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The problem is that people *should* be worried when the government tries to impose its own will on something as individual as food choices. It matters not one bit how "valuable" or how "virtuous" such a law is, nor how much moral superiority that body is said to have, it is fundamentally none of the government's business. What's next? A government mandate to inspect your home refrigerator for what it deems "unhealthy" food? Or "unhealthy" practices? Or "unhealthy" beliefs?
The slippery slope is seen precisely in the following comment: (Note that I add the quote not at all to indict the person who said it, but to illustrate the thought process on the government side that rationalizes these kinds of laws)
The first step is the government saying "You're not eating the proper foods. We will build laws to prevent it." So we criminalize a restaurateur. The next is "well, those previous laws didn't work, so now we're going to require you to prove you're as active as we think you should be." So then we criminalize a private citizen who, say, doesn't walk two miles a day. Those motivations might even be well-founded, noble ones, but the notion of the government imposing its will in this manner in the name of its own curious sense of social benevolence should bug the fire out of everyone.
The reply might come, "Oh, but everyone knows that they eat "healthy" food, or we do "healthy" things, so that won't bother me," but that's precisely the point. No one becomes indignant about a law and the abject usurpation of governmental authority until it gores their particular ox. Then, in retrospect, it was *obvious* that the government was going too far. But by then, sadly, it's waaay too late.