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Thread: OKC police helicopter question

  1. #1

    Question OKC police helicopter question

    Anyone know why the OKCPD copter was flying a repeated pattern around S.W. 104th & May area--could have extended a bit farther in all directions, hard to tell exactly--from approx. 3:30 AM to 5:30 AM this morning (12-27)? We never heard any sirens, which usually accompany the copter if it is in "search" mode. For the "search" to last that long (with one break, apparently to go refuel), we figured something significant had to have happened.

    Really curious and would appreciate any info.

  2. Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Probably nothing. Where I live (SE 44 and Sooner area), helicopters flying overhead at all hours is pretty normal. Rarely do we ever hear sirens. They tend to circle the ghetto apartments at SE 44 and Cherry Hill at least a couple of times a month.

    I have a police scanner app on my iPhone and you can often tell what is going on by their chatter. Usually it is just some burglary, vandalism or shoplifting suspect on the run. In most of those cases the police will not arrive with sirens (or even lights in many cases).

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    I get so many helicopters flying over my house... 50th and May area.. that I don't pay attention

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Could it be the Newz Helicopters checking out why the police helicopter is circling the neighborhood?

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I get so many helicopters flying over my house... 50th and May area.. that I don't pay attention
    Agreed. Under normal flyovers, the noise doesn't even wake us up, but this morning, it was over and over and over and over, until not only did it awaken us, we couldn't get back to sleep because of the persistent sound. You get the picture! And we even live under part of the flight path to WR, but the planes don't circle for 2 hours.

    Since the police usually don't even respond to break-in calls in our neighborhood--they just take the information over the phone, it just seemed like something outside the ordinary must have happened.

    We did wonder if someone had walked away from one of the many senior assisted centers in the area, but never heard about a "silver alert."

    Guess we'll never know.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by old okie View Post
    Agreed. Under normal flyovers, the noise doesn't even wake us up, but this morning, it was over and over and over and over, until not only did it awaken us, we couldn't get back to sleep because of the persistent sound. You get the picture! And we even live under part of the flight path to WR, but the planes don't circle for 2 hours.

    Since the police usually don't even respond to break-in calls in our neighborhood--they just take the information over the phone, it just seemed like something outside the ordinary must have happened.

    We did wonder if someone had walked away from one of the many senior assisted centers in the area, but never heard about a "silver alert."

    Guess we'll never know.

    I'm thinking a SAM would have fixed the problem for you

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    I'm glad someone brought this up. I live on SW 99th and Fairview. The helicopter was hovering at the same cul de sac at SW 96th and Fairview. It went on for a long, long time and very close to the ground, thus very loud. I got up repeatedly and looked out the window. It never strayed from that same area until I turned on the porch light and walked outside. It immediately homed in on me and after waving at it, I promptly went inside. There were no patrol cars visible at the entrance to the cul de sac at any point. I'm not sure what they were looking for, but it wasn't an Asian guy.

  8. Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    You guys need to report the offense to the proper authority. I'm not sure if OKCPD will do anything about it, but at least try calling them with an angry message. Sending an email should work, too. Try something to get a response. They are liable/responsible for providing an explanation for disturbing the peace (which is a crime).

    Chucky, you shouldn't have waved at them. You should've displayed angry body language...and possibly wave a broom at them in a violent motion. They need to get it through their heads that it was unacceptable.

    They don't need to be doing that to people. So far, not a single person from OKCPD on here is responding to this offense. Trust me, if I was hearing something like this, I would be raising hell, because its unacceptable.

    I haven't seen anything on the news. Brian mentioned nothing on the police scanners. So, this was most likely joyriding and intentionally disturbing the peace.

    Just before Christmas, the old lady neighbor next door was found on the floor (still alive). There was swarm of police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks all over the street. Did they constantly leave their blaring sirens on? Nope. It was all silent and respectful. They did their job properly.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I get so many helicopters flying over my house... 50th and May area.. that I don't pay attention
    If you are talking about NW 50th and May, 95% of them are moving in and out from Baptist. Deaconess and Baptist are all on the MERC trauma rotation so that is why there are so many helicopters in that area.

    I noticed Air One usually patrols South of I-40 and West of I-44 until about 39th Street. You do not see the police helicopter on the far Northwest side unless a ground search or pursuit is in progress.

    I wouldn't follow Thunder's advice they will get an officer at your door on welfare investigation. A broom could easily be confused for a rifle from the air. They can fly anywhere they want in the city provided they are conducting patrols or responding to a call. Not all traffic comes across police scanners these days. Most of the traffic comes across the mobile data terminals. It was likely they were responding to an alarm call. Air one will check alarm and high priority calls from the air if no officers can respond right away. It could have also been a surveillance run on someone's house. They do have thermal imaging cameras on board and they can tell if people are present. People don't realize just how spread out OKC officers are on a given night.

  10. Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Better yet, wave a weedwacker at them, if memory serves, that gets quite a response.

    Naturally, ignore Thunder's advice and just chalk it up to a routine patrol or Air1 just being first on the scene.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I get so many helicopters flying over my house... 50th and May area.. that I don't pay attention
    We used to live on 42nd a couple of blocks East of May. The helicopter was at least a weekly thing. One night it was really low and I went out on the porch to check it out. I got hit by the spotlight and was told to get back in the house.

  12. Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    We used to live on 42nd a couple of blocks East of May. The helicopter was at least a weekly thing. One night it was really low and I went out on the porch to check it out. I got hit by the spotlight and was told to get back in the house.
    That's only because you were naked.

  13. Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    That's only because you were awesomely naked.

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    You guys need to report the offense to the proper authority. I'm not sure if OKCPD will do anything about it, but at least try calling them with an angry message. Sending an email should work, too. Try something to get a response. They are liable/responsible for providing an explanation for disturbing the peace (which is a crime).
    Operating a motor vehicle while exceeding the speed limit, running through red lights, crossing the centerline and making excessive noise are also illegal, but that's what police, fire and EMSA do.

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Not particularly relevant, but I'm curious. How many helicopters does the OKC police department have? Seems like the proper thread to ask.

  16. Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by Hondo1 View Post
    Not particularly relevant, but I'm curious. How many helicopters does the OKC police department have? Seems like the proper thread to ask.
    I assume the only ones are at the old downtown airpark. I see two in the hangars when I'm there.

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Correct, there are two helicopters and one small fixed wing aircraft for flying officers out of state for conducting investigations and interviews with suspects who are in custody out of state. They alternate between the two helicopters to reduce wear and tear on the aircrafts. Not to mention if one goes down the other is ready for use. Which is conservative considering OCPD covers 620 square miles of Oklahoma City, metro cities and few of the rural areas near the city when needed. LAPD runs 19 helicopters and 1 Beechcraft for 489 square miles of service area.
    During Emergencies they will put both helicopters in the air. The night that one tornado went towards the television stations I remember hearing Air 1, Air 2 and Omaha 1 (OHP) they were all assisting with disaster recovery since all the power got knocked out up there. I remember hearing Mason Dunn tell the anchors when he was back at News 9 that night that he had to follow the roads into the station to avoid hitting the antenna support wires at the station and the other stations.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Here are some videos regarding OCPD air support.

    OCPD Police Forum (Air One pt. 1)

    OCPD Police Forum (Air One pt. 2)

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    I've never heard of that wire cutter they have on front of the copter before, makes sense though.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    I think it would be cool if they mounted train horns on the helicopters.
    Some may disagree.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I think it would be cool if they mounted train horns on the helicopters.
    Some may disagree.
    Now there's an idea I can get behind.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I think it would be cool if they mounted train horns on the helicopters.
    Some may disagree.
    Don't dare fly them over Automobile Alley!

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Many valid points raised in this thread. One thing I've noticed lately is Air 1 augmenting the guys on the ground due to manpower issues. Air 1 has been checking on Extra Watch/Patrols to free up the patrolman to take calls. Possibly what they may have been doing. Just being a presence. I was on a traffic stop the other night and the guys in the bird were doing one of these Extra Patrols in the apartment complex I was next to.

  24. #24

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I think it would be cool if they mounted train horns on the helicopters.
    Some may disagree.
    You have my support as well.

  25. #25

    Default Re: OKC police helicopter question

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I think it would be cool if they mounted train horns on the helicopters.
    Some may disagree.
    I think they should start that in the KC area right away.

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