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Thread: 11-11-11

  1. #26

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    True love or ONE night stand. Oh gotta go, he's waitin for me!
    I'd prefer that personally. Not ready for any commitments yet.

    J/K of course, I personally can't wait to get married but I want to make sure it's the right person. =)

  2. Default Re: 11-11-11

    Well, the day is over. Everyone ruined this topic, cuz it was not made for Vets. Maybe next year on the 12.

  3. #28

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Well, the day is over. Everyone ruined this topic, cuz it was not made for Vets. Maybe next year on the 12.
    That's a rude and disrespectful way to put it. It's sad that some people are worried about some silly superstition more so than respecting and honouring our veterans who fight so we can have the freedom to come up with these worthless theories. I was single at 11:59 of 11-10 and I was single at 12:00 of 11-12 but I had someone fighting for my freedom at 11:59 of 11-10 and I had someone fighting for my freedom at 12:00 of 11-12. Guess which theory I prefer...

    You want to know what will happen on 12-12-12...?? My cousins 16th birthday and that's it. Now guess what will happen on 13-13-13... Nothing, because no such date exists. -__-

    I know that when you made this thread you had in mind of what our BIG plans were to celebrate yet another "symbolic" date but you said "got plans (for today)" not "what are you going to do to celebrate another fun theory." And just for your sake Thunder, what did you do to celebrate 11-11-11 (seriously)? Any big wishes you can elaborate on?

    Veterans Day may only be on 11-11 but I celebrate my heroes everyday; 11-11-11 may be when everyone had hope of a relationship but I have hope of a relationship everyday; 11:11 11-11-11 may be when everyone made a wish but I don't wish, I live with what I've got.

    No disrespect towards anyone who participate in these mm-dd-yy but I personally have better things to do than sit around wishing something would happen for me.

    Rant over and God bless you all (or y'all, whichever fits).

  4. #29

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    It is impossible to top Post #3 . . .
    mmmmmmmm had it right.
    I, unfortunately have to deal
    with a keyboard that goes
    no matter how much I wish it didn't.

    I feel like a lemming.
    (or at least a Cyberlemming =)

    Oh. Sh-t....
    Was that just a cheap firetruck that i just crashed into......?!!!

  5. #30

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    There are Nuts . . .
    And then there are Nuts that go up to 11 [And Beyond!!!]
    (Ref.Post#3, Page 1 =)

    Nigel Tuffnel: The Latter Years ...
    (With no guitar or amp)

  6. #31

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    This movie has it all -- love & war (anti-war, as it were).

    What may be the most counter-intuitive, and best, arguments against the stupidity of most wars. James Garner and Joyce Grenfell joust on heroism and cowardice with a surpising end. Great filmaking from Artheur Hiller and Paddy Chayefsky, 1964.

  7. #32

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    Good pick for a point regarding "The Americanization of Emily", yet some "wars" were fought on "domestic soil" . . . And "The Song Remains The Same" as "They" used to say even if it was before "your" time . . .

  8. #33

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Well, the day is over. Everyone ruined this topic, cuz it was not made for Vets. Maybe next year on the 12.
    With all due respect don't be such an ass. Many good people served and gave their lives so people like you could post your drivil.

  9. Default Re: 11-11-11

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    With all due respect don't be such an ass. Many good people served and gave their lives so people like you could post your drivil.
    Another thread could be made for that. Duh!

  10. #35
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: 11-11-11

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Another thread could be made for that. Duh!
    Your priorities are way out-of-whack.

    Also, this pretty much nails it - "Any time written as hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yy won't repeat for 100yr. Evidence something can be rare yet completely uninteresting." - Neil Tyson

  11. #36

    Default Re: 11-11-11

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