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Thread: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

  1. Default What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    I enjoy this site very much. I think it has a lot of potential and could be a tremendous place - with more participation.

    Why not open up the site to allow anyone to have read-only access? Then, when stimulated by discussion, those same visitors might be more inclined to take the time to register and participate.

    As much as I enjoy the site, it's frustrating to see the same names over and over. A "core" group of no more, it seems, than maybe 25 or so. Maybe less, I don't know. I really do believe that greater participation here would make it more of a can't-miss stop. I question whether participation will grow beyond the hard core city design/planner types (who are great) until anyone can view the discussions to even WANT to be a part of the discussion.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts!

  2. #2
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Everyone does have read access so I'm not certain what you are referring to. To see what guest have acccess to logout and clear your cookies.

  3. Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Well, leave it to me to suggest something that's already being done! At one time, wasn't even read access blocked? Maybe I had a dream. Maybe I need a drink. Maybe I've had too many drinks. No, I think I'm just behind the times. Thanks for correcting me!

  4. #4
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    You are correct it used to be blocked. For the very reasons you point out I removed the blocks. The results have been mixed. When the site was blocked to guest we averaged 250-300 new members a month. After I removed the block we might average 50 per month. Granted most people joined only to read a specific thread and never came back. I can only assume that with the current system people that join have a genuine interest in participating.<O</O

  5. #5
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    I don't know why no more than just the very few will post messages, but I feel the same way about just seeing the same old tired names showing up in a thread; one can almost guess what response his post will evoke and from whom.

    I am not saying I have a fix for it, but I do think people are scared to make that first input that anyone with a computer can see, and if they make that first post and get "flamed" no matter how hot the flame, they go back into their hole and won't ever probably come back out.

    Me, I welcome any type "flaming." But, anyone who flames me, should be prepared for whatever comes his way. I have not written a letter to editor in a long time, but back when I did, I thrived on the anonymous calls and rebuttal letters; a good war with words is a great exchange. But that is just me.

    And it seems that so many here (yet there are so few here who is active) on this board feel they are just a "bit better than anyone else" on here, but to me, no matter your station in life---you and I are equal in that my opinion is just as valid as your opinion is no matter the subject. Granted, there are subjects that I have not schooled myself in, and sometimes it may be an uneducated opinion, but that still does not make me wrong.

    Whew! Where are you when I need you, SweetDaisy?

  6. #6
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    I agree with your assessment oki_man5. I've tried just about everything I can think of to stir participation and increase membership. The current contest has the largest prize we've given away to date yet only 4-5 people have even expressed an interest or requested free contest referral cards. We do not market off-line so if you found us its from a search engine or personal referral. This contest was our first effort to actually have tools members can use off-line to bring referrals to the site.

    I've had an ad running for a marketing director for about 3 months now with very few inquiries. The right person could make it a very lucrative opportunity. If you know someone please pass the info along.

    Any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Todd; 03-15-2006 at 09:06 PM.

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Like Todd said, if you want to see membership grow, pass out fliars like Jack did. We're giving away a free IPOD to the person that can get the most new users here through your reference. So if you want to go out and paint a water tower with OKCTalk, and assign yourself a reference number for referrals, join the contest.

  8. Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd
    I agree with your assessment oki_man5. I've tried just about everything I can think of to stir participation and increase membership. The current contest has the largest prize we've given away to date yet only 4-5 people have even expressed an interest or requested free contest referral cards. We do not market off-line so if you found us its from a search engine or personal referral. This contest was our first effort to actually have tools members can use off-line to bring referrals to the site.

    I've had an ad running for a marketing directory for about 3 months now with very few inquiries. The right person could make it a very lucrative opportunity. If you know someone please pass the info along.

    Any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated.
    Are you advertising for a directory or a director? In this post, it says directory. If the answer is director, please send info.

  9. #9
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Yes, it is for a Marketing Director.


  10. #10
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    I recommend GrandMaMa for the position! Are you interested?

  11. Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I recommend GrandMaMa for the position! Are you interested?
    How kind of you, Patrick! I, along with all of the others here, will do my best to help promote this site, but as a full time endeavor, I already have too much on my plate right now.

  12. Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Quote Originally Posted by needa_bddy
    Flyers might get people to come take a look at a site that they did not know existed, but I do not necessarily think it will get people off the couch so to speak and get them to be an active participant as far as posting. That is not to be taken as my knocking this site; honestly, this site is the most active site I have ever ran onto that interested me, and that interest admittedly was generated by it being a local thing.

    But too, I have to qualify that participation as it is divided into segments---like whiteranger mentioned the "hard core city planners." That type discussion does not interest me, so as far as I am concerned, it may as well not exist, so does it contribute for me? No!

    The deep thought discussions for the most part are not what I look for in a discussion group either---I cannot fix what they do in D.C., nor can I stop the war in Iraq, and I suspect nobody else here can either.

    Let's see, I cannot fix D.C., and I am not interested in the buildings downtown OKC, so what is left? Maybe some just plain old fun stuff? I do not come to the discussion groups to get an in-depth education; coming here is to relax and to pass some time, and I want to enjoy what free time I can muster which usually is not very much.

    I like a lively discussion, but I think my opinion is just as valid as anyone else's here---now, that is not to suggest that my opinion should equal an in-depth researched opinion, but too, I usually do not get involved with those type discussions on an online bulletin board.

    I know this was just rambling, and it does not point to a solution, but maybe there will be a tad there that will spark some thought.

    I totally agree with your comment regarding this site being a local thing. In fact, that's how I searched and found it. I think that we all have buttons, that when pushed, almost compel us to contribute. This being true, all folks have different buttons, so I think that the mix provided is good. As a newcomer, I did find the site a little overwhelming when I tried to get the complete lay of the land, so to speak. It seemed to have so many topics that overlapped in content and I found myself jumping in and making splashes where there hadn't been posts for a year. I have to say, I did receive comments about that as well. I'm thinking that if there hasn't been a post in a year, that thread might as well head for the archives. As for the flyers, I don't know if they are cost productive or not, but IMHO, anything and everything that draws attention to the site should stir some interest. I know that if I saw something interesting on a flyer, then a bus bench and or heard someone call in and share a short, free mention on the radio, I would have to inquire further to see what all the fuss was about.

  13. #13
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What about opening site to for visitor read-only?

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd
    Yes, it is for a Marketing Director.

    Actually this position is open to anyone who might be interest in taking up the challenge. If you're interested please contact Todd via PM. Might be a good opportunity for some of you guys and gals to make some extra spending money. All you have to do is go out and try to get us some advertisers. Hit some of the mom and pop stores and see if they would be interested in placing a banner ad on our site, promoting their business. Afterall, this is the largest forum in the state discussing local issues.

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