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Thread: Best places to live in the metro

  1. #51

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    I absolutely love Lake Aluma! Heavily wooded lots and trees that have been there for 60 plus years. That part of OKC is hilly and lots of green. Peaceful and serene is how I remember it when I lived in OKC.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    Piedmont IS the fastest growing area in the metro and a lot of people call it the next Edmond. It's definately a nice little area that's on the rise. I believe they are building a new neighborhood out there along Mustang Road just north of NW Expressway.

    I've heard that Deer Creek has the best school district in the Oklahoma City area and I have been out to Deer Creek before to do some construction projects and they are building houses left and right out there.
    Mustang Rd just north of NW Expwy is really OKC. Piedmont is further north. Piedmont has a seriuos 'lack of water' infrastructure issue and the growth in the area won't explode until it's resolved.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Plus Piedmont is, in general, fairly bleak and treeless.
    Especially to the North and West.
    Which is not to say that the people out there are better or worse.
    Just sayin' . . .

    Lake Aluma is pretty much . . .
    Forest Park without the speed trap.
    And a "lake"

    Frankly . . .
    I think that Spencer is in need of some positive influx.

    Not to mention Inacoma Park . . .

  4. #54

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Mustang Rd just north of NW Expwy is really OKC. Piedmont is further north. Piedmont has a seriuos 'lack of water' infrastructure issue and the growth in the area won't explode until it's resolved.
    Trust me, I know where Piedmont is, you don't have to tell me. But it gets really confusing on Mustand Rd if you're not looking at a map about which part is Oklahoma City and which part is Piedmont so most people along Mustang Rd consider themselves Piedmont which is why I say Piedmont, but yes it is part of Oklahoma City on the particular stretch I'm speaking of. But it looks like a good sized neighborhood being built, probably the largest I've seen built at once out there.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    It gets even more confusing on Mustang Road (wink, wink)
    (If you correct the typo, above, you have no integrity, Sir. =)

  6. #56

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    LOL, I wrote "Mustang Road" in my first post but for some reason I wrote "Mustand Rd" in my latest. LOL

    Also RM, just in case you didn't notice, the western half of OKC is very bleak and baron but the eastern side of OKC is very hilly and "treefull," there's a reason for that. LOL

  7. #57

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Too late for an apology . . .
    or even an explanation . . .
    yet . . .

    Please allow me to confir? upon you the first ever
    Bud Abbot Medal for Straight Line Integrity.

    (Saaaaaaaa-lute! =)

    (The funny part is if "newbies"
    armed with nothing but GPS's"
    were trying to find the posted location . . .
    heh heh heh)

    Yet . . . Speaking of the vicinity . . .
    I can still recall the days when Surrey Hills implied deviations from the actual geography.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    LOL, I wrote "Mustang Road" in my first post but for some reason I wrote "Mustand Rd" in my latest. LOL

    Also RM, just in case you didn't notice, the western half of OKC is very bleak and baron but the eastern side of OKC is very hilly and "treefull," there's a reason for that. LOL
    It's called the Crosstimbers geographic region.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    To Mdot: It's "baron" because of all the oil pumping. (Refer to "Giant" or "There Will Be Blood" for details)
    Western Oklahoma used to be as treefull as the eastern half of the state, but They cut down all the trees to build oil derricks using labor illegally imported from Canada. In these more enlightened times, the clay from that region is still being used in the construction of Aubreyville. Which is a good thing. Plus the removal of the trees reduced the Vet Bills of the proto-cattle ranchers who were getting really tired of having to drive herds of cattle to the doctor on account of head injuries that early lawyers kept blaming on too many trees.

    To Bellaboo: Yup. But only to the east. Where it's more difficult to build a drilling rig out of wood on account of all the hills and having to clear the forests.

    Back on Topic: Anywhere in The OKC Metro is a better place to live than where you are residing now.
    And I mean You in the general sense of the pronoun. =)

  10. #60

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    It's called the Crosstimbers geographic region.
    I can't remember what the western side is part of but I remembered the Cross Timbers. I studied it not too long ago but I've already forgotten how it went.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    "One of our criteria when buying a house is it* must have more than one way to get in and out. Had to deal with that situation in IL and hated it, will never do it again. It's something that most folks don't think about until they live in a place where they have one way out and it's a timed traffic light and they have to sit there for 3 minutes every time they want to turn left out of their addition/subdivision/neighborhood."

    *I assume that when you say "it" you mean The Neighborhood rather than the house/domicile itself.

    However . . . When it comes to Wileman 8 . . . It is within easy walking distance of what remains one of the best Malls in the Metro. =) Especially if They would build a little bridge across the waterway to facilitate pedestrian traffic from the north.

    Please be assured that while all houses in that charming development have both front and back doors, the inconvenience of that one way in and out traffic light may be offset by the fact that it makes that particular neighborhood unattractive to burglars . . . ?

    Oh! And if you are anticipating only a three minute delay at a light like that in OKC you are dreaming. =)
    Yeah, it = neighborhood. We don't do malls much anymore, got out of that habit while living in IL, but that would be handy for someone that liked Penn Square. And I'm sure that light around Xmas-time would be a complete total nightmare, we don't want to live anywhere close to a mall like that, had enough of heavy traffic living in IL, don't wanna deal with it (traffic, not neighborhood :-P ) here.

  12. Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Lights on the Distressway near Penn Square are a complete total nightmare even in July.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Best places to live in the metro

    Truer words were never spoken . . .
    Well . . . Not spoken, exactly . . .
    But typed on a message board . . .

    If you want to see a REAL total nightmare,
    check out Hooterville Junction . . .
    It's down the road a piece,
    between Green Acres and Pixlie.

    But don't do it while you are sleeping.
    Otherwise you miss the real total part.
    Of the nightmare.

    ~Hank Kimball, County Agent

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