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I see you are becoming a bit discouraged, Patrick. It's okay, I've been in your place. You've done your fair share, but Patrick, you can't go at it alone. It takes a city. A few voices will raise eyebrows, but the buck stops there. Several thousand voices will move a herd, and that is the only way sweeping changes are made.
Ron Norick did it because he was in the right position. He was a mayor that used his powers the right way. But a shining star isn't common.
Councilors, organizations and even developers will all have their own agenda. Randy hogan is not a shining star, nor a politician. He is a business owner, and his only agenda is money.
Don't let the powers that be dicourage you. Oklahoma City doesn't belong to them. It belongs to you. Lower Bricktown will not always be Randy's property. Someone with more vision and influence in the right place will come along. I promise.
It will happen as suddenly as the Hornets did to our city. Randy's mistakes will either be enhanced or demolished. The OCURA will be asked for answrs they don't have, and their positions be extinguished.
Everything gets old before it booms. You will always have ups and downs. Just get through the downs, because there days in OKC are numbered.
I joined OKCTalk because it can be used as an engine for change in Oklahoma City. That, is actually, the purpose of a forum. To discuss, digest, brainstorm, colaborate and put into action. But someone has to lead the charge. Not everyone will get on board. You have to pick and choose the ones with the right energy, the same passion and the same goals for our city. That is how you build an army.