I was flying in from DIA the other night and on the approach to WR I noticed a large area of red blinking lights that were synchronized on the landscape. The array of lights was about 3 or 4 miles long and probably 1-2 miles wide. No discernable pattern, I would guesstimate 30-40 lights. I tried to find a landmark, but the best I could do is once they were out of view of my West facing window, I looked East and saw the Devon tower on the opposite side. So I would say they were 20-30 miles West of DT and 10 miles North. The dispersion reminded me of a windfarm, but I didn't think that there is any in this area and it was to close to OKC to be Clinton. Anyone frequent flyers out there seen this as well and know what it is? The guy next to me even commented on it, it just looked odd.