They have both 30 and 50. Walmart don't have these kind of curtains, something like material border across with same matching material curtain. Its in the pix in another thread. I plan to pay at least $300 for electrical work, just hope its not something over $500...

  4. #4

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Why do you need to switch to 50 Amp?

  5. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    Why do you need to switch to 50 Amp?
    To be on the safe side. I have no clue what all can be powered with 30 amps. Didn't someone say that a single AC unit take the entire 30 amps? Plus, I'll have electronics plugged in. A full fish tank. Custom washer/dryer. There's so many things. Don't forget the Halloween and Christmas lights outside. 30 seems so tiny... To this day, no one can ever tell me how much can be powered with only 30. :-(

  6. #6

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    I would think the designers would have thought 30 amps was plenty to run everything on the trailer including the a/c unit(s). Not sure how much a washer dryer would pull and you might need a different circuit for that. The best thing would be to find out if you actually needed an upgrade before you spent the money on one. You can contact an electrician through email and let them know what you are doing and see what they think.

  7. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Yes, I am hoping to find an electrician on here to talk with me thru PM or email. And I'm hoping for honest recommendations for honest electricians. No one (ok, maybe a few) on here want to see the breaking news on KOCO regarding Thunder Dies In 5-Alarm Inferno.

    As for the washer/dryer, I plan to get a cute barn (the kind with log appearance style with green roof extending outward over barn's patio area. I saw a perfect one with no credit check (yeah, right, I know they still check it) and wonder how much the payments will be. I plan to have the laundry system in there and ask my grandpa to set out an outdoor outlet or two and route a power line to the barn for hookups and electricity.

    I just want to make it all just like a house. I will probably trade the home in 5 years or so with the same dealership if I find a much better model (used), since they'll be able to trust me with another in-store-direct payment plan. That's what they did for me, they basically gave it to me and said that I can pay them $250 monthly 20x with no interest.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    I'm thinking a 5th wheel trailer wouldn't be a 5 alarm.... maybe a couple garden hoses. I'm assuming the washer/dryer will be the kind where the dryer is on top the washer and don't think that will take 50 amps because it will be 110 outlet but I may be wrong. I would get the info together and send an email to 2 or 3 different electricians and get a rough estimate. At the least you'll need a separate breaker for it. The other stuff will come in time after you get settled in.

  9. #9

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    T, I'm not an electrician, but I think if the trailer you are buying has space for a washer/dryer unit, the standard 30 amp takes that into account. If it doesn't or if it did not come with AC, then you would likely need more. If you do not already know, find out who sells the type unit you are buying. Give them a call. Someone can answer a lot of your questions and point you to any manuals available through them or online.

    As to your small wahser/dryer house idea, talk to the lot manager first. There are likely specific rules about size of structure you can have, possibly even appearance rules, and the city has codes about popping electrical into any structure, even small storage/laundry structures. Definitely need to run that plan past your lot boss first before you sink any money into it to make sure your wants aren't in conflict with their, and your, realities.

  10. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    I will talk to them about it. I already emailed the guy at the dealership for a manual along with towing request.

  11. #11

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    very doubtful that the city would permit you to install a laundry room in a storage shed in a mobile home park, even if the park will allow it. better check with the building inspector before you get too far along.

  12. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Quote Originally Posted by easternobserver View Post
    very doubtful that the city would permit you to install a laundry room in a storage shed in a mobile home park, even if the park will allow it. better check with the building inspector before you get too far along.
    Then I guess I'd just have to try to save some money and work up a trade later on for a model with laundry room built in. >_<

  13. #13

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Quote Originally Posted by easternobserver View Post
    very doubtful that the city would permit you to install a laundry room in a storage shed in a mobile home park, even if the park will allow it. better check with the building inspector before you get too far along.
    I deal with the City and the building code regularly. I don't know of anything about where you can or can't put laundry rooms as long as the plumbing and electrical are done to code.

    Now, as to the electrical service in the RV. I am an licensed electrician. It's been a while since I've actually wired much as I've been in management for a while but I still know my way around. To have wiring done on an RV you need to have it done by someone who works on RVs. The wiring methods in an RV are different from a house or other building. The couple of contractors I know well won't touch one. There are liability issues if something happens and they don't want to take the chance. You're already dealing with the dealership. Ask their service manager about the wiring questions you have.

  14. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Okay, I got to retype the whole thing all over again!!! But first, I went to install the Text Area Cache for Firefox. >_<

    What happened to all the pictures? :-O Either they are missing or an entire post is missing, so I'm a bit lost in the conversation.

    I paid January's $250 today and requested for towing service. The manager gave it to me free of charge. It is now at the Skyline lot #4. I made sure it was parked straight and evenly. Looks like plenty of space for me to park my truck in front of the home (sort of the hood of the truck underneath the bedroom section). This leaves me great patio area (hoping to find someone here willing to build me one!). I have one tree on the corner of the lot behind the home.

    The guy went up on the roof to inspect and he think its the rubber seal that runs along the edge. It may have broken up somewhere and water seeping in. I don't know. I can't understand him one bit. He will inform the dealership and I told him to tell everything to the salesman that was working with me, so I can get an email with complete details.

    The battery is dead. I don't know what kind of battery it is. Something about having water in it? I have never heard of a battery having water....isn't battery suppose to be filled with deadly acid? We tried to get it charged, either not charged enough or won't charge up. Before the move, they had to crank close all the slideouts. After the move, he didn't want to crank them open, because I think he said it may mess up the system or something. He did ask me if I have jumper cables, but I do not. Anyone here willing to jumpstart the battery?

    SoonerSoftail, I will ask if the dealership offer that kind of service. I asked the guy after the move if I can upgrade to 50. He gave an expression like it is not a good idea or something? I asked about what all I can use within 30, but I couldn't understand him. I think he said that the AC unit takes 17 1/2 amps? So, lets say it takes 18 amps... I'll have to find out how much amps a computer and monitor takes. How much amps a television takes. How much amps a fish tank with heater, lights, filters, and whatever else (such as bubbles effect, night light effect, etc) will take. I'll have to find out how much lights will take, the microwave, the fridge, on and on. Most of the Christmas lights will be LED (hallelujah!).

    Before I can get the patio built, I need to try getting that barn and have it in place.

    Btw, what do you all think about the office not being open? Nearly every day last week, I kept going up there in the afternoon and its closed. Today, its closed. I went ahead to put it on the lot anyway. She did tell me what lots was available and #4 was listed. So, I took it. I don't know where she is... She knows that I don't plan to move in until sometime in the Spring.

    I got to get water and sewer hoses. I saw some kool sewer hoses at the dealership. I will get one there to show my support. Very happy it has sewer hookup, so I don't have to worry about using sewer tub and dump. I forgot to ask where the hot water tank is... I hope it has one. I will cry if I have to go through ice-cold showers.

    Oh, in the old thread, I showed pictures of the bathroom. I like it like that rather than all the new models having glass coverings with glass door. I like open bathtub/shower, because I can use the shower curtains. Walmart has real nice Palm Tree shower curtain (very high quality costing $20 itself), so I will get one and the Palm Tree rings. Everything in there will be Palm Tree theme except for the bedroom, I plan to have it luxurious blue accompanied with a fish tank with blue lighting (not strong blue lighting, but pretty) with Demasoni (Cichlid fish from Africa) fishies.

    I have a big dresser in the bedroom with plenty of drawers. On top should fit a 55 gallon tank. I'm going to remove the curtains/shades on the window there and put the tank in front of it. The closet is a decent space and the doors is full mirrors. I think the bed is a queen size. I need to look and see if I can take the bed out and put in twin size and have it turn the other way around to open up the bedroom space. I think built-in beds in RVs usually have storage space under the mattress, so I need to see if mine is really that way or not and if I can remove it out.

    That's it for today's blogging edition. More coming later!

    Edit Update - I forgot to mention the manager reaction. I told him about the Silver Seal suggestion to paint on the roof. He gave a very strong disagreement expression that it's a very bad idea or so unheard of. I dunno. He just told me that the guy moving it will inspect it and inform them what needs to be done.

  15. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    I found that HH are made by NuWa. They have a forum, which I joined. I am very angry..no wait..furious that Thunder was taken. >_< So, I joined as Thunder84 there at nuwaowners.org. The forum is extremely locked down. No one can view until they register, but only when an Admin approve it. LOL!!! I'm looking at millions of posts.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Okay, I got to retype the whole thing all over again!!! But first, I went to install the Text Area Cache for Firefox. >_<

    What happened to all the pictures? :-O Either they are missing or an entire post is missing, so I'm a bit lost in the conversation.

    I paid January's $250 today and requested for towing service. The manager gave it to me free of charge. It is now at the Skyline lot #4. I made sure it was parked straight and evenly. Looks like plenty of space for me to park my truck in front of the home (sort of the hood of the truck underneath the bedroom section). This leaves me great patio area (hoping to find someone here willing to build me one!). I have one tree on the corner of the lot behind the home.

    The guy went up on the roof to inspect and he think its the rubber seal that runs along the edge. It may have broken up somewhere and water seeping in. I don't know. I can't understand him one bit. He will inform the dealership and I told him to tell everything to the salesman that was working with me, so I can get an email with complete details.

    A seal should be easy to fix and if it's just that you don't need to paint the top yet

    The battery is dead. I don't know what kind of battery it is. Something about having water in it? I have never heard of a battery having water....isn't battery suppose to be filled with deadly acid? We tried to get it charged, either not charged enough or won't charge up. Before the move, they had to crank close all the slideouts. After the move, he didn't want to crank them open, because I think he said it may mess up the system or something. He did ask me if I have jumper cables, but I do not. Anyone here willing to jumpstart the battery?

    Sounds like an old battery and unless you lose power you shouldn't need it.

    SoonerSoftail, I will ask if the dealership offer that kind of service. I asked the guy after the move if I can upgrade to 50. He gave an expression like it is not a good idea or something? I asked about what all I can use within 30, but I couldn't understand him. I think he said that the AC unit takes 17 1/2 amps? So, lets say it takes 18 amps... I'll have to find out how much amps a computer and monitor takes. How much amps a television takes. How much amps a fish tank with heater, lights, filters, and whatever else (such as bubbles effect, night light effect, etc) will take. I'll have to find out how much lights will take, the microwave, the fridge, on and on. Most of the Christmas lights will be LED (hallelujah!).

    Before I can get the patio built, I need to try getting that barn and have it in place.

    For now just put out a picnic table and a couple chairs

    Btw, what do you all think about the office not being open? Nearly every day last week, I kept going up there in the afternoon and its closed. Today, its closed. I went ahead to put it on the lot anyway. She did tell me what lots was available and #4 was listed. So, I took it. I don't know where she is... She knows that I don't plan to move in until sometime in the Spring.

    Might be closed for the holidays

    I got to get water and sewer hoses. I saw some kool sewer hoses at the dealership. I will get one there to show my support. Very happy it has sewer hookup, so I don't have to worry about using sewer tub and dump. I forgot to ask where the hot water tank is... I hope it has one. I will cry if I have to go through ice-cold showers.

    I'm sure it has hot water and get somebody to light it for you if it's gas

    Oh, in the old thread, I showed pictures of the bathroom. I like it like that rather than all the new models having glass coverings with glass door. I like open bathtub/shower, because I can use the shower curtains. Walmart has real nice Palm Tree shower curtain (very high quality costing $20 itself), so I will get one and the Palm Tree rings. Everything in there will be Palm Tree theme except for the bedroom, I plan to have it luxurious blue accompanied with a fish tank with blue lighting (not strong blue lighting, but pretty) with Demasoni (Cichlid fish from Africa) fishies.

    I have a big dresser in the bedroom with plenty of drawers. On top should fit a 55 gallon tank. I'm going to remove the curtains/shades on the window there and put the tank in front of it. The closet is a decent space and the doors is full mirrors. I think the bed is a queen size. I need to look and see if I can take the bed out and put in twin size and have it turn the other way around to open up the bedroom space. I think built-in beds in RVs usually have storage space under the mattress, so I need to see if mine is really that way or not and if I can remove it out.

    If the sun shines in that window a lot it may grow algae in the tank so you may want to think twice about that

    That's it for today's blogging edition. More coming later!

    Edit Update - I forgot to mention the manager reaction. I told him about the Silver Seal suggestion to paint on the roof. He gave a very strong disagreement expression that it's a very bad idea or so unheard of. I dunno. He just told me that the guy moving it will inspect it and inform them what needs to be done.
    see above

  17. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    There will be background on the tank.

    I had just thought of something last night and posted on the NuWa forum seeking advice on it. I think the 2nd AC unit was to stop the use of the 1st AC, because the 2nd AC has its own power cord. This will greatly reduce the amps usage. I'm hoping the hot water tank will be powered with gas.

  18. #18

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Also, you need to think about how much a 55 gal tank weighs and make sure the cabinetry can hold that weight. From what I've seen of RV cabinets I would wonder. You might have to do some reinforcing.

  19. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    They got a website!!!

    I was doing Google search to find their official business name listing and OMG!


    It looks like they also have 100 & 200 amps hookup, OMG! I'm going to look into upgrading for 100.

  20. #20

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    They got a website!!!

    I was doing Google search to find their official business name listing and OMG!


    It looks like they also have 100 & 200 amps hookup, OMG! I'm going to look into upgrading for 100.

    You'll still need to see if your camper can handle that

  21. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Yeah, it most likely can only handle 50 max unless total replacement of everything.

    The lights run on the battery and the electric keep the battery charged.

    I found outlets outside on the curbside slideout!!! So perfect to use for Christmas lights hookup (which will be all LED for more strings to connect). I think there may be another outlets on the other side.

    I was there today just to look around a bit and took some things out of the boxes. I got a couple of things set out.

    ugh bbl

  22. #22

    Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Thunder. You DO NOT NEED 100 amps. Most 1000 to 2000 sq. foot houses have 100 amp services. No RV needs 100 amps. Don't go crazy!

  23. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    X2. I installed a 100 amp breaker box in my workshop...I guarantee that I have more high-draw devices out there than a 5th wheel does, by a long shot...And I'm nowhere near maxing it out.

  24. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    X2. I installed a 100 amp breaker box in my workshop...I guarantee that I have more high-draw devices out there than a 5th wheel does, by a long shot...And I'm nowhere near maxing it out.
    How good are you with electrical stuff? I'll want to upgrade to 50 amps. Could you do that? Are you also a handy man?

  25. Default Re: 5th Wheel Mobile Home

    Not really that great with it. But I moved into a house with a large workshop that thieves had gotten hold of and stolen all the copper, including the circuit box. Electricians wanted too much to come out and do it. So I learned it, did it myself, then had an electrician inspect it for much, MUCH less money.

    I have a basic understanding of building code now, and a slightly above basic knowledge of how electrical systems work...I know nothing about RV electrical systems. I would be pretty useless for your needs. Besides, not being licensed and working on somebody's electrical system is a GREAT way to opening myself up to liability issues. Sorry man.

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