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Thread: American Idol 2006

  1. #26
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by okcgoddess
    Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of the Kellie Pickler innocent southern girl act? She doesn't sing that well and you can totally tell that Simon has the hots for her. If she was anyone else he would have already told her to pack her bags for home.
    Well, Bucky made it to the top 12, and so did Kellie. It's amazing how a southern girl can sing country and then sing rock and roll. I like the way she sings, and being pretty doesn't hurt either.

    I can't believe that Kevin made it to the top 12 although, it is interesting to see the young uns make it this far.

    I haven't really decided what guy I would like to see go all the way, but I do believe that Paris will blow the other girls away. She has a powerful voice. My wife thinks that Ace will blow the other guys away.

    BTW, ole Paula looked sober and alert tonight. She is a beauty in the eyes of this beholder.

  2. #27
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Kellie Pickler is a dit wit. She has air between her ears. That's the only reason guys like her.

    Kevin has a great tenor voice, he just needs to find better songs. He'd probably do pretty well with songs from Josh Groban.

  3. #28
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    I think Ayla should've stayed. Just bad song choice. Also, I can't believe Gideon is gone. I thought he was way better than Bucky. Bucky can't sing.

  4. #29
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Gideon wasn't all that great, although I agree that Bucky has no voice. It's only the type of music he chooses that fits him.

    I think Chris may have the best voice. I can hear him on a radio someday.

    I don't really care for Paris. Personally, I think she acts pretty immature.

    I agree....I like Kevin, but I can't see him being an American Idol. He's just a youngin like Paris.

    Mandisa has a voice. That lady can howl.

    I'd bet that Chris and Mandisa are in the top 2.

  5. #30
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    As they have stated time and time again, it is not just the voice that can make one the American Idol; it is the entire package.

    Guess which one I think has the entire package.

  6. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Oki Man5 no I'm not jealous! Yes she has been able to pull off a few performances and sing good. I'm happy for her. And you are probably right that she has more of the entire package than anyone else. She is doing what it takes to keep fans and to win the competition. I just feel like she is being fake most of the time and not real. I also had read on Entertainment Weekly that she has been on TV and in a singing competition before. People from her hometown said she isn't being truthful.
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  7. #32
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    As they have stated time and time again, it is not just the voice that can make one the American Idol; it is the entire package.

    Guess which one I think has the entire package.
    This is supposed to be a singing competition. Not a modeling competition. If you want to see modeling, switch over to "America's Next Top Model."

    And I don't give Taylor any points for his dancing either. Want to see dancing, turn over to Dancing with the Stars.

  8. #33
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Patrick says: "This is supposed to be a singing competition. Not a modeling competition."

    I have to differ with that statement; this is an entire package competition wherein singing is only a part of it.

    If you want a singing competition, I dunno where to tell you to go, but you surely are wrong about American Idol being only a singing competition.

    Guess what, I cannot even carry a tune, yet I get to vote just like anyone else who might want to vote on it.

  9. #34
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    Patrick says: "This is supposed to be a singing competition. Not a modeling competition."

    I have to differ with that statement; this is an entire package competition wherein singing is only a part of it.

    If you want a singing competition, I dunno where to tell you to go, but you surely are wrong about American Idol being only a singing competition.

    Guess what, I cannot even carry a tune, yet I get to vote just like anyone else who might want to vote on it.
    Seeing some of the outfits they are wearing, tells me that this is definitely not a modeling competition. Some of the clothes they wear are pathetic looking. The three judges look at stage appearance, voice tone, and body language.........nothing about modeling.

    When you model, you walk up and down a runway, showing off your clothes...I don't see that happening on American Idol.

  10. #35
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Is the only thing a model shows off is clothes? I think not! Take a look at some of the models, and I think you will rethink your position.

    Yes! Victoria's Secret's girls show off panties and such, and the American Idol contestants model the entire package they have.

    Guess what, Keith. It is not the three judges who are making the selections at this point---it is the "me's" out there who make the calls or send the text messages, and I will guarantee you, this ole "me" is not voting anything concerning the voice---it is the rest of the package that I base my vote on.

    By the way, I never said anything about modeling, but in effect, that is what they do---it is not clothes they model though, it is their appeal to the people who vote. If you want to base your vote on the voice, more power to you, but that is not what my vote will be based on.

  11. #36
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    Is the only thing a model shows off is clothes? I think not! Take a look at some of the models, and I think you will rethink your position.

    Yes! Victoria's Secret's girls show off panties and such, and the American Idol contestants model the entire package they have.

    Guess what, Keith. It is not the three judges who are making the selections at this point---it is the "me's" out there who make the calls or send the text messages, and I will guarantee you, this ole "me" is not voting anything concerning the voice---it is the rest of the package that I base my vote on.

    By the way, I never said anything about modeling, but in effect, that is what they do---it is not clothes they model though, it is their appeal to the people who vote. If you want to base your vote on the voice, more power to you, but that is not what my vote will be based on.
    Maybe you should not be voting then. The voting is for the singers with the best voices and performances. If you are voting for "the rest of the package," then you don't know the concept to American Idol. BTW, I know that it's the people that are voting now, however, they would not have made it as far as they did without the votes of the judges. I actually don't waste my time text messaging my picks, because it is a waste of money.

    As you can very well see, the past American Idols have been making tons of recordings of songs. I don't know of any of them that won American Idol and decided to start modeling instead. I think you have your shows mixed up.

  12. #37
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Ah! The truth finally comes out; if I do not agree with you and Patrick, then I surely do not know the issue---very predictable, Keith. LOL

    You know, on Skating with the Stars, the judges kept control of whom people could keep by giving themselves half of the points---the judges vote counted for half, and you factor in that people could call in or URL in and vote for up to three at the end, there was no way the "me's" could control the vote.

    But with the judges not reserving control for themselves, the "me's" have control for whatever reason they want to vote.

    My "American Idol" might be determined by the loveliness of a young lady's butt, and Jack might like the tall one who got dumped; Sweetdaisy might like the graying on the guy's hair, and there goes her vote.

    And each of those votes count just as much as a vote by some jerk who thinks he knows voices.

  13. #38
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    And each of those votes count just as much as a vote by some jerk who thinks he knows voices.
    You have gone a little too far, Oki_Man. We were having a half way decent debate, and then you proceed to call me a jerk, which is name calling and against the TOS. I have sent you an e-mail that you need to read.

    Patrick and I don't agree on a lot of things, but saying that .......".Ah! The truth finally comes out; if I do not agree with you and Patrick, then I surely do not know the issue---very predictable, Keith. LOL" is a very wrong statement. Patrick and I don't agree on a lot of things, and we don't both know "all the issues," however, we are allowed to agree to disagree with others.......yes, even you.

  14. #39
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    I can't help but wonder why you might think that comment would apply to you---it was obviously a non-definitized statement that might apply to anyone.

  15. #40
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    I can't help but wonder why you might think that comment would apply to you---it was obviously a non-definitized statement that might apply to anyone.
    Hmmm. let me think here......In the last 4 or 5 posts, I was the one talking about American Idol being more about singng and voices, and you were the one that said that it wasn't. The comment was directed towards me...that's a no-brainer.

  16. #41
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Wondering if I had been in this discussion with Jack for instance or Midtowner or whomever, and I had made the same statement, would it have been taken the same way that it was namecalling of one specific individual?

    for cover. LOL Cheney is on the loose. LOL

  17. #42
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    Wondering if I had been in this discussion with Jack for instance or Midtowner or whomever, and I had made the same statement, would it have been taken the same way that it was namecalling of one specific individual?

    for cover. LOL Cheney is on the loose. LOL
    Yes, it would have been taken the same way. If you have any further questions, please e-mail me or PM me. Please do not ask them in a post.

    Back to the topic, please.

  18. #43
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    Guess what, Keith. It is not the three judges who are making the selections at this point---it is the "me's" out there who make the calls or send the text messages, and I will guarantee you, this ole "me" is not voting anything concerning the voice---it is the rest of the package that I base my vote on.
    Yup, you're entitled to your opinions on American Idol, just like you are here. Most people do vote based on signing voice, because these people are competing for a recording contract. They're not competing for a modeling contract. But, like I said its your choice, because anyone can vote, and base their votes on whatever.

  19. #44
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    Ah! The truth finally comes out; if I do not agree with you and Patrick, then I surely do not know the issue---very predictable, Keith. LOL
    Nobody said anything like that. You're entitled to your view on the issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    My "American Idol" might be determined by the loveliness of a young lady's butt, and Jack might like the tall one who got dumped; Sweetdaisy might like the graying on the guy's hair, and there goes her vote.

    And each of those votes count just as much as a vote by some jerk who thinks he knows voices.
    I was just saying that these people are trying to win a recording contract, not a modeling shoot. Recording contracts are based on voice quality. Most people tend to vote off those that can't sing, regardless of how they look.

  20. #45
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    And each of those votes count just as much as a vote by some jerk who thinks he knows voices.
    And who would the jerk be that you're referring to?

  21. #46
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    I can't help but wonder why you might think that comment would apply to you---it was obviously a non-definitized statement that might apply to anyone.
    Yeah. It's just about like saying that someone that comes up with an excuse for jury duty has gone AWOL on their civic duty. Wonder who that statement was referring to.

  22. #47
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    Wondering if I had been in this discussion with Jack for instance or Midtowner or whomever, and I had made the same statement, would it have been taken the same way that it was namecalling of one specific individual?

    for cover. LOL Cheney is on the loose. LOL
    I've had enough people call me a jack ass on here. I don't put up with that crap either.
    Oki_Man5, get off of it, and let's get back to discussing American Idol.

    And don't get your panties all in a wad when someone disagrees with you on the mission of American Idol.

  23. #48
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    I think the contest isn't based soley on singing talent. The judges have repeatedly stated so. The look, the mannerisms, and the talent is what makes up the "whole package" that I think should be considered. American Idol is about finding a star, not just the best voice.

  24. #49
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk
    I think the contest isn't based soley on singing talent. The judges have repeatedly stated so. The look, the mannerisms, and the talent is what makes up the "whole package" that I think should be considered. American Idol is about finding a star, not just the best voice.
    Okay, I can agree with that.

  25. #50
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk
    I think the contest isn't based soley on singing talent. The judges have repeatedly stated so. The look, the mannerisms, and the talent is what makes up the "whole package" that I think should be considered. American Idol is about finding a star, not just the best voice.
    I do like your definition of the "whole package." It beats the other definition that we have been hearing about.

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