I am probably going to regret wading in here, but here goes...
First, if you don't know the difference between a tax deduction and a tax subsidy, you probably don't have enough business sense to be accusing Devon and others of unethical behavior.
"ljbab728 uses that phrase a lot but fails to understand that part of changing anything is to first make people aware of what we perceive to be wrong. That would include posting to community forums like OKCTalk.
It's like we shouldn't be posting about things until we've "changed" what it is we see as wrong. Very simple minded and an easy out when backed into a corner - or - just wasn't have to admit something is
possibly wrong/unethical/whatever until whatever has been "changed". In other words, bass ackwards. "
Subsidies are handed out industries that can't turn a profit on their own, such as wind power, solar (Solyndra), ethanol, etc. I have limited the examples to energy, as that is the topic here. These industries are the darlings of the politically correct, and politicians trying to get elected, or bring home the pork. Where is the anger toward our tax dollars being frittered away to the cronies of politicians on these boondoggles.
Next, do any of you who rail against our local "Golden Geese" employers, not take all allowable deductions on your personal and/or business taxes? Just remember, if it weren't for the largess of big bad corporations, you would not have a park to live in while you protest whatever it is you are protesting.
Rant off